Miss Jarea: Scandinavia`s leading female Dj of UK HardStyles

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#761 • • Edited Dubchild Guest

since my little cute Elwira doesn't seem to mind...* jarea starts making out (= kissing) with the sexy finnish dj babe*

Let's do one of those exercises where someone new makes up the next section of the story, y'know? I'll start...

"Soon Elwira felt Jarea's hands clasping her pert bottom, pinching it gently. "Mmmmmm". She murmured. Their kissing became more passionate as, to return the favour, Elwira gently started to fondle Miss Jarea's expansive bosom, tweaking her rosy nipples with her fingers. "Ouch," exclaimed Miss Jarea,"That hurt, you saucy bitch. You'd better watch it or I'll dress you up in a nurses unifrom, bend you over my knee, and give you a good spanking!" Elwira giggled. She could hardly wait..."

Who's next? :)
#762 • • Elwira Guest

Let's do one of those exercises where someone new makes up the next section of the story, y'know? I'll start...

"Soon Elwira felt Jarea's hands clasping her pert bottom, pinching it gently. "Mmmmmm". She murmured. Their kissing became more passionate as, to return the favour, Elwira gently started to fondle Miss Jarea's expansive bosom, tweaking her rosy nipples with her fingers. "Ouch," exclaimed Miss Jarea,"That hurt, you saucy bitch. You'd better watch it or I'll dress you up in a nurses unifrom, bend you over my knee, and give you a good spanking!" Elwira giggled. She could hardly wait..."

Who's next? :)

oh you pervert! Stop! Your text are so stupid!:mad:
#763 • • genki Guest
oh behave! :D
#764 • • töölöBASS Guest

oh you pervert! Stop! Your text are so stupid!:mad:

oh camoon elwira! that was a nice effort! dont be so uptight...:003:
#765 • • Elwira Guest

oh camoon elwira! that was a nice effort! dont be so uptight...:003:

Heh! That was joke :D comoon... hehee! You are so funny guys. :p Big hugs!
#766 • • Dubchild Guest
Yeah, come on Elwira! I bet it made you a bit...you know...hot, didn't it? Go on admit it.

And come on people, WHO'S NEXT?? They have to be at least topless by the time I get to bed. :D
#767 • • Elwira Guest

Yeah, come on Elwira! I bet it made you a bit...you know...hot, didn't it? Go on admit it.

And come on people, WHO'S NEXT?? They have to be at least topless by the time I get to bed. :D

Hehee u wish! :p Me topless dj. Hahaa! Never in this life. Only who see me naked are my boyfriend... Nobody else. :p
#768 • • töölöBASS Guest
elwira: you should move to an islamic country, where that determination would be fully appreciated.:003:
#769 • • hujades Guest

Only who see me naked are my boyfriend... Nobody else. :p

Oh crap!!! You have a boy friend?! You just ruined it for all of us single guys... ;) hmm.. I wonder if Jarea is still single... :rolleyes:
#770 • • :t:c: : : Guest
20 toosaa!
#771 • • hexasonik Guest

20 toosaa!

ei saatana! :002:
#772 • • Sampson Guest
At this time I have to say a few words of decency before this topic gets really bad!

How about some sandwich -action? You know... You girls will be the bread I'll be the salami? :D
#773 • • Edited GammaGoblin Guest

At this time I have to say a few words of decency before this topic gets really bad!

How about some sandwich -action? You know... You girls will be the bread I'll be the salami? :D

Sampson Sampson... What if I'll be the salami and you are just a man how licks his own fingers????:D:D:D:D
#774 • • MissJarea Guest
The war never ends... n ow that little bitch Elize is fireing at me again...anyone wanna help me making her life a living hell???
#775 • • Ezzy Guest

The war never ends... n ow that little bitch Elize is fireing at me again...anyone wanna help me making her life a living hell???

of course, anything to help ya out...maybe i could like marry her coz i can't have you ;)
#776 • • Quu Guest

The war never ends... n ow that little bitch Elize is fireing at me again...anyone wanna help me making her life a living hell???

I think just ignoring her would do it.
#777 • • Jokke Guest

The war never ends... n ow that little bitch Elize is fireing at me again...anyone wanna help me making her life a living hell???

Now what has she done this time?
#778 • • Elwira Guest

The war never ends... n ow that little bitch Elize is fireing at me again...anyone wanna help me making her life a living hell???

Why do you want to do somebodys life a living hell? It's not good for anybody. I wouldn't ever think something like that. :004:
#779 • • Sampson Guest
we want some detailed information! This fight is the heart & soul of this topic! Tell us more.
#780 • • töölöBASS Guest
yeah luv! WAR! don't know though who's done what to you, but you start, an i'll watch ye back, a?
living hell? sounds lovely!:004: