milo - Peltolammi Promos: Kosmos

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#1 • • milo Plaugenaut

Olen soittamassa Kosmos: A techno synergy -tapahtumassa 10.5. ja tein promomiksauksen, joka antaisi hieman esimakua tulevasta. Teknoa siis tarjolla.

Chris Liebing - American Madness
A.Paul & Industrialyzer - Krome
Rantan - Acid Basics (A Paul Remix)
Suicide Commando - Mortal Kombat
Emmanuel Top - Acid Phase
Oscar Mulero - 46 (Surgeon Remix)
Lady Gaga - Bad Romance
The Advent - Untitled (Marco Carola Remix)
Spiros Kaloumenos - Paranormal (Original Mix)
Hell - This Is For You
Surgeon - Shaper Of The Unknown
Elektrikall & Mekanikall Lab - 9mm
Mr. Velcro Fastener - Real Robots


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We are, ultimately, all alone, and I am incapable of expressing emotion in any way, shape or form apart from through the medium of mix tapes. -Adam First