Xavi BCN & DJ Meke - Resurrection (BCNT009) German hardtrance

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Posts: 2,083

#1 • • Meke GT Digital, BCN Records
Saksa hardtrance kipale missä haettu 2002-2007 soundeja.

Buy mp3: http://www.bcnmusicshop.com/shop/DJMEKERESURRECTION
DJ Meke @ facebook: https://www.facebook.com/djmeke/

Marcel Klauß (Labelowner & Producer of Hyper Reality Records)
”Just had a listen to Resurrection. Very nice German Hard Trance! Keep em coming.”
"Resurrection is going to be ”Track Of The Week" in the next episode (Thu 5.11.) of the Hyper Reality Radio Show on DI.FM."

Justin Wakefield (from Beatbucket and GT Digital alias German Trance Digital label)

”Spain's Xavi BCN joins forces with Finland's DJ Meke here for a very encouraging hard trance track loving the uplifting breakdown and the melody. I could listen to stuff like this all day long.”

Loukas "Louk" Pour-Hashemi (owner of the label Compulzion Records & reporter of the Zone magazine)

”It's wicked, good work guys!” "I am going to review (Resurrection track) it in Zone magazine this month"

hard, trance

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Ruboy Records, GT Digital, BCN Records, Burning Chrome Records, Sinthetic Digital, Electronica Exposed, Finrg Recordings, Audio Reanimation, Freeformaniacs, Ruffbeatz


Posts: 2,083

#2 • • Meke GT Digital, BCN Records
Loukas "Louk" Pour-Hashemi (Compulzion Records) teki arvostelun Resurrection biisistä.
Painovirheen takia lehdessä lukee 7/10 mutta alkuperäisessä arvostelussa 8/10 on se oikea. Jos jotain kaivertaa asia eikä usko niin Loukilta voi tarkistaa :)

Xavi BCN + DJ Meke - Resurrection [BCN Spain] 8/10 (Louk)

"Good, modern hard trance is really hard to find of late, and we love
it when there is something that comes out of nowhere that surprises
us. There only seems to be labels like Hyper Reality and Atmosphere
Recordings UK that are really impressing us in that regard over the
past few years. That's why the new collaboration from Spain's Hard
Trance hero Xavi BCN and Finland's Meke really impressed us.
'Resurrection' keeps the vibe of older hard trance material from the
early 2000s and features a rip roaring melody and one heck of a
fierce kick and bassline. Add to that a gorgeous breakdown, and
kicking back in with loads of energy made this one go straight into
our record boxes."

Taken from Zone Magazine Ireland - printed copies available at www.zone-magazine.ie

DJ Orion soitti Resurrection biisin YleX radio ohjelmassaan (6.11.2015)

"...Rokkaa kyl todella isosti sukat pois...Isosti supportattua ympäri ja ämpäri..."

Ruboy Records, GT Digital, BCN Records, Burning Chrome Records, Sinthetic Digital, Electronica Exposed, Finrg Recordings, Audio Reanimation, Freeformaniacs, Ruffbeatz