Cosmic Dance presents DJ T (Get Physical, DE) 11.7.2009 @ Helsinki

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#1 • • Edited Katerina Snoopy Detective
Cosmic Dance presents DJ T (Get Physical, DE)
Saturday 11.7.2009 Redrum

DJ T (Get Physical, DE)
Lil' Tony
Mr. A

Redrum // 22-04 // K20 // 10€ // VIP 5 € (inc. drink)

Thomas Koch aka DJ T

Beginning in the mid 1980's DJ T. made himself a name as resident DJ at various venues of the Frankfurt club scene such as Music Hall, Plastik, Dorian Gray, XS and The Box.

In 1989 T. alias Thomas Koch founded 'Groove', serving to this very day as the magazine's publisher. He contributed essays to various music books such as 'Localizer 1.0' and 'techno'.

From 1999 till 2003, T. and Patrick Dechent ran the highly reputable club Monza in downtown Frankfurt. His youngest project is the Berlin based deep house label Get Physical Music.


Posts: 499

#4 • • Edited Katerina Snoopy Detective
FACT mix 62: DJ T.

The latest in FACT's exclusive mix series comes from
Get Physical co-founder DJ T.

Featuring Kiki, Motor City Drum Ensemble, John Daly and more, it's a marathon at two and a half hours - the longest mix we've had to date. It also comes on the verge of his second full-length album, The Inner Jukebox. For more on T.'s journey to The Inner Jukebox, the makings of his FACT mix and where his label's going, read the interview after the download link and tracklisting.


1. Kiki feat. Chela Simone - Good Voodoo (Visionquest Rmx) (Bpitch Control)
2. Kris Wadsworth - Shootin Moves (morris Audio)
3. Helmut Dubnitzky - Njam Njam Beats
4. George P - Spinning (Diaphan)
5. Snuff Crew - DJ Into Space (Gigolo Recordings)
6. Motor City Drum Ensemble - Frontin (20:20 Vision Recordings)
7. Kiki - Starslider (BPitch Control)
8. Ekkohaus feat. Mensa - The Healer (Morris Audio)
9. Smalltown Collective - Lotussaft (Lopazz Remix) (Session Deluxe)
10. Glimpse - True Friends (Kindisch)
11. Larsson - Fandango (Rotary Cocktail)
12. Chubby Dubz - Say It Aint So (Undertones)
13. Holger Zilske - Olho Gordo (Playhouse)
14. John Daly - This Is A Lonely Beat (Drumpoet Community)
15. Steed Lord - You (Keinemusik Rmx) (???)
16. Martinez - Blue Lagoon (Moon Harbour)
17. Ekkohaus - Unsound (Cargo Edition)
18. Daniel Maher - Casbar (???)
19. &ME - F.I.R. (Keinemusik)
20. Calculus - Loosey Goosey (Hairy Claw)
21. Fallou - The Morning After (Sunrise Mix) ( Fourth Floor Records)
22. Holger Zilske - Have A Cup Of This (Playhouse)
23. Stereocity - Waiting For Your Call (Mojuba)

DJ T! Tell us about the mix you've recorded for FACT...

"Firstly, I've got to say that over the last few years I haven't been the biggest 'mix maker'. I was rather lazy to start with and at the same time had the feeling that the tracks I was putting in the mixes were starting to wear off on me because I was hearing them so often. However over the last few weeks, everything has started to turn around. The work I've been doing on this and many other podcasts has been great fun and has totally inspired me and the feedback has resulted in me feeling a musical enrichment and expansion.

"When choosing the tracks for the FACT podcast it was less to do with the functionality of the grooves and beats in the foreground and more to do with emotions and the statements being made by the music. At the same time it struck me that there was an unusual amount of vocal tracks around that really spoke to me, not just with short-cut vocal samples but with proper songs. This meant that I got a few key experiences using vocals. All this lead me to realise that I was entering another musical phase and that my R&B roots were starting to break through again, something that I find quite exciting. The podcast for FACT was the first of them all and at two and half hours long it will be the longest. I've been listening to it in the day while I'm working and its one of the most accomplished and emotional mixes that I've ever done."

Tell us about the origins of The Inner Jukebox. When did you begin work on it? There were a couple of false starts, right?

"Originally I wanted to have the album completed two years ago with Walter from Booka Shade. The plan all went down the drain because Walter didn't have enough time due to the success of Booka Shade. That was the beginning of the two year odyssey, in which time I worked with many good people, among others, Matthias Tanzmann und Ian Pooley. Out of this came a few good releases for Get Physical, Kindisch and Pokerflat that I was really satisfied with, but for many different reasons, a whole album just wasn't possible. However I think that all of this was really important because working with all these different people I got to see all the different ways they work and learnt a lot from this. I really hope to work with some of those guys again in the future."

This album finds you embracing the spirit of 90s house music, right? Tell me a bit about the differences - sonic, conceptual - between Boogie Playground and The Inner Jukebox.

"The first album was a bit like a retro grocery, a loving homage to everything musical that had influenced me in my childhood and youth. I wanted the sound of the second album to be more 'here and now' and it was guided by my definition of house in 2009. Many would probably rather say that it was tech-house but for me it all falls under house.

"The fact that I've cited classical elements from the 90s in The Inner Jukebox isn't really a contradiction because everything comes back from from time to time. However I don't want to over-value the elements from the 90s that have been influences. I have focused myself less on specific artists and more on the feelings and atmospheres that I connect with previous different types of earlier house. For example, one title such as 'Shine On' is comparable to that of Dylan Hermelijn aka 2000 and One's last album in a definite epoch of Benelux-house. I also wanted to split both ways, by creating a club album and one that you could listen to at home or in the car. Whether I have managed to achieve this, I'll let the listener decide!"

You recorded the album with Thomas Schumacher. Tell me a bit about your working relationship with him. How did you meet? Why did you want to work together? What did he bring to the project?

"We first got together late last summer in the studio because we both wanted to produce a track for the 100th anniversary release on Get Physical. Straight from the start we had a great chemistry and we both realised that although we had come from very different musical backgrounds there was a big overlap in what we were playing in our sets."

Was making The Inner Jukebox a difficult process, or did it happen quite naturally?

"Yes and no. It was a tricky road with many big and small adjustments to be made and crisis to overcome until we had the feeling that we had a good workflow and felt safe to work on the parameters of our sound aesthetic. Once this was sorted we didn't have to worry anymore. After we had overcome these rather pragmatic hurdles, the music just began to flow naturally in a clear direction despite little planning and being quite spontaneous. The final phase was almost euphoric and we both came out of it feeling very inspired."

What are your plans for the rest of 2009? Any forthcoming single releases/remixes you can tell us about?

"Until the end of summer there is the album launch and the three singles being released. Each singles features exclusive B-sides and remixes that are not on the album. Maybe if I've got the time I will produce one or two releases for other labels. The beginning of July marks the start of my first world tour that will last for six months. The first half will mainly concentrate on Europe and the second half I will tour four other continents without flying back to Berlin in the meantime. I'm really looking forward to it. You will be able to read about what I experience on the internet. Throughout the whole tour I will be keeping a DJ Diary that will have weekly reports on my trip and it will be posted on Beatportal."

The Inner Jukebox is out now on Get Physical.

Posts: 3,137

#5 • • serotonot Paul Easy
DJ T:hän ois kyllä pirun kova. Tai ainaki ukon tuotanto. Tarvii kattoa jos ehtis pelimestoille

Posts: 1,936

#7 • • Edited Kon-tiki The Unsinkable
Kas. Tää Teehän on perustanut paitsi Get Physical -levymerkin, myös Groove-lehden joka on Saksan yksi suurimmista elektronisen musiikin lehdistä, ja pitänyt aikonaan Monza-klubia joka oli viime kesänä aika hitti Ibizalla. Toiset ehtii.. *ding*

Posts: 2,098

#8 • • mr.a

Replying to Cosmic Dance presents DJ T (Get Physical, DE) 11.7.2009 @ Helsinki:

Kon-tiki, 11.7.2009 20:06:
Kas. Tää Teehän on perustanut paitsi Get Physical -levymerkin, myös Groove-lehden joka on Saksan yksi suurimmista elektronisen musiikin lehdistä, ja pitänyt aikonaan Monza-klubia joka oli viime kesänä aika hitti Ibizalla. Toiset ehtii.. *ding*

Tekee sitä mitä rakastaa niin aika on suhteellista :)

tuu Minna sanoon moi! mulla on sulle muutama uus tekno!

Posts: 1,049

#10 • • Edited W
Kivaa oli, kiitos jälleen kerran. Seuraavana lauantaina sit uusiksi. *hih*

Porukka rantautui paikalle vesisateesta redarin tropiikkiin vähän turhan myöhään ja moni missas Mr.A tyylikkään kulkevan lämppäri setin. *vink*

DJ T Veti mukavana vaihteluna (ainakin mulle) niin aika Discon setin....monta tosi kivaa biisiä tuli vaikka kokonaisuutena olis voinu musta olla vähän progressiivisempi, mut ihan hyvä näinkin.

Mut joo tosiaan, seuraavana lauantaina sit taas uusiksi! *jiihaa*

Posts: 374

#11 • • Mai Villikisu
Jeah, kiitoksia illasta! Musiikki oli just mun makuun hyvää ja tosi jorattavaa.

Kesken illan tuli tosin vähän nälkä ja tein vartin visiitin lähimpään Carolssiin ja sit taas meno jatkui normaalisti, tyttö tyytyväisenä ja massu täynnä! *tirsk*

Kiitokset illasta mukavalle seuralle ja toki Redrumin aina niin mukavalle henkilökunnalle.*hymy*
Cosmic City Survivor

Posts: 590

#12 • • Cosmic City Survivor
Tänään sitten Dj Tltä ja Analta astetta tiukempi setti Freedom Baarissa Kuudennella linjalla. Itse en pääse mestoille tänäänkään, koska olen Madridin Fabrikissa club Goassa keikalla.

Posts: 4,793

#13 • • Aurinkoneiti
Alkuilta oli energinen, loppuilta meditatiivinen musan suhteen. Todella jännä, omanlainen tyyli Dj T:llä. Mulla oli ainakin hauskaa *tirsk**tirsk* Kiitos.

Posts: 799

#14 • • Oliwer
Jep, oli kyllä mukava meno ja meininki. Hyvää väkeä liikkeellä. Musiikillisesti mulle yksi parhaista illoista viime aikoina.
Tyylikkäitä biisejä. Oli tosi jees myös ne loppumetrien versiot menneiden vuosikymmenten iki-ihanista klassikoista. *aplodit*

Posts: 4,649

#17 • • Verano Merituuli
Kiitos, erittäin mainiot kekkerit ja loistavaa musiikkia. Joutui hiukkasen nostelemaan käsiä ilmaan. Päihitti omasta mielestäni esim petetongit mennen tullen.

Posts: 499

#19 • • Katerina Snoopy Detective
DJ T. kertoo helsingin visiitistään beatportalilla.....

Soooo – where to begin? Let’s start with my personal lowdown on the Finns. I really love them, they are a great people and really made me feel welcome and at home.

I guess I feel a great kinship to their mentality: They are quiet but friendly, restrained, passionate and ambitious and, as far as I can tell, very loyal, reliable and blessed with plenty more qualities I appreciate in my fellow humans.

They are people you would like to have around when it counts. And, most of all, they are huge music freaks. Not just on some superficial level, but all the way in: They are a nation of ardent eclectics!


