Miss Jarea: Scandinavia`s leading female Dj of UK HardStyles

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#41 • • D157R1C7-4770RN3Y Guest
Congratulations !

You, sir , have just broken the rule number 1 !

basically you've just said that there's a need to break the rule number one.

How convenient ! :D
#42 • • Edited jUSSi Guest
I think I wasn't clear enough. Although I understand that there are people who are willingly breaking rule no. 1 I do not respect them as a dj as much as those not breaking the rule. I know that the line is like line drawn into water and very thin. Do you see the difference?

This all comes down to personal opinions and very difficult definitions of "who is respectable dj and who is not". People who brake the rule no.1 can be considered as "whores" who do this just for the money.

This is why I tried to use examples how I see this. Sven Väth is a dj who doesn't have to please the crowd (and he has never done so) so when he plays nobody excpects him to play top20 hits like a jukebox. The other example is fit to use on a "normal restaurant" dj who plays only top hits to please the crowd. But and a very important but, if a "restaurant-dj" loves the music that he plays then he has the same respect from me as more marginal dj's. Musical taste is a very personal thing and I'm not going to judge people based on their musical preferences.

World isn't black and white even though you seem to want it that way. And I'm tired of discussing about this 'cos I have already done this once and with better opponents if I may say so (they actually had good points) --> http://www.platinum.ac/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=57
#43 • • Edited jUSSi Guest

basically you've just said that there's a need to break the rule number one.

I agreed that there is a need for both kind of dj's because some people actually like the top20 music. There still isn't a need to break the rule number one because dj can love the top20 music he plays (read the post above). It is about the way how people find themselves spinning records. Some need the money and some get food for their souls.

An ideal situation would be that everybody could play the music they love and those doing this for the money would choose another career... this on the other hand leads to a situation that we have only one type of deejays!! Enthustiatics!

And do you agreed, that deejays who are constantly switching their styles to what's in, do not usually get far in the end?

happy weekend for everybody and don't forget to think about this in your cozy little clubs you're going to ;)
#44 • • MissJarea Guest

I just wan't to say to you that you are very selfish and thinking little too much of your self. Sorry just wan't to say what i'm thinking about you. But i'm hoping still to you just good. :rolleyes:

You will have to explain this a bit???


Just cause someone actually belives in her or himself, does not make one selfish! AND just cause I dare to say what I think, and dress like I want, still does not make me stuck up!
I'm a nice and happy person, yes I'm a dj, BUT I'm NOT A FUCKING GOD, I'm a normal girl
(um...not entirely, but you guys know, I'm a bit over energic ;) )

So please explain or another war has just begun :mad:
#45 • • Elwira Guest
Im not fighting with you. I'm also happy person and maybe i wan't to also meet you someday and talk face to face. Then maybe i don't think of you like that. Well i'm sorry. But not fighting. Ok? Because i don't use my energy to fighting i'm happy person and i always say what i'm thinking. Sorry :rolleyes:
#46 • • kitty Guest
don't you think that most of the stuff written here could have been posted in an other topic...
but anyway,
i agree with magdalena and i'm not saying this just because she is my friend but because i have seen her play, i've heard the music and seen the enthusiasim and love for the music she plays. i personally enjoy gigs more when the dj is jumping around and actually "cares" about the people who are there by showing them that he/she actually likes being there, wants to be there and loves the music too...
and what is the point of screwing your way up to the top? that just shows that in a way you're a sad and shallow person. by trying and promoting yourself (in a good way) you know that everything you get is because of you and you deserve to be there, even if you fail, at least you know you've tried.
but in away a dj should be a crowd pleaser and an enthusiast, that's the way i like it. the dj plays what he/she wants to play but in the kind of way that the crowd likes. not everyone likes a certain genre of music but then that's their problem, not everyone likes onions , but if you get the onions in a certain way (like tasteless in your burger) even the people who don't like onions can eat them. same thing with music ( and i'm not talking about getting the music in a burger!!!). well that's my opion. what thell hell am i goin' on about?!?!
but anyway, my love and respect to magdalena! i love your dnb mix! :006: big hug and kiss!
#47 • • D157R1C7-4770RN3Y Guest
Where can I buy tasteless onions ??
#48 • • Jay Logic Guest
I'm interested in finding out your dnb top 10, as well.
#49 • • MissJarea Guest
Updates on top of the page!
#50 • • genki Guest

You will have to explain this a bit???


because u keep plugging yourself all the time and dissing others.

simple, innit. :004:
#51 • • MissJarea Guest

And who are you to judge that?

Not havnig respect for people who screw their way to the top, has nothing to do with dissing other dj's. :D
#52 • • genki Guest
they are djs as well arent they?

if i go to see a party as a punter on the floor, pay the entrance and watch a foxy looking dj girl spin a wicked set of music that i like, i dont really care how she got there honestly... as long as the music is good and the mixing is tight.

if im a promoter whos booking djs to play in parties, i consider more things when it comes to choosing the artists, for an example their level of VANITY, as well as their background (tho i think i wouldnt care if they said they got their first gig by fucking a promoter, none of my business)...

now, i dont really care abt this issue. just bored @ work so i thought i'd wind this funny thread up a bit for a laugh. :)

ez there tiger.
#53 • • genki Guest
...oh, and what comes to 'judging', if you havent noticed this is a public messageboard, so i can judge all i want. nyah nyah. ;]

a piece of advice - dont take these things too seriously... this is supposed to be fun, remember!? :004: :D
#54 • • kilobitti Guest
First of all, I'd like to outline that I'm not trying to cause further
fights nor arguments, but just trying to present another point of
view as it seems as MissJarea always seems to get into heated

Just cause someone actually belives in her or himself, does not
make one selfish!

1. most dj's don't have a need to underline their superiority
against others; most famous dj's let their work and fans do that

2. most dj's don't have a need to underline their sex all the time;
whatever the reason, it sounds a bit like one is trying to ride on
the fact she is female. From what I'm hearing, that's NOT the
case, but, IMHO, that's what it SOUNDS like. Sorry.

I'm saying that I have no respect for the girls that by sleeping
with a male dj and in that way become dj's themselves.
That is what I ment by sleeping their way to the top.

This is quite an "funny" comment from a girl who uses "let me
seduce you" as her slogan..:D One has to admit, that "Let me
seduce you" is, in fact, quite provocative combined with "the only
female hard house dj" slogan.

No offense + respect to all artists who do what they want...


#55 • • Edited MissJarea Guest
LOL :001: The Let me seduce you thing, is something I used for my site as a joke a long way back before I became a dj ;)

As for playing on my sex, well... I am the only female dj who plays this kind of 'crap music ' (in some opinions :001: ) in Norway, so what's wrong in promoting myself in that way?

Anyway when all comes to an end, it's the music I play and the image that people like, and it's thanks to them I get gigs at all :)

#56 • • genki Guest

I am the only female dj who plays this kind of 'crap music '

i asked my norwegian friend abt this fact said that theres quite a few other 'female hardhouse djs' in norway as well....?

whats up with that? :D
#57 • • MissJarea Guest
and who might that be?
#58 • • Dj Vertigo Guest
Lopettakaa nyt vittu sentää tämä tyhjänpäiväinen jauhaminen!!!!!
#59 • • MissJarea Guest

Lopettakaa nyt vittu sentää tämä tyhjänpäiväinen jauhaminen!!!!!

#60 • • genki Guest

Lopettakaa nyt vittu sentää tämä tyhjänpäiväinen jauhaminen!!!!!

and you had to read this thread because.....? :D

there is only 1 thing sadder than people running their mouth abt stoopid things online........

....a person who gets angry abt that! :D :D :D :D

ez all!

/g out