Miss Jarea: Scandinavia`s leading female Dj of UK HardStyles

1,201 posts, 61 pages, 251,709 views

#801 • • MissJarea Guest
if u guys have such a boring life, that u have to post bullshit, go and wank yearselves... :D
#802 • • Elwira Guest

if u guys have such a boring life, that u have to post bullshit, go and wank yearselves... :D

Shit!How can you say like that? Shut the fuck up! Have enaugh of you lady now! :rolleyes:
#803 • • jUSSi Guest

if u guys have such a boring life, that u have to post bullshit, go and wank yearselves... :D

I think that they don't have a boring life. I think that this topic is starting to be boring...
#804 • • töölöBASS Guest

Shut the fuck up! Have enough of you lady now! :rolleyes:

RIGHT ON ELWIRA! didn't expect tuffness like that from you, but i am pleased! :D

#805 • • Tapi T Guest

Shit!How can you say like that? Shut the fuck up! Have enaugh of you lady now!

Hooray! I hope that this turns to a nice female dj battle.
#806 • • symbiosis Guest
if rather then interpreting the words and spending endless time chatting u could perhaps enhance your vision of life by DJing more then maybe u could promote your values better...

..i didn't know DJs were "Horaci" of the modern time..
Horaci= famous latin orator and historian
#807 • • omniholic Guest
hey the only thing why people are following this thread is because YOU post bullshit, do you REALLY think that any intelligent thread would receive this much attention...youre like a bad norwegian soap opera on our screens...a strange attractor really.please dont stop.
#808 • • MissJarea Guest
if what u say is true, than what does it say about you, u're here, reading and posting ,) LOL
#809 • • omniholic Guest
well my dear thats just what i was saying!i LOVE bad norwegian soap operas...
#810 • • symbiosis Guest
i didn't know this topic was about me... when i'll decide to build my own page i'll send u a HOT invitation..
It's true u can interpret every single thing people say, if u don't have anything else to do i agree... furthermore it makes Missjarea a perfect teenager in my eyes..

perhaps u should start a group called DJ-teens or sth...
so u could be hired sometimes by MTV to partecipate in the Jackass series :)

remember to follow strict diets (Mcdonalds included) and to be fan of E-type, they r so popular in Norway as well ;)
#811 • • MissJarea Guest
I dont need any diets and E-type used to be great LMAO!
#812 • • Edited whuf. Guest
Shouldn't DJs be doing something like.. er.. practising playing the records rather than posting shite on forums like this?

Just asking..

Oh.. And I'm like asking this from other people too.. not just you Jarre.

Peace :)
#813 • • Jokke Guest
I went to see how you're doing in the DJ Poll just to find out this: Jarea (Disket pga. JUKS) Fysj!!! You have lost all your votes except one and Elize is now in clear lead. What on earth has happened?
#814 • • yana Guest

if what u say is true, than what does it say about you, u're here, reading and posting ,) LOL

this is so much better than TV
#815 • • funkyboy Guest

this is so much better than TV

Yep, the show is on all the time. Great entertainment, please don`t stop. My life was so boring before this.
#816 • • Sampson Guest

I went to see how you're doing in the DJ Poll just to find out this: Jarea (Disket pga. JUKS) Fysj!!! You have lost all your votes except one and Elize is now in clear lead. What on earth has happened?

We need more info on this shocking news!
#817 • • töölöBASS Guest
how can you LOSE votes? how's that even possible? i thought once one has voted, they can't pull the votes back? weird. so you have only one vote left? anyone has any idea how this is possible- can one forexample edit votes in a poll? so weird...

not that i care how you are doing in that pointless poll in norway, but just wondering.... :rolleyes:
#818 • • yana Guest

how can you LOSE votes? how's that even possible? i thought once one has voted, they can't pull the votes back? weird. so you have only one vote left? anyone has any idea how this is possible- can one forexample edit votes in a poll? so weird...

not that i care how you are doing in that pointless poll in norway, but just wondering.... :rolleyes:

#819 • • Sampson Guest
Jarea probably voted herself with 15 different usernames that she had created ;)