L I Q U I D | C R Y S T A L | S O U N D S + 'BAR LOOP' pres :: "Emanation" 30.8.2008 @ Helsinki

22 posts, 2 pages, 6,289 views


Posts: 2,691

#21 • • Progression www.LiquidCrystalSounds.com

Timce, 1.9.2008 18:46:
Can't remember much, but I can remember that heavy drinking was involved. Thanks a lot for the party and making me forget what happened. *piis*

It's part of the package :P ... Glad you had fun anyway *piis* It's for sure that we all did! So... until next time... Repair your liver and get ready for a bigger party this late Autumn!
Jussi Soro

Posts: 6,385

#22 • • Jussi Soro choon!

Timce, 1.9.2008 18:46:
Can't remember much, but I can remember that heavy drinking was involved. Thanks a lot for the party and making me forget what happened. *piis*
