Radio Unity

505 posts, 26 pages, 207,363 views

#381 • • Zapa Guest
hyvvee housee, mee likeey :excellent:
#382 • • kapseli Guest

TYKKÄSIN, häröbiitti toimii aina :hearts:

Ei ehkä ihan aina, mut tästä RUsta löytyy kyll aikamoisia helmiä!! Vitun rentoo biittii!!
Tahtoo baariin kuuntelee tällaista!! :happyroll:
#383 • • orkidea Guest
DJ Orkidea @ Tiistain Tanssi-Ilta 21.12.2004 >>>
Sashaesque Renaissance Sound meets Ultimatus Kixumus Maximus Mix
Feat. Way Out West, Filterheadz, Felix da Housecat, Super8,
Jacques Lu Cont, Sasha, Ferry Corsten, Above & Beyond
#384 • • Homegrove Guest

Sashaesque Renaissance Sound meets Ultimatus Kixumus Maximus Mix


Pitänee kuunnella. :)
#385 • • thomas Guest

DJ Orkidea @ Tiistain Tanssi-Ilta 21.12.2004 >>>
Sashaesque Renaissance Sound meets Ultimatus Kixumus Maximus Mix
Feat. Way Out West, Filterheadz, Felix da Housecat, Super8,
Jacques Lu Cont, Sasha, Ferry Corsten, Above & Beyond

repesin nimelle kyNpillä :eek:

mutta pakko olla silti radiovastaanottimen ääressä
#386 • • jaksu Guest
vanhat mp3:t poistettu..? :sad:

Posts: 182

#387 • • Radarski

vanhat mp3:t poistettu..? :sad:

jep, just kattelin samaa. Eipä tullu tietty downittua niitä kaikkia koneelle :/
#388 • • poet Guest
Club Unity:n sivuilla oli seuraavaa:

"Hello music lovers, we've got sad news.

What started as sharing a radio show with some friends has grown into a considerable distribution of music. And although we have received terrific feedback from every corner of the world, we have decided to take all Radio Unity MP3 files offline as of now.

The reason for this decision is our first-hand realization of sinking music sales, resulting in labels dying and artists giving up their passion. All the while the music is being listened to, danced to, loved, and unfortunately: downloaded for free.

Every one of us has probably contributed a little. Think about how many CDs have you bought in the last year. And how many free MP3 sets have you enjoyed? Most probably many, and therefore while DJs are driving with limos and drinking champagne, 99% of the artists are eating tuna. We want to offer them more tuna. Lots of it. We think their music should bring them enough of a living to keep going and creating more aural bliss. The soundtrack of our lives.

Don't get us wrong - we're all for MP3s. MP3 as a format enables artists and their labels to get the music to you cheaper and faster, and the savings can be passed to you as cheaper prices. Just compare a two-track vinyl price of about 10 euros to downloading the same two tracks from a legal site for 4 euros. Oh, the joys of home-shopping!

In a few months, we hope to have a new free and legal system up and running and we'll get the music to you again. In our vision the sets are a promotion tool for the DJ, and as such the costs should be covered by the DJ benefiting from the promotion. Orkidea has decided to pay the copyright fees for Unity sets to allow you to listen to your heart's content. And that's a dependable Unity Promise(tm).

While waiting for our ultramodern Radio Unity Boomblaster, feel free to check out some of the best legal downloadable music stores catering to trance and progressive fans:

ATS Digital
Play It Tonight
Anjuna Beats

With warmest regards, Club Unity"
#389 • • OSC8 Guest

therefore while DJs are driving with limos and drinking champagne, 99% of the artists are eating tuna. We want to offer them more tuna. Lots of it. We think their music should bring them enough of a living to keep going and creating more aural bliss. The soundtrack of our lives.

Don't get us wrong - we're all for MP3s.

Orkidea has decided to pay the copyright fees for Unity sets to allow you to listen to your heart's content. And that's a dependable Unity Promise(tm).

Huh huh, tietämättä minkälainen systeemi sivuille on myöhemmin tulossa, tai millaiset vaikuttimet tähän päätökseen ovat todellisuudessa johtaneet, jokatapauksessa on hienoa että tälläisiä rohkeita esimerkin antajia löytyy :O

#390 • • orkidea Guest
Uniting the sounds, the minds, the people...

DJ Orkidea @ YleX / TTI - 21.12.2004 - 22:30-00:00
Sashaesque Renaissance Sound meets Ultimatus Kixumus Maximus Mix
01. UNKLE : Reign [Way Out West remix] (Global Underground)
02. Delerium : Silence [Filterheadz remix] (Nettwerk)
03. Dominic Plaza : Sounds Rushing [David West remix] (Fokused)
04. Synergy : Hello Strings (Silver Planet)
05. Hirazka & Kazell : Venice Dawn (CD-R)
06. Felix da Housecat : Watching the Cars Go By [Sasha remix] (GU)
07. Gwen Stephani : What You Waiting For? [JLC remix] (Interscope)
08. Estuera : Tales From The South (Magik Muzik)
09. Ferry Corsten : Holding On [Above & Beyond remix] (Tsunami)
10. Super8 : Cr8 (Anjunabeats)
11. Young Parisians : Jump the Next Train [SS remix] (Euphonic)
12. Rapid Eye : Absolute (ATCR)

DJ Orkidea @ YleX / TTI - 18.01.2005 - 22:00-23:00
Best floorburners of 2004 Megamix
01. Young Parisians : Jump The Next Train [Unpluggged] (white label)
02. White Room : The White Room (MD)
03. Tilt : World Doesn't Know (Lost Language)
04. Group Therapy : My Own Worst Enemy (Therapy)
05. Flash Brothers : Amen [Lys & Gigi remix] (Oxyd)
06. Filterheadz : Yimanya (ID&T)
07. Cohen vs Deluxe : Just Kick (Intec)
08. Randy Katana : In Silence [Txitarro remix] (Reset)
09. Agnelli & Nelson : Holding On To Nothing (Xtravaganza)
10. Prodigy : Voodoo People [Eskimo remix] (CD-R)
11. BT : Monster Main Theme (Emracing The Future)
#391 • • Tapsa Guest

01. Young Parisians : Jump The Next Train [Unpluggged] (white label)
02. White Room : The White Room (MD)

Toi vaihto oli ihan posketon
#392 • • 0z- Guest

01. Young Parisians : Jump The Next Train [Unpluggged] (white label)
02. White Room : The White Room (MD)

Toi vaihto oli ihan posketon

Jump The Next Train' Scott Bond Vs. XDR Intro Mix ? :laugh:
#393 • • Tapsa Guest
Selvä, toi olikin uutuus mulle !

#394 • • orkidea Guest
DJ Orkidea @ Radio Unity 15.02.2005 - Last Train To Trancentral Mix
01. David West : Carrier (Secret Planet)
02. Tilt : Goodbye (Lost Language)
03. Yilmaz Altanhan : 80s, Özgur Can remix (Anjunabeats)
04. Good Livin : Feels So Good (Perc Trax)
05. Starkid : Crayons, Leama & Moor remix (Release)
06. Dominic Plaza : Sounds Rushing, David West remix (Fokused)
07. Pharmacy of Sound : Searching For Substance (Fokused)
08. LSG : Netherworld, Oliver Prime 2005 remix (J00F)
#395 • • jaksu Guest

DJ Orkidea @ Radio Unity 15.02.2005 - Last Train To Trancentral Mix

olipas mainio setti - hyvä tunnelma ja ehjä kokonaisuus. varsinkin nää kaks biisiä putos täysillä

02. Tilt : Goodbye (Lost Language)
03. Yilmaz Altanhan : 80s, Özgur Can remix (Anjunabeats)
#396 • • DJoel Guest
Crayons jaksaa silti potkia kybällä vaikka pitkään on ollu ilmoilla jo. Starkid, RIP.
#397 • • orkidea Guest
DJ Orkidea @ TTI 15.03.2005: Embracing The Sunshine Mix
Sasha - Gabriel & Dresden - Brothers in Rhythm
Deep Dish - Starecase - David West - BT ...
#398 • • orkidea Guest
DJ Orkidea @ Tiistain Tanssi-Ilta 15.03.2005
01. BT : Embracing The Sunshine [Sasha remix] (Perfecto)
02. Nicola Gala : Swing 2 Harmony [Gabriel & Dresden remix] (Data)
03. Deep Dish : Say Hello (Positiva)
04. David West vs Inkfish : Rejections (CD-R)
05. BT : Remember [Benz & MD remix] (white label)
06. Hydro : Liquid Prayers [Starecase remix] (Lakota)
07. BT : Godspeed [Brothers in Rhythm remix] (Renaissance)
08. Technique : Sun Is Shining [Brothers in Rhythm remix] (Creation)
09. Duende : Amor de Dios (Afterglow)
#399 • • MikkiHiiri Guest

DJ Orkidea @ Tiistain Tanssi-Ilta 15.03.2005
01. BT : Embracing The Sunshine [Sasha remix] (Perfecto)
02. Nicola Gala : Swing 2 Harmony [Gabriel & Dresden remix] (Data)
03. Deep Dish : Say Hello (Positiva)
04. David West vs Inkfish : Rejections (CD-R)
05. BT : Remember [Benz & MD remix] (white label)
06. Hydro : Liquid Prayers [Starecase remix] (Lakota)
07. BT : Godspeed [Brothers in Rhythm remix] (Renaissance)
08. Technique : Sun Is Shining [Brothers in Rhythm remix] (Creation)
09. Duende : Amor de Dios (Afterglow)

Nam :)
#400 • • jaksu Guest

DJ Orkidea @ Tiistain Tanssi-Ilta 15.03.2005
04. David West vs Inkfish : Rejections (CD-R)
