Club Dimension - Summer Weekend 5.7.2008 @ Espoo

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Dimension Crew

Posts: 241

#1 • • Edited Dimension Crew
Saturday 05-07-2008 @ Be Happy

[iso]LINEUP[/iso] // SATURDAY //

[iso]ALEK SZÁHALA -LIVE![/iso] | Finrg, Nu Energy


Although having produced music for more than 10 years Alek Száhala is a relatively new name in the international scene. Still he has truely been one of the key players in the recent development of the new wave of Finnish Hard Dance.

Since his explosive forthcoming in 2003 with tracks like 'Superstition' and 'Tlaloc' he has made a deep impact to both Finnish and international crowds and djs with dozens of amazing tracks.

Since 2005, Alek has spred the Finrg plague not only in Europe, but also in "The New world". His most important gigs have been at such events as Mayhem (Brisbane), Pharmacy (Melbourne), Utopia (Sydney), NRGetic Romancer (Tokyo), Neverland (Québec), Logic (London) plus lots of major events in Finland like Koneisto and Säde.
He has succesfully created a production style of original sound - Hyperenergetic beats combined with a strong emotional charge creates a memorable and unique atmosphere.

Alek Száhala has been voted 4th best in the artist / producer category in Finnish Club Awards 2003 and 2004.

[iso]SASHA F[/iso] | Butterfly Records, Millennium


Sasha F is still only 30 but in his 12 years as a professional DJ he has shown a talent that has seen him DJ around the world as well as in his homeland Finland. He is now one of the wanted Hard Dance DJs from Finland. With a combination of superb technical mixing and a raw hard sound, normally Hardstyle / Hardcore and Hard Trance, he leaves each crowd begging for more. His DJ skills have been showcased throughout Finland, where he alongside other top Finnish DJs like Proteus and Gary B, usually headlines the big gigs and he has residencies for both Fantasy and Millennium, two of Finlands biggest regular parties. Besides that he played at all the big tour nights of clubs such as Gatecrasher, Sundissential and Nukleuz when they have toured in Finland. Sasha F also plays on a regular base in Russia, Estonia, Thailand at the famous Full Moon parties, England at clubs such as Headcharge, Riff Raff, Pickle, Kaned, Aura Orange, Logic, Escape From Samsara and Gods Kitchen, Germany at the Bridge and The Netherlands at the Illegal Vibes parties as well in Italy at Insound and Love Parade 2006. He was also one of only four DJs that was part of the Invasion Tour 2003 in America doing 20 gigs in 40 nights, coast to coast. He also has done well in the studio, producing tracks such as: - Spirits & souls -Butterfly experience - Hardstyle religion compilation, Saifam group - Stompin remix -Tunnel records - "Kong" - Aztec Records - "The Mentall EP" - DP Records - "The Finland EP" - Efadrine Records - "Haulikko" - Bass City Records - "From Hell EP" - on Dean Facers new label Reflective Records. - "Sasha F vs Justino - Along with the melody" Overlord Records Sasha F played alongside side some of the worlds best DJs including: Andy Farley, BK, Dean Facer, Oberon, Captain Tinrib, Lady Dana, Chris Liberator, Jeff Mills, Dan Baseley,Dark by design, Paul Glazby, John 00 Fleming, Kai Traccid, Sol Ray, Lisa Lashes, The Knuckleheadz, Chris C, AJ Gibson, Sarah G, Nick Sentience and LAB 4, Zany,Trilok & Chiren, Deepack, Prophet, trance generators, Brennan heart, Tatanka, Zatox, Headhunterz, Alpha2, Pavo and Pila to name a few. And finally if you are into Techno, Sasha F is a true technical wizard on three decks and FX playing Techno and won a recent play off between DJs from both Sweden and Finland. He is certainly a DJ to look out for.

[iso]WEGEZ & NIC'SILVER[/iso] | Dimension residents


Wegez & Nic'Silver are residents of Club Dimension and absolutely the future floorfiller trance-duo. They started deejaying in 2003. At autumn 2006 they started co-operating with the HelsinkiVibes guys. And at the summer 2008 guys booked to the roster of the biggest Finnish trance organization, called Millennium. At tonight they will play unique upliftin' 'WNS sound' what you won't forget.

[iso]TRITON[/iso] | Säde


[iso]FRIIK[/iso] | Säde


[iso]INCH[/iso] | Millennium, Säde


[iso]MOKSU[/iso] | Dimension




Posts: 1,722

#2 • • SASHA F
hyvältä näyttää rock rock*pahis**aplodit*

Posts: 1,750

#3 • • Dave Team Teknolipat :) / The Bunk
Hmmm, pistetääs harkintaan.. *iloinen*

a veteran police of means and talent can wear whatever the fuck he damn well pleases.


Posts: 4,338

#4 • • KooKie aka. Petress Pan
Biikkari *sydän* :DDD

To wake into the neverending grace,
to see the sounds and to feel the light.
Paradise aint a place, it is a state of mind.

Here I come - as good as always and always better than ever!


Posts: 1,061

#5 • • illusion team-sauna :D
*jiihaa* Tänne *hihu* =)
Dimension Crew

Posts: 241

#6 • • Edited Dimension Crew

between 21-23 reaaally cheap drinks *känni*
and also this will be the biggest Dimension event never before!

Posts: 2,141

#8 • • Wegez

biikkari, mikäs muukaan :D

Paikka ei ole muuten yhtään entisensä. :)
Aivan uusi/uusittu yökerho, jonka tekniikka sekä tilat vastaavat keskustan clubeja! ;)

...we´re all made of stars...


Posts: 138

#9 • • *WIBA* Pyqimys-Maximus [Team Koala]

Wegez, 17.6.2008 17:50:
biikkari, mikäs muukaan :D


Paikka ei ole muuten yhtään entisensä. :)
Aivan uusi/uusittu yökerho, jonka tekniikka sekä tilat vastaavat keskustan clubeja! ;)

mut sijainti aika kaukana keskustan klubeista...
sori, ei kuitenkaan millään tavalla tarkotus dissata. hyvä et bileitä järkätään muuallakin kun ytimessä *piis*

Posts: 176

#10 • • inch
Dimension Crew

Posts: 241

#11 • • Edited Dimension Crew

21:00 - 22:30 MOKSU
22:30 - 23:30 INCH
23:30 - 00:15 ALEK SZÁHALA -LIVE!
00:15 - 01:30 WEGEZ & NIC'SILVER
01:30 - 02:30 TRITON
02:30 - 03:30 SASHA F


[iso]HAPPY HOURS between 21-23,
[pieni]beer & cider[/pieni] ONLY 1,00eur ! ! ![/iso]

Posts: 3,107

#12 • • Lost-Soul los pallos

Club Dimension, 29.6.2008 18:12:


[iso]HAPPY HOURS between 21-23,
[pieni]beer & cider[/pieni] ONLY 1,00eur ! ! ![/iso]

Mutta missä on lonkero?? Eihän sikakaan juo vinkumatta noita

Tyhmästä päästä kärsii koko ruumis


Posts: 50

#13 • • beis
Jaksaiskohan sitä vuosien jälkeen johonkin hummaamaan! *nauru*
Dimension Crew

Posts: 241

#14 • • Dimension Crew

Mutta missä on lonkero?? Eihän sikakaan juo vinkumatta noita

Itseasiassa lonkero kuuluu siihen, mikäli se on hanatuotteena. Eli kaikki hanat on egen! *joo*
Dimension Crew

Posts: 241

#15 • • Dimension Crew
Tapahtumaan Malmilta, Kiasmala ja Espoon keskuksesta!

PISTÄ POSTIA: [email protected]
Ja kerro meille kumpana iltana tulet kyytiin (vaiko molempina), sekä mistä kohtaan nouset kyytiin. Kiitos! :)

Menomatka tapahtumaan illalla
// Bussi lähtee Malmin juna-asemalta (bussipysäkeiltä) klo. 20:30, siitä bussi jatkaa Kiasmalle josta se jatkaa matkaa Espoon keskukseen klo.21:00, Espoon keskuksesta bussi lähtee itse tapahtumaan klo.21:40.

Paluumatka tapahtumasta aamulla
// Bussi lähtee yökerho Be Happyn luonta klo.04:00 ajaen reittiä: Espoon keskusta > Kiasma > Malmin juna-asema. Arvioitu saapumisaika Malmin juna-asemalle on n.05:30.

to the club from Malmi, Kiasma and Espoo centre
and back to home after the party!

// BY MAILING TO [email protected],
tell us which one of the nights you want to come via the free transport (or both) and where are you going to get into the bus. Thanks a lot! :)

to the club @ night
// The bus will start from Malmi train station (Malmin asema) @ 20:30, the next stop is at Kiasma and the bus will continue from Kiasma at 21:00 to Espoo center (Espoon keskus), where it will leave for the party at 21:40.

from the club @ morning
// The bus will start the trip back home from Be Happy at 04:00 and the route is: Espoo Center (Espoon keskusta) > Kiasma > Malmi train station (Malmin asema). The bus will arrive to Malmi train station around 05:30.

Posts: 512

#16 • • tws

[iso]HAPPY HOURS between 21-23,
[pieni]beer & cider[/pieni] ONLY 1,00eur ! ! ![/iso]

jeh, pitääpä tulla ajoissa siis *känni*


Dimension Crew

Posts: 241

#17 • • Dimension Crew

We are sorry, but FRIIK can't arrive to the party, because he's somewhere outside of Finland. But don't worry, SASHA F will end the night alone then! *pahis*

Posts: 1,722

#18 • • SASHA F
yeah huomenna rokataa kunnol tulos muutamii uusii omii biisej ekaa kertaa soittoon*pahis**jiihaa**tanssittel*

Posts: 7,969

#19 • • sts Sama pyynti aitta!
Emännän ylitöiden takia jäi ekapäivä väliin, joutunee tulemaan tokana päivänä (emännän toiveesta).

Posts: 202

#20 • • *Stardust*

SASHA F, 4.7.2008 23:00:
yeah huomenna rokataa kunnol tulos muutamii uusii omii biisej ekaa kertaa soittoon*pahis**jiihaa**tanssittel*

Harvoin oot jättäny ... sanotaanko nyt paremman puutteessa - kylmäksi *uros* Mielenkiinnolla odotellen *joo*

My pain is constant and sharp and i do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact i want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no-one to escape. - Patrick Bateman (American Psycho)