Miss Jarea: Scandinavia`s leading female Dj of UK HardStyles

1,201 posts, 61 pages, 251,519 views

#1021 • • Renders Guest
I have nothing against him, and he is probably reading these posts. If not, he will soon. I just think it's lame that I get finnish PM's, from a guy who is communicating in plain English too...
#1022 • • MissJarea Guest

Does she give you a blowjob on every damn reply you post here
or what the hell is your motivation? Give it a rest...

I beg ya pardon? Lame comments are one thing, but insults are way over the line here!!! :mad:
#1023 • • Renders Guest

I beg ya pardon? Lame comments are one thing, but insults are way over the line here!!! :mad:

Yup... What a jerk!
#1024 • • Edited Jone Guest

Yup... What a jerk!

Ok, this is just getting to be so fucking sad. Whenever Jarea's topic isn't on the top (there hadn't been new messages in 5 days) you come and lift it there even though you have nothing worth saying to say. Even though I'm not a particularly huge fan of this forum the way you, Miss Jarea and a couple of other nicks terrorize Platinum+ pisses the hell out of me as you keep on doing things that other people get their topic locked for or even get banned from the whole forum.

When other persons get their artist-topics locked for making a simple mistake of posting the same message twice it seems there are no rules for the likes of you in here. FFS, in my opinion it's just about time to lock this shit up and ban a couple of foreign bastards for reasons that are painfully obvious. This thread and other Jarea-topics used to be entertaining but the joke has grown old ages ago and now they're simply irritating and I find their existence extremely hard to justify.
#1025 • • Ana-- Guest

Ok, this is just getting to be so fucking sad. Whenever Jarea's topic isn't on the top (there hadn't been new messages in 5 days) you come and lift it there even though you have nothing worth saying to say. Even though I'm not a particularly huge fan of this forum the way you, Miss Jarea and a couple of other nicks terrorize Platinum+ pisses the hell out of me as you keep on doing things that other people get their topic locked for or even get banned from the whole forum.

When other persons get their artist-topics locked for making a simple mistake of posting the same message twice it seems there are no rules for the likes of you in here. FFS, in my opinion it's just about time to lock this shit up and ban a couple of foreign bastards for reasons that are painfully obvious. This thread and other Jarea-topics used to be entertaining but the joke has grown old ages ago and now they're simply irritating and I find their existence extremely hard to justify.

Amen! Same rules should apply to pompous troublemakers as
apply to us other users too.
#1026 • • MissJarea Guest
Stop maggin and being wankers!!!

As for the rest of my fans, i now live in Amsterdam and I'm enjoying the great weather and music production :)
#1027 • • Samus Aran Guest

Stop maggin and being wankers!!!

As for the rest of my fans, i now live in Amsterdam and I'm enjoying the great weather and music production :)

Sorry to drag this on, but why not make a quick test about your fan base over here? Everybody who's a fan of Miss Jarea's productions would you please post "WICKED!!!", meanwhile rest of the lot can just get a fucking life.
#1028 • • kytkönen Guest
#1029 • • ilkka Guest
#1030 • • Edited Revelation Guest
Hey, I love the way she produces conversation and opinions here, so many people (who seem to be narrow-minded because of their way of judging others so easily, although a few writings on the net should not be used to judge anyone, and I am doing it myself now, oops), I really haven't heard much of her production yet, so I won't say if I am a fan or not, yet. What people here (and generally in life) IMHO need is more tolerance and flexibility. Ah, and since we are so modest, we expect everyone else to be modest too... well, when they aren't, many of us actually become really arrogant, many times being _much_ worse, and soon not remembering where was the point of conversation in the first place... remember, not all are as we are. Be friendly and polite, make peace and love, right?
#1032 • • Daniel Braun Guest
Niin kauan tää topic jaksoi olla pois kärjestä kun Jarea pysyi poissa. Suljetaan tää, jookosta?
#1033 • • MissJarea Guest

Niin kauan tää topic jaksoi olla pois kärjestä kun Jarea pysyi poissa. Suljetaan tää, jookosta?

meaning in english???
#1034 • • Daniel Braun Guest
This topic should be closed.
#1035 • • Faini Guest

meaning in english???

eiks toi vielkään osaa suomee
#1036 • • MissJarea Guest
nice one...
#1038 • • hund Guest

Stop maggin and being wankers!!!

This is their life and you're the content. And you know it too.

As for the rest of my fans, i now live in Amsterdam and I'm enjoying the great weather and music production :)

Now that's just cold. Some of us have to live in Finland and you bring on that shit! I'm just kidding, the summers are nice here too, but the winters...

Email notification OFF. <- I like to think I have a life. :)
#1039 • • MissJarea Guest
To be honest i miss Turku, as i think it's warmer and nicer there than here in Amster... btw, anyone going to Love Parade on sat?