Sunrise is presented to you as an collaboration from
Ambrosia, Solstice & I Love Kiksu.
2 Stages, Lounge, 3 Live Acts & 10 DJ's
.:Sunrise stage:.
Luminescent [LIVE] (Ambrosia),
Beliar (l i Q u i d) Special 30 years birthday set,
D.N.A (I Love Kiksu, l i Q u i d, Zero500) b2b Zwek (Ambrosia, Solstice),
Phaze (Backlash)
::Sunset stage::
Presented by Tech No.
Leo Laker [LIVE] (13th Records, 4X4, Carnage, Tresor)
Dago (Tech No.) b2b Jagu (Entropy),
Idi (Tech No.),
Lackluster [LIVE] (m3rck, focus, www.lackluster.org),
Klabi (HUGC),
Apo (Entropy),
Steven Hoaks (Solstice)
14.01.2006 Sunrise: Synergy
Time: 21-04
Agelimit: K-18
Presale tickets: 5e available from Street Beat & Mosso (starting from 20.12)
Price from door: 7e
There will be two queues at the door: one for ticketless people and one for people that have purchased presale tickets. For fast entry get your presale tickets at Mosso or Street Beat.
Happyhour: 21:00-22:00 Beer, Sider, Lonkero 1e
Decorations: Sunrise-decocrew
Lights by: David & Harharyhmä
Event photography by: Setae
Club Volume,
Pohjoinen rautatiekatu 21B, Helsinki
-Embrace the rising sun-