Miss Jarea: Scandinavia`s leading female Dj of UK HardStyles

1,201 posts, 61 pages, 251,762 views

#121 • • Jay Logic Guest

pus pus.

Sua tais kirpaista se varoituksen saaminen, kun vanhoja muistelet... ja jos tarkoitit että syystä haukuit kotkalaisia niin miksi sait varoituksen?

jos aiot jatkaa keskustelua niin lähetä jooko priva mulle niin jutellaan lisää henkeviä kahden kesken ;)

Itse asiassa olin unohtanut koko asian. Vaikkakin hyökkäävää tekstiä kirjoitin, ei tässä ollut puhallustakaan henkilökohtaisia tunteita pelissä, koska ei yksinkertaisesti kiinnosta.

Ärsyttää vain yleisellä tasolla ihmiset jotka asiayhteydestä riippuen suhtautuvat samaan asiaan täysin eri tavoin huomaamatta itse siinä mitään outoa.

Tiedostamisen jalo taito. Poistun takavasempaan.

Jarea: text above has nothing to do with you
#122 • • Remotion Guest
Replying to fire with fire causes bigger flames.

Shouldn't we use our keyboards for anything better than replyin'this yadda shit yadda?

Peace out! 000.gif
#123 • • khatt Guest

I have tried to tell one of the moderators to REMOVE all that is under the first post ages ago, as I then told that person that this had no longer anything to do with my first post!!!!!

People would immediately continue posting b/s here. There's no way to stop them now, except closing the topic but how could you promote yourself then.. :003:
#124 • • fc kerubi Guest
Why do peeps speak like Yoda when they speak Enklish?

I mean " and closed shall it be " & "Typical two-faced fuck, you are." Hehe, sorry, off-topic...

:D :004: :D
#125 • • LTD Guest

what is going on people?!?!?

this started off as any other thread on this topic, a dj promoting herself.... just like all the other djs on this topic... and now it's just mean! all people are doing is either defending oneself or disrespecting someone else... why? everybody has a right to their own opinion and one should not have to explain oneself for being the way they are!!!!!!

IMHO it started with magdalena promoting herself, someone misunderstanding her and then having to explain herself which started all the crap that's been written here.... don't get me wrong, not all of it is crap but most of it should have been on an other topic.... for example: "is it wrong or right to screw your way to the top?" or "how to make someone feel like shit..."

this was supposed to be about the music, the gigs etc. etc. not about who is a bitch and who isn't....
it's unfair, mean and ridiculous! but then again that's just my opinion...

Well I believe it was Miss Jarea who started calling Elwira a slut....:/

Well I jus think it's pretty stupid from Miss Jarea to start whinging when sum1 says a negative thing bout her when she herself started baggin sum other dj gal in norway .... :/
Tho I must admit, internet is pretty shitty thing...Miss J might be a nice gal but here it seems the whole dj'n thing has gone to her head...
C'mon it's JUST playing sum1 elses records!!!! If u would produce ur own quality music then i would give sum respect to ya but ur ONLY playing tunes...that all...really, it's not that cool nor difficult.... well I never really got the "dj's are cool" thing...sorry...
#126 • • jUSSi Guest
I am 100% certain that Elwira and Miss Jarea are just two sides of the same person and this whole thread is just a really good promotion/publicity trick. And this is a fact.
#127 • • yana Guest

2.yes it does... take lisa lashes boyfriend for instance or 'i will not say her name' who has a boyfriend dj, so he and lisa 'forces' the clubs to give gigs to their loved ones...is that fair? comletely stupid! (this is an ex). For me it matters how u get a gig!

oh please shut the fuck up. this isn't a fair world. life isn't always fair. that happens everywhere and everyone knows it.

i really don't care how the dj gets the gigs. if she sucks (when i'm not receiving it) i won't listen, if she rocks i love it. no matter why she's playing there.

go call justice somewhere where someone cares.
#128 • • yana Guest

SO CAN A MODERATOR PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE remove all the crap under the first original promoting post? Thank you!

please could some life-moderator remove you :)

(just joking.. couldn't resist this one)
#129 • • MissJarea Guest

Well I believe it was Miss Jarea who started calling Elwira a slut....:/

shit!!! No wonder she's pissed!!!

The word bitch the way I mean has NOTHING to do with anyone being a slut, shit shit.... sorry Elwira! I never ment that!

When I'm bitching like this on the board, I'm a bitch too, do you now understand? Please do, as I never ment to call anyone a slut!

No wonder there are wars going on;)

Are we cool now Elwira? You and are bitches cause we are bitching to eachother all the time, right? :D
#130 • • MissJarea Guest

Well I jus think it's pretty stupid from Miss Jarea to start whinging when sum1 says a negative thing bout her when she herself started baggin sum other dj gal in norway .... :/

say what? I have a right not to liking what that girl did, but that is my opinion....

Tho I must admit, internet is pretty shitty thing...Miss J might be a nice gal but here it seems the whole dj'n thing has gone to her head...

NO it has not, I NEVER said I was perfect or superdoog or anything...I just said that the only comp I haev is abroad, wich is very fun for me

C'mon it's JUST playing sum1 elses records!!!! If u would produce ur own quality music then i would give sum respect to ya but ur ONLY playing tunes...that all...really, it's not that cool nor difficult.... well I never really got the "dj's are cool" thing...sorry...

I know, I totally agree :)
And I've started to produce to...guess you guys will slaughter my music anyway...no matter what I produce or mix...:(
#131 • • MissJarea Guest

please could some life-moderator remove you :)

(just joking.. couldn't resist this one)

untill I saw the last sentence, I was about to tell you to please not start you too, lol.

#132 • • OSC8 Guest

I am 100% certain that Elwira and Miss Jarea are just two sides of the same person and this whole thread is just a really good promotion/publicity trick. And this is a fact.

Most definately, since this topic with its well over 2500 views is probably the 2nd most viewed topic of platinum! :D

Only the "Seksi" topic has (naturally ;) ) more views than this one.. heh
#133 • • OSC8 Guest
Maybe she could have even more views, if there would be a portal to live webcam-view of MissJarea and Elwira having a mudwrestle/catfight..

That would add the "Seksi" thing to this topic :001:
#134 • • genki Guest

1. there may be others yes but i am the ONLY one playing out in public :D

'there can be only one?' ...i hope that was a joke.

2.yes it does... take lisa lashes boyfriend for instance or 'i will not say her name' who has a boyfriend dj, so he and lisa 'forces' the clubs to give gigs to their loved ones...is that fair? comletely stupid! (this is an ex). For me it matters how u get a gig!
I want gigs cause people like me an dmy music, NOT cause I've screwed someone or got a gig cause my boyfriend told he would not play if I couldn't...get the idea?;)

well, taking the scene in question, im not surprised of this kind of activity.. ;] basically, what i meant was, that it doesnt matter to the PUBLIC, how the Dj got in the booth! who cares what the other djs think? its a nice thought you have, and i respect you for standing behind it, but i just dont think you should use that as an argument like you did earlier in this thread... it just sounds like you were unsure of yourself in that matter, when youre accusing someone else of it... but anyway, i dont really care.

3.wake up! there are thousands of bedroom dj's!!! what world do u live in???:rolleyes:

i see you did not get my point. i shall clarify:

yes, there are thousands of bedroom djs, im well aware of that. i also think its a good thing that they exist, because they are the ones that build the scene what it is.. they are the future 'big djs' and the ones that spend their money on records and parties. without them, there would be no 'big djs' or 'big parties'... no platinum, no nothing! thats why i disagree that its a bad thing that they exist. how can you even begin to think that 'there are too many bedroom djs'??? this i do not understand.

4.totally agree! (btw I'm not arrogant, meet me face to face, then judge;) )

i am sure you are not an arrogant person Ms Jarea, and i have nothing but love for you. i'd love to meet IRL and discuss these things, but for the time being, its equally interesting to discuss these 'differences in our opinions' virtually. i know that the internet can give a _totally_ false picture of a person, cos its so faceless.. and im afraid this thread has given people a completely wonkered image of what kind of person you are. a shame, really...

what comes to this topic, i think its PERFECTLY NORMAL that if someones opinions of a certain matter differ from yours a great deal, you stand up and start proving them wrong... or at least discussing abt them! i am too sorry that there are a couple of people here who havent gotten laid in a long time and are now spilling their frustrations on this board, but thats hardly a reason to close down a topic is it? also, another thing i havent understood on this platinum board, is why people have the need to read a topic and even take the time to REPLY if its stupid in their opinion? every controversial thread has a couple of these 'PLUR' posts that amount to NOTHING but boredom and endless agreeing..

when i read this thread again and wonder: 'did i really have to get involved?' i'd still say yes. and i think its a good thing i got, cos some of those morals MsJarea has aired just clash so hard with mine, that i have to stand my ground. i dont think Djing is a competition, i dont think its 'cool' to be the 'only dj of blabla' amongst other things.

the reason why people are so horrified of all this, is because no one else says these things, its just neutral talk all over... this was the 1 thread with a bit of controversy, and now everyones here wooing their ass off and asking it to be closed and whatnot... aside from a couple of unnecessary 'bitch-slap attacks' and some other stoopid tings IMO this thread wouldve been a normal argument- thread in any other board.

eeeze people, its only words AAAIIIGGHHHTTTT!!!!!

:004: 2 U Ms Jarea, i hope you havent taken me as a hostile, name-calling, mannerless bastard here. :004:
#135 • • skinfasst Guest

Originally posted by genki
:004: 2 U Ms Jarea, i hope you havent taken me as a hostile, name-calling, mannerless bastard here. :004:

Oh Genki, as if anyone could ever do that!!!

And also, having perused Miss Jarea's website to it's fullest possible extent, may I suggest that she in fact divides the site into two seperate spaces, one dealing with her DJing and music career, the other dealing with her personal and love life and all the trials and tribulations contained therein? It is hard to take a DJ seriously when to get to info about her/his music you have to wade through piles of actually rather useless information about his/her gorgeous girl/boyfriends. No succesful DJs actually have that information on their sites do they? IMO personal info should be kept personal!

Just an idea :)
#136 • • MissJarea Guest

Maybe she could have even more views, if there would be a portal to live webcam-view of MissJarea and Elwira having a mudwrestle/catfight..

That would add the "Seksi" thing to this topic :001:

I'm actually working on puting up my webcam :) I was suppose to have it working last night when I was dj'ing from my bedroom (in underwear *lol*) on [url]http://www.puredj.com....[/url]

But sadly it doesn't wanna work...I see myself, but it's not broadcasting....problems with the ruter maybe??? dunno...

But soon the cam wilol be up 24/7 :)
#137 • • genki Guest

Oh Genki, as if anyone could ever do that!!!

OI! geeza!!! :D

IMO personal info should be kept personal!

a fiver says you wouldnt have 'perused her website to its fullest possible extent' if it hadnt been filled by that 'useless information'... :D :D :D :003:
#138 • • MissJarea Guest
genki: I love ya!:D

skinfast: my bio is for those who want to read it, and you do not have to do that, that's why it says you can read about my personal life ;)

The rest of the page is more proff. Try to make a better page yourself, or make a new one for me :)
#139 • • LTD Guest

I'm actually working on puting up my webcam :) I was suppose to have it working last night when I was dj'ing from my bedroom (in underwear *lol*) on [url]http://www.puredj.com....[/url]

But sadly it doesn't wanna work...I see myself, but it's not broadcasting....problems with the ruter maybe??? dunno...

But soon the cam wilol be up 24/7 :)

in ur underwear?....for fucks sake, thanks for sharing that with us. I'm sure the guys will love u now.. er.....and u wonder why guys come to watch a female dj...
#140 • • MissJarea Guest
07.09.02 : Frikin Club,Harlow, NE London,UK