Miss Jarea: Scandinavia`s leading female Dj of UK HardStyles

1,201 posts, 61 pages, 251,790 views

#101 • • Edited Sampson Guest

You weren't so entertained when your ass (and kotka) were recently on the line of fire, for as obivous reasons as with this case.

"It made you very sad" and so on.. You sent me private messages asking where is peace, love etc. are?

Typical two-faced fuck, you are.

Still like disrespecting?

pus pus.

Sua tais kirpaista se varoituksen saaminen, kun vanhoja muistelet... ja jos tarkoitit että syystä haukuit kotkalaisia niin miksi sait varoituksen?

jos aiot jatkaa keskustelua niin lähetä jooko priva mulle niin jutellaan lisää henkeviä kahden kesken ;)
#103 • • Kotkan-laihin-dj Guest
I just love this!!!!!!:D :D

Who needs tv or radio when u can read "Miss Jarea, Norways ONLY ........" topic??:004: :D :D

and I just want to make one thing clear: did u, or did not had sex for gigs?
#104 • • Dubchild Guest
Heh heh heh heh.

Okay first off this is the funniest and best thread I have ever read on Platinum or anywhere else, and I have to wonder if this Miss Jarea is for real or if it/she/he is just a side effect of that bag of sensimilla I got last weekend (I wish). Secondly who gives a rat's arse how good your English is, I AM English and I can tell you that at least 50% of Scandinavians speak better English than English people do, so give it a f**kin rest already. Thirdly, I'm gonna have to write some more later cos my sides are splitting so much. Whooo boy, haven't laughed so much in ages. Thanks, you crazy Norwegian chick! :D
#105 • • Kotkan-laihin-dj Guest

Thanks, you crazy Norwegian chick! :D

Accsually she's Polish...
#106 • • MikkiHiiri Guest
Good DJ promotion topic you have :D
..might be very useful to get some gigs here in Finland hoho .. sorry just joking :004:
#107 • • kitty Guest
what is going on people?!?!?

this started off as any other thread on this topic, a dj promoting herself.... just like all the other djs on this topic... and now it's just mean! all people are doing is either defending oneself or disrespecting someone else... why? everybody has a right to their own opinion and one should not have to explain oneself for being the way they are!!!!!!

IMHO it started with magdalena promoting herself, someone misunderstanding her and then having to explain herself which started all the crap that's been written here.... don't get me wrong, not all of it is crap but most of it should have been on an other topic.... for example: "is it wrong or right to screw your way to the top?" or "how to make someone feel like shit..."

this was supposed to be about the music, the gigs etc. etc. not about who is a bitch and who isn't....
it's unfair, mean and ridiculous! but then again that's just my opinion...
#108 • • skinfasst Guest
According to the website, her Best Record Ever Bought:

Lab4 "The Bitch".


But I do think people shouldn't use such bad language here, especially against people whom they haven't even met, but also if the moderators close this down it's a BIG mistake! :003:
#109 • • skinfasst Guest
And check this:

"I spend my spare time playing PAINTBALL (during summer), linking QUAKE (hehehe...), DIABLO and StarCraft, playing WARHAMMER Fantasy Role Playing..."

Sweeeet! Miss Jarea, if you were Norway's ONLY Female Nu-Skool breaks DJ I might have been in luuurve
#110 • • Jani Guest

And check this:

"I spend my spare time playing PAINTBALL (during summer), linking QUAKE (hehehe...), DIABLO and StarCraft, playing WARHAMMER Fantasy Role Playing..."

Very fucking interesting. tell me more. :D
#111 • • Ezzy Guest

And check this:

"I spend my spare time playing PAINTBALL (during summer), linking QUAKE (hehehe...), DIABLO and StarCraft, playing WARHAMMER Fantasy Role Playing..."

Sweeeet! Miss Jarea, if you were Norway's ONLY Female Nu-Skool breaks DJ I might have been in luuurve

and if she was Norway's ONLY Female uplifting-cheesy dutch Trance DJ , i'd be asking for her hand already ;)
#112 • • Jukka I Guest

IMHO it started with magdalena promoting herself, someone misunderstanding her and then having to explain herself which started all the crap that's been written here....


but also if the moderators close this down it's a BIG mistake!

No it isn't.
#113 • • MissJarea Guest

And I'm fed up with people like you who think they know everything and can never confess that they are wrong. You're so full of shit. Just drop dead b****!

Beg your pardon? WHAT am I wrong about???:001:
#114 • • MissJarea Guest

took a while, i have to say. :D

now you just gotta admit the following:

1. There are other female HH Djs in Norway

2. It doesnt really matter who does what to get gigs

3. There are not 'too many bedroom djs' and 'wannabes', cos they are actually the ones who make the scene what it is

4. Arrogant Djs with not too much skills do not make the scene

5. Finnish people are a cynical lot, who do not hesitate to jump on you if you plug yourself

6. Modesty is nice

7. Elwira is not a b*tch, and both of youse gals written english sucks in the Oxford- measures, but is ok when taking to account that you are norwegian and finnish


1. there may be others yes but i am the ONLY one playing out in public :D

2.yes it does... take lisa lashes boyfriend for instance or 'i will not say her name' who has a boyfriend dj, so he and lisa 'forces' the clubs to give gigs to their loved ones...is that fair? comletely stupid! (this is an ex). For me it matters how u get a gig!
I want gigs cause people like me an dmy music, NOT cause I've screwed someone or got a gig cause my boyfriend told he would not play if I couldn't...get the idea?;)

3.wake up! there are thousands of bedroom dj's!!! what world do u live in???:rolleyes:

4.totally agree! (btw I'm not arrogant, meet me face to face, then judge;) )

5. no shit! :D

6. & 7. I agree :D
#115 • • MissJarea Guest

9. This is a very dum and useless topic.

really??? you don't say...;)
#116 • • MissJarea Guest

Hahhaaaa!!!! You taking everything so searly. OH! I'm bitch? No i'm not. I have boyfriend and i don't have sex with anyone else. You are not nice person. Now you see why i don't like you. And better that you shut your mouth if you don't want to see me angry. Because then i'm not so nice anymore. This is so stupid fight with you. Just use my energy for nothing. I don't never wan't to see you when you are here in finland because you are not nice at all. But still want to say i'm not Bitch maybe you are because using that kind word just make me angry. :rolleyes:

what the hell has this to do with me oor this topic????
I dont care if u have 10 boyfriends!!! who gives a shit!

U are childish and you are the one that has NO CLUE what i'm babling about at all! If you dont like me, stop ruining my post!
get a life!:mad:
#117 • • MissJarea Guest


"Norge har nå 2 jenter som spiller Hard House."

I tried not to get messed up in this mess. But o lord o mighty... :D

angelina spiller ikke fast ute og regnes ikke med, når hun har noe å stille opp med, så får vi se...

There can only be one!:D
#118 • • MissJarea Guest

I just love this!!!!!!:D :D

Who needs tv or radio when u can read "Miss Jarea, Norways ONLY ........" topic??:004: :D :D

and I just want to make one thing clear: did u, or did not had sex for gigs?

r ju nuts!?! HELL NO!:D
#119 • • MissJarea Guest

Good DJ promotion topic you have :D
..might be very useful to get some gigs here in Finland hoho .. sorry just joking :004:

No shit! *lol*:001: :001: :001:
#120 • • MissJarea Guest

what is going on people?!?!?

bla bla ...
this was supposed to be about the music, the gigs etc. etc. not about who is a bitch and who isn't....
it's unfair, mean and ridiculous! but then again that's just my opinion...

I have tried to tell one of the moderators to REMOVE all that is under the first post ages ago, as I then told that person that this had no longer anything to do with my first post!!!!!

SO CAN A MODERATOR PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE remove all the crap under the first original promoting post? Thank you!