Miss Jarea: Scandinavia`s leading female Dj of UK HardStyles

1,201 posts, 61 pages, 251,782 views

#781 • • töölöBASS Guest

The war never ends... n ow that little bitch Elize is fireing at me again...anyone wanna help me making her life a living hell???

and yeah, please tell us more about this! this forum has gone SO dull lately... WE WANT CATFIGHTS BACK!
#782 • • Remotion Guest

The war never ends... n ow that little bitch Elize is fireing at me again...anyone wanna help me making her life a living hell???

We also want that here will be published many new photos from Elize, training for hell hot climate and taking all clothes of for better temperature management and doing some nasty movements for raise air conditioning around her hottest parts!

:p :D :002: :001: :007: :008: :017: :019:
#783 • • Edited genki Guest

War never changes.

The end of the world had come pretty much as we predicted... Too many humans, not enough space or resources..."


"...the reasons, as always, purely human ones."
#784 • • elok Guest
Haa! Fallout rules!!:cool:
#785 • • genki Guest

Haa! Fallout rules!!:cool:

u know dis. :017:
#786 • • MissJarea Guest
for your updates:

there was a dj list of the top 50 dj'n in norway... i got some sms from some people without reading the article, claiming other djs from my town werer there, and that i was missing... so i emailed 'Natt og Dag' to ask them. theemail was very simple written:


Hvor er jeg?
Hei, jeg lurer på hvorfor jeg ikke er blitt med i siste utgaves anmeldelse av DJs??? Flere bekjente har reagert på dette, og jeg lurer derfor på hvem av byens DJs det er som ble intervjuet vedrørende DJs i Trondheim??? Hilsen Miss Jarea, norges eneste kvinnelige UK HardHouseDJ http://www.miss-jarea.com
Magdalena aka Miss Jarea

Hei Magdalena
Det var klubbgåere generelt og en del bransjefolk spesielt som ble invitert til å være med. Vi la ut flyere på byens utesteder, samtidig som vi la ut avstemningen på Mother.no. Det dreier seg heller ikke om anmeldelser, men om en l-e-s-e-r-a-v-s-t-e-m-n-i-n-g. Prøv å ta litt mindre "møllers tran". OK?

the point was taht this was a private email, that got published and the dice beginns to fall again.,.. AFTER i emailed them, i got to know that none of the djs in my town were reperesented and that the contest was decited by the clubs in OSLO mainly... i never thought they would post it on a forum!!! so that little bitch thought that everyubody should know that I think i deserved a place on the list, maybe i do, maybe i dont, but we'll never know, as the votes vere for and by Oslo people and clubs...


as a runner up topic for this , they wanna make a contest

about whos the best dj in town, basically to proove me that i will end on the bottom of the list as most of the people here dont like me.... but as long as the contest will not be fair, i dont even wanna be a part of it...if the skills dont matter, only if u r a friend or not, i dont care....unless u guys make sure to vote for me ;) LOL that would really give them a long jaw, hihih
#787 • • töölöBASS Guest
as if we speak norweagean, love!:rolleyes:
well. u get a poll going- and i'll vote for you. you are entertaining, and i don't know the rest of them.
so i'll vote 4 u.

#788 • • Sampson Guest

unless u guys make sure to vote for me ;) LOL that would really give them a long jaw, hihih

hih ;)

Nope, I won't vote for you!
#789 • • Jokke Guest

Prøv å ta litt mindre "møllers tran". OK?

I like that. :D

I fail (again) to see your point. Did you get pissed off because someone claimed that other DJs in Trondheim were in top 50 and you weren't? Or did you lose your temper because your email got published by Natt & Dag? And what has Elize done wrong? She just provided a link to something you have written. Besides, who would give rats a$$ for a top 50 slot in Norway when you're #11477 in the world!

I went to Natt & Dag website, scrolled down the page and found the magic logo! If it's any comfort, they're a big joke.
#790 • • Elwira Guest
I'm not guy. But noup i won't vote never you...
#791 • • Edited R24 Guest

Let's do one of those exercises where someone new makes up the next section of the story, y'know? I'll start...

"Soon Elwira felt Jarea's hands clasping her pert bottom, pinching it gently. "Mmmmmm". She murmured. Their kissing became more passionate as, to return the favour, Elwira gently started to fondle Miss Jarea's expansive bosom, tweaking her rosy nipples with her fingers. "Ouch," exclaimed Miss Jarea,"That hurt, you saucy bitch. You'd better watch it or I'll dress you up in a nurses unifrom, bend you over my knee, and give you a good spanking!" Elwira giggled. She could hardly wait..."

Who's next? :)

Psychedelic Hardhouse version of T.a.T.u ?
I can make your music video. :D
#792 • • Secur Guest
Jarea stop whining, everybody thinks your a prat.

Who the fuck cares if your the only female hh dj in norway, by the way your not.
#793 • • MissJarea Guest
Secure: upp yours.... what i call myself is my buisness, and as no body claims my crown, I'm gonna call myself what ever i want...

JOKKE: NO NO NO NO... it all is a missunderstanding ;)
No other dj's from Trondheim were there, ONLY dj's from the capital ;)

But shut the fuckes in Trondheim up, I'm gonna arrange a mixing competition ;) 30 dj's... 3 heats, all b2b spining ;) who fucks up, is out, one left in every heat ;)

May the best win ;)
#794 • • Jokke Guest

JOKKE: NO NO NO NO... it all is a missunderstanding

That's my speciality.

Originally posted by MissJarea
I'm gonna arrange a mixing competition

I smell a business opportunity here. Will that be available on DVD? :)
#795 • • kytkönen Guest

That's my speciality.

I smell a business opportunity here. Will that be available on DVD? :)


haha WORD! or stream it on the net maybe? you can leave the audio stream out, because i've only got a modem connection and i want the picture to be the best possible quality! :004:
#796 • • töölöBASS Guest
hehee. maybe one could get extra points (style points) from tightest rubber tops aswell? it would make the competition a lot more intresting!:D
if so, PLEASE record it and put it up here as an divx or something.
streams suck, 'cause i gots mi self a modem aswell..

hard life, eh kytkönen?
#797 • • MissJarea Guest
01.Hallucination Generation, FalloutBoy, Bulletproof
02.Sequenza, Raffety/Cyber Steve(Casper mix), NR Recordings
03.My Passion, Andy B, Audio Rehab
04.I Am Here, Jay Walker, Mohawk
05.Africane, Sentience Rmx, Retek
06.Body Shaker, FastFloor, HardTrax
07.Headspace, Todd Tobias, Retek
08.Corruption, Justin Bourne, Recharge
09.Say What, Clarke&Ramone, HardTrax
10.Powergen, Smokin Bert Cooper, Smoking Prod.
11.Follow Me, SpaceFrog, Trippoli
12.Louder Softer, Jam X & DeLeon, Bulletproof
13.Tribalize, Richie G, Project 5
14.Burnin/Killahurtz, Reeve/Rundell, Kaktai
15.4 Tribes, Organ Donors, Nukleuz
16.Get A Life, Phlash, Trippoli
17.LUCID 2
18.Hardbeat EP 20, Nukleuz
19.Your Fear, Andy Farley, Nukleuz
20.Vicious Circle 15 p2

Most of these promos were playes last night at puredj.com, almost same set will be played live at liveclubbing.co.uk on Wednesday 6th Nov.

Join my mailinglist for extact time or check my website.

Also these tracks will be played this Saturday 2Nov @ Puredj 3h b2b set with a mate of mine 8pm finnish time.

#798 • • Ana-- Guest

The war never ends... n ow that little bitch Elize is fireing at me again...anyone wanna help me making her life a living hell???

Hm. You seem to live under the notion that we, the people of
platinum, really would care about you and your strange
little norwegian love/hate affairs. You are wrong. You are merely
an amusing characterization of all those little things in a DJ
that make a DJ a bad DJ. That is why your topic has over twenty
one thousand hits and that is why people even talk to you; they
wanna know are you the real thing or just fakin' it. Now that it
stands very clear that a person and a DJ like you really exists,
people have mostly lost their interest. The comedy is over, ladies
and gentlemen, and no, we will NOT help you wage war with
some other norwegian female hard house DJ.

Go home. please.
#799 • • MissJarea Guest
just cause u dont like me, it doesn't mean other don't!

So put an old sock in ya mouth...will ya *evil* :D
#800 • • Sampson Guest
I agree with Analogia 100 %!!! So Jarea maybe you should but the sock in your mouth?