Emil Doesn't Drive (Mirage Disco Crew,Berlin) @ BUM BUM 21.11.2008 @ Helsinki

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Posts: 337

#1 • • Edited poumtchak


FRI 21.11. BUM BUM @ Rose Garden, 22-04, 8eur

Emil Doesn't Drive (Mirage Disco Crew, Picnick, Scala, Berlin)
DJ Pataässä (Top Billin, Lahti)
Freek & Geek + Hömppäherra
80's Cop (Laserdans, SimCity 2000) & Supersamuli (BUM BUM)


Emil Doesn't Drive @ Barbie

Emil Doesn't Drive @ Picknick (Berlin)

Posts: 337

#2 • • poumtchak

Emil Doesn't Drive ja DJ Pataässä BUM BUM -klubilla perjantaina 21.11.

Bum Bum -klubille saapuva 27-vuotias Emil Angelov muutti Bulgariasta Berliiniin viisi vuotta sitten elääkseen musiikin parissa. Taisteltuaan hetken yksinäisenä ritarina Berliinin teknovoittoisessa yöelämässä, hän aloitti kahden muun diskofriikin kanssa Mirage-projektin. Sen ympärille on kehittynyt nopeasti kasvava, intohimoinen ja värikäs yhteisö. Mirage-bileiden ohella Emil tekee yhteistyötä myös Sameheads-promoottoriryhmän kanssa ja aloitti juuri oman kuukausittaisen Studio X -iltansa.

Nyt disko on löytänyt paikkansa Berliinin yöelämässä, mutta Mirage haluaa pitää intohimoista underground-henkeä yllä silloinkin, kun bileet ovat suuria ja suosittuja. Muiden muassa Chromeon, The Presetsin, Woolfyn ja Intergalatic Garyn ohessa soittanut Emil on deejiinä täysin omistautunut jakamaan visionsa tunteiden ja hauskanpidon täyttämästä illasta ja etsii loputtomasti uusia helmiä italon, cosmicin, elektronisen diskon ja boogien parista.

Marraskuun Bum Bumissa vierailee myös Ikahu Klubilta tuttu lahtelainen DJ Pataässä. Chevy Chasen, Eddie Murphyn ja Pirkka-Pekka Peteliuksen kasarikohelluksista vaikuttuneen deejiin remixit ovat päätyneet mm. Top Billin -julkaisuille.

Posts: 337

#5 • • poumtchak
hi lauri,
i am really bad in writing about me things like this but i try now to tel you the real story of me )
i started playing 3 years ago when nobody played disco here. so i played every weekend somewhere else trying to make this music popular in the clubs.very fast i became resident of clubs like RIO,103Club,Cookies, later PickNick and Scala. i played with people like The Glimmers,Chromeo,Justice,Beppe Loda,dj Fetish ,dj Naughty,dj Kaos,Paul Mogg etc. on my own parties i made for making disco bigger here i invited : Bangkok Impact,Prins Thomas, Intergalactic Gary,Rob & Zoopsie and a lot of very good underground disco djs!!! so actually i am one of the guys who made italo,and obscuredisco trend in berlin clubs as it is now. now every new kids-group which wants to make parties put "Disco" somewhere in their party name because of this and this is something i dont like at all and i am a little bit sad thats why. so laurie you can use whatever you want of this text to make me a star of your friday night and it wont be a lie.
see you soon!
all the best!

Posts: 499

#6 • • Katerina Snoopy Detective

poumtchak, 19.11.2008 00:46:
hi lauri,
i am really bad in writing about me things like this but i try now to tel you the real story of me )
i started playing 3 years ago when nobody played disco here. so i played every weekend somewhere else trying to make this music popular in the clubs.very fast i became resident of clubs like RIO,103Club,Cookies, later PickNick and Scala. i played with people like The Glimmers,Chromeo,Justice,Beppe Loda,dj Fetish ,dj Naughty,dj Kaos,Paul Mogg etc. on my own parties i made for making disco bigger here i invited : Bangkok Impact,Prins Thomas, Intergalactic Gary,Rob & Zoopsie and a lot of very good underground disco djs!!! so actually i am one of the guys who made italo,and obscuredisco trend in berlin clubs as it is now. now every new kids-group which wants to make parties put "Disco" somewhere in their party name because of this and this is something i dont like at all and i am a little bit sad thats why. so laurie you can use whatever you want of this text to make me a star of your friday night and it wont be a lie.
see you soon!
all the best!


LOL...........noh, "Laurie"... tollasia ne Bulgarialaiset miehet on... ei voi mitään :D


Posts: 42

#7 • • supersamuli
Emil paikalla tänään. Disco tulee!

Posts: 317

#8 • • Lupu Supersaha
perjantai-illan huumaa *joo*