Miss Jarea: Scandinavia`s leading female Dj of UK HardStyles

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#301 • • :t:c: : : Guest
OMFG :D Those damn pictas saved the day... ROTFLMAOIDLSMGWCIS
#302 • • Edited Jokke Guest

brave men of Finland preparing to infiltrate norwegian borders [/url]

As a matter of fact the infiltration has already started. JZZ, our scout, is now a registered Partynett member and will report back soon. I'm sure after seeing all those pics of modern-day vikings he will recommend that we'll use my non-violent, and yes indeed, very cunning plan.
#303 • • Edited Tres Guest

Just a word from a concerned onlooker to the brave men of Finland preparing to infiltrate norwegian borders, bear in mind that this is what you're up against:



Pay particular attention to the "Air Guitar"-stance and the devious city-camouflage skin tone!

On the other hand (and I can't put too much emphasis
on this one), the fair maidens of Norway are screaming
for rescue from the hands of those savages:


Can you deny their last chance for a rescue?! I know I can't -
which is why I've already got my one-way-ticket to Norway
and a fake ID from the FPA (Finnish Promoters Association).
#304 • • Lachesis Guest

Can you deny their last chance for a rescue?! I know I can't -
which is why I've already got my one-way-ticket to Norway
and a fake ID from the FPA (Finnish Promoters Association).

One-way-ticket??? After seeing all the evidence about kamikazi and indians?? I`m not settling for anything else than a drive(/fly)-by girl snatching!
#305 • • Tres Guest

One-way-ticket??? After seeing all the evidence about kamikazi and indians?? I`m not settling for anything else than a drive(/fly)-by girl snatching!

Obviously I need to stretch my point even further:


Don't forget our cunning and devious plan!
That girl is in a serious need of promotion and I'm not just
going to stand by as some kamikaze-norwegian goes
about promoting her! :mad: :mad:
#306 • • Efo Guest
I never thougt that world war III would be such a comedy show. Can I see the script?
#309 • • Elwira Guest
Don't you have something else to do guys?:rolleyes:
#310 • • pHaze Guest

You've got a point there, but are you sure you know what you're up against? They have DJ Subsoniq, Spritneybears DJ Team and last but not least, Phrode & Neo (Norways answer to Proteus and Neon).

But we've got DJ Subzero, The Heliumhirvi DJ Team and the original Proteus & Neon. Don't go spreading that negative attitude! Anything they do, we can surely do worse!
#311 • • Jokke Guest

Don't you have something else to do guys?:rolleyes:

Yes, but we don't let it get in the way... :003:
#312 • • Edited Ezzy Guest

This guy even doesn't
realize that he needs AN ACTUAL WRIST WATCH to check
the time!


haven't you ever heard of a leather rolex? :D


i'm booking the one on the left. cheers.

NEWSFLASH: worshippers of the devil have been spotted. be on the lookout. use extereme caution when snatching fjortis.
#313 • • Felis Guest

You shouldn't! This is serious: how are we supposed to fight
when they have Tarzan and Geronimo on their side?! :eek:

Sorry guys, I had a definite intention of moderating this topic, but I ended up laughing my ass off. Now how can I play my (first!) gig without my ass? I'll have to go for that sweet sixteen-look I guess...

Seriously, you're just killing me :001:
#314 • • Dubchild Guest

Don't you have something else to do guys?:rolleyes:

Mmmm...nope, not when this site is a) so pornographic, b) so amusing, and c) so instructive in the Norwegian club scene. Where's all the Finnish club photos people?!?!?!?!?!
#315 • • genki Guest

Don't forget our cunning and devious plan!
That girl is in a serious need of promotion and I'm not just
going to stand by as some kamikaze-norwegian goes
about promoting her! :mad: :mad:

*water gushes from eyes*

#320 • • MissJarea Guest
BTW, I'm laughing so much, I have mascara all over my face, hihihihihi!!! Go guys!!! This IS the best post I've EVER read!!!! I've have NEVER laughed so much in my entire life!!!!

HAHHAHHAAHA!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D