Såint presents LIGHTHOUSE 12.5.2010 @ Kotka

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Posts: 88

#1 • • Edited SÅINT
S å i n t

Illuminates the

L i g h t h o u s e

:: Place Bepop (Kotkan Seurahuone)
:: Date 12th of May 2010
:: Time 21:00 - 04:00
:: Prize 6 EUR (Incl. service)

I started to travel into my memories.
Misty landscapes grabbed me
to a totally different world.
I remembered something warm.. familiar..
Something bright!

I remembered these words

"A world of liberty,
a world of peace
- come on board".

I remembered The Light!
The light that illuminated the path to
a place of freedom & togetherness.

Some thought it was a Legend.
Some thought it was too good to be true.
Some have forgotten what it was like.
But there is still people among us
who has walked the path and remembers!

I started to wake up from my memories.
People were pointing up to the sky.
There was a beacon storming through the clouds!
The Keepers had turned the Light back on!
The path is yet again illuminated.
We started to travel towards the light!

Follow the path to a place of liberty,
a place of togetherness.
Meet your missionaries of House, Techno and Trance
at the sanctuary of clubbers.

Follow the path!

The path of The Lighthouse.

Lighthouse was most active in the late 90's. It
was a club that connected local DJ's and clubbers to
rejoice the wonders of electronic music over 10 years
ago! Lighthouse keepers dimmed the light in 2001
when their venue Kameli was closed.

It was the year 2003, Lighthouse and it's missionaries
were in everyones memories as Såint started to arrange
bigger events in Kotka giving ear and eye candy to
everyone. Såint brought bigger names and more massive
productions "as they do it in the big cities".

In november 2007 Lighthouse was lit yet again to give
sanctuary for the clubbing people. It is exactly two years
when the Lighthouse was last seen shining through the sky!

Såint illuminates The Lighthouse's path once again.
Together they will create a place that gets everyone together!
People looking for a place to celebrate, and of course
the missionaries preaching the love of electronic music!


Missionaries from far far away:

:: Noisekid

Missionary from the land of rockin' Techno. Man of few
words but his beats are to be remembered long after.
Noisekid is rarely heard behind the decks, but
when he opens his record case, it is better to pay attention!

:: Holle (Lighthouse, Das Boot)

Missionary of driving melodies. The last keeper of the lighthouse.
Holles sets have always been filled with beautiful melodies
flavoured with rockin’ dance beats. The songs are filled
with good vibrations and he has always made people dance!

Holle is also responsible of one of the most memorable clubs
in Kotka, Das Boot! When Lighthouse faded away for the first
time 9 years ago Das Boot gave a place for the clubbers to be together.

:: Kriss

The greatest missionary of groovy House! If you wanted to hear
the most banging House-tunes in the late '90s at eastern Finland,
you just had to come and dance to DJ Kriss's beats. Kriss has kept
under the radar for a long time and visits the clubbing scene rarely.
It is always a suprise and a night to be remembered!

:: Pete

Oldest of the Keepers, the silent legend of the Lighthouse.
Pete has been here from the beginning and still guiding young clubbers
to the harbour of liberty. His beats and melodies has penetrated
decades of clubbing giving joy and happiness to everyone!

:: Urmaz (Såint)

During the years in Kotka, Urmaz had his hands on almost
in every club. If not organizing, then entertaining the
audience by spinning quality tunes one after another.

If you are one of the few people who have walked the path
during the last 10 years ago you might remember Urmaz
from events, such as Phoenix, Zeal, Toxic, and of course..

L i g h t h o u s e !

Posts: 5,301

#2 • • Caro² Fiilis / SESSIONS2
Nyt ois voinu olla jopa jotain kuuntelemisen arvosta - mutta yllättäen on keikkaa muualla.

Posts: 5,560

#5 • • m1kk3 no-life

Replying to Såint presents LIGHTHOUSE 12.5.2010 @ Kotka:

UrmaZ, 13.4.2010 13:46:
Individual, 13.4.2010 12:29:
Tänne vois tulla hankkimaan reippaan työmoodin seuraavalle päivälle. Nää Såintin keskiviikko-bileet oli aika mukavia viime kesänä.


13.05 torstai on pyhäpäivä!

No kappas, olin just kirjottamassa että perkele ku nää on keskiviikkona mut nyt kyl sitte varmaan tänne :)

Kabinetti on niinkuin konemusa potenssiin kaksi.

(c) Sir Henri Risti


Posts: 634

#7 • • Arctos Vitun Insinööri!!
Hitto! Kalenterissa lukee Düsseldorf tämän päivän kohdalla. Majakan setiä ois kyllä pitäny päästä morjestamaan.. =/

Ottakaa joku, jooko, setit ees talteen? =)

Kukaan ei ole täydellinen. Minultakin puuttuu monta vikaa..



Posts: 6

#8 • • zintonic

Posts: 706

#10 • • -Alex- Dj
Erittäin hyvältä näyttää *hymy* Ekaks Suomi-Usa matsi ja sit tänne *hih*

Peteltä klubisetti bileissä onki melkosen harvinaista herkkua ja vois kuvitella et tiukkaa klasariraitaa luvassa.

Posts: 2,220

#12 • • Sallakat jungle, baby !
oi oi oi <3 joutuu kyl pyrkii järjestämään asioita niin ett päästäis tulemaan tänne. toivottavasti mesta vaa ei oo yhtä tukossa yhtä clueless porukkaa mitä on ollu ne kaks kertaa joskus ku oon käyny tuolla, muuten tosi jees !

Posts: 2,220

#14 • • Sallakat jungle, baby !
No toivottavasti siellä nykyää tosiaan muutakin tehdää ku mulkoillaan ja tönitään tanssiringeistä yksin tanssivia ja puristellaan tungoksessa perseitä. Muuten kyl erityis-thumbs-up tapahtumalle!

Posts: 187

#16 • • UrmaZ

Replying to Såint presents LIGHTHOUSE 12.5.2010 @ Kotka:

Sallakat, 21.4.2010 10:54:
No toivottavasti siellä nykyää tosiaan muutakin tehdää ku mulkoillaan ja tönitään tanssiringeistä yksin tanssivia ja puristellaan tungoksessa perseitä. Muuten kyl erityis-thumbs-up tapahtumalle!

Oisit Salla onnellinen että "sunkin ikäistä" tulee vielä nuoremmat kollit riiaamaan! *hih*

Posts: 5,560

#19 • • m1kk3 no-life
vähän kiikun kaakun tänne pääseminen :/ No, jospa sitä sais jotenki järkkäiltyy.

Kabinetti on niinkuin konemusa potenssiin kaksi.

(c) Sir Henri Risti


Posts: 5,560

#20 • • m1kk3 no-life
eipä tänne sit pääse. Perkeleen duunit ku haittaa vapaa-ajan viettoa *toktok* Ei saa sit kehua näit bileit jälkeenpäin, muuten vituttaa ku pientä elukkaa.

Kabinetti on niinkuin konemusa potenssiin kaksi.

(c) Sir Henri Risti