OlliS [YleX, BreakThatHouse]

110 posts, 6 pages, 24,263 views

#61 • • olliS Guest
Hello there mr. prophecy!

Nice to hear that you like my mixes in the Caribbean too :)
I wouldn't mind playing there at all.. so we'll see how things work out in the future :)
#62 • • blkcrow Guest
Hey, just wanted to let you know you are missed on the Mercuryserver boards. They are back up, unfortuantely you have to re-register. But I know alot of people love your mixes including myself. :cool:

So, I am hoping you will come back and post some more great music.

#63 • • olliS Guest

Yeah, I know I haven't been posting much lately on MS-board.. a simple reason for that is that I'm working out of town and don't have a computer at the place I stay. But more will come, that's for sure :)

A new mix from me can be heard at Eccentric Beats radio show next saturday on Matt Samuels' show, check it out!
#64 • • blkcrow Guest
Thanks for replying. That's understandable not having a computer.

I did see you had a show coming up on Eccentric Beats, I listen to a few shows on there regularly. Look forward to catching it. :cool:
#65 • • olliS Guest
Uusi miksaus, Dark July vol.2 imutettavissa täältä.
#66 • • blkcrow Guest
Is that the mix you played on Eccentric Beats?
#67 • • olliS Guest
No, that's a new mix.. the eccentric beats mix is not online atm.

By the way, is mercuryserver working? www.mercuryserver.com isn't working...
#68 • • blkcrow Guest
Ok, did listen to the Dark July mix......awesome mix, great job. :cool:

Yeah, the admins at Mercuryserver are having problems with their hosting company, hopefully it will be resolved within the next day or two.
#69 • • blkcrow Guest

By the way, is mercuryserver working? www.mercuryserver.com isn't working...

It's back up now.
#70 • • prophecy Guest

Ok, did listen to the Dark July mix......awesome mix, great job. :cool:

Hey OlliS, do you think you can revive the link to Dark July? I'm already downloading vol. 2 of the same and can't wait to hear it!!!

I'll let u know what I think of it on the feedback :D
#72 • • Digital Beat Guest

Häpeen sun käytöstä sun puolesta.. ois pitäny käyttää paremmin. :crybaby:

miksi tämmöstä pitää suoltaa toisten artistiprofiiliin?
:confused: Pidä kädet siellä vinyylissä.
#73 • • olliS Guest

:confused: Pidä kädet siellä vinyylissä.

Ja pidä sä se sormi siel perseessä, äläkä tuu heiluu mun topicciin.. kiitos. :angry:
#74 • • Digital Beat Guest

:confused: Pidä kädet siellä vinyylissä.

Ja pidä sä se sormi siel perseessä, äläkä tuu heiluu mun topicciin.. kiitos. :angry:

moderaattoreille lähtee viestiä...
#75 • • olliS Guest

moderaattoreille lähtee viestiä...

Sano terkkuja! :heart:
#76 • • Digital Beat Guest

moderaattoreille lähtee viestiä...

Sano terkkuja! :heart:

#77 • • Homegrove Guest
#78 • • Tapi T Guest
Tätä keskustelua ei sitten jatketa enää täällä.
#79 • • olliS Guest
New promo mix available for download here.
#80 • • olliS Guest
Gigz updatez 'n' da chart 4 August, hokei!