PSYCHEDELIC CLINIC with TOTAL ECLIPSE (TIP, TWISTED,FR) 14.2 @ Bangkok by Night, Helsinki

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Posts: 236

#1 • • Edited NaSu* psyKepossu

....Vuosaaren metsässä mä lämmitän rumpua
mättääni ympärillä kulttuuri kumpuaa....

Tää odotteLis jo KeSäää !!! ;)


Posts: 838

#2 • • Edited -Clinic-
Psychedelic Clinic @ Bangkok by Night
Saturday 14.2.2009 // 21:00-04:00 // age 20 with advance ticket


Bangkok by Night
Kaisaniemenkatu 4
00100 Helsinki

Psychedelic room:

Total Eclipse (TIP, TWISTED, Dragonfly, FR) LIVE

Texas Faggott (Exogenic) LIVE
Poliisi (Clinic)

Chill out room:

Dreadlock Tales LIVE
Inkeri Tähti (Exogenic)
TBO (Piecemakers)
Kirsu (Entropy)


Psychedelic Room:

22:30 Idi
00:00 Texas Faggot
01:00 Poliisi
02:10 Total Eclipse

Chill out room:

21:00 Inkeri Tähti
23:00 Kirsu
00:30 Dreadlock Tales
02:00 TBO

Clinic visits booked in advance: 19€ incl. bf from & Street Beat,
18€ from Cyber Shop
Charge at the Clinic reception: 22€

Clinic information:

Decorations: Piecemakers
X-rays: Akivalo
Group at Facebook:


Total Eclipse Bio:

Stef started making music in 1979 by joining the band of the Paris based Hungarian exile Peter OGI to play the bass. Then when Ogi signed a management deal with Malcom McLaren, they both mover to London to release a couple of singles.

Once in London he decided to stay there and started playing with a few South London rock bands. In the early eighties he jammed with Youth who had just left Killing Joke and they formed their own group called Brilliant. The group recorded various singles and got charted in the independent charts. Work included co-production with Rusty Higan, Chas Jankel and Zeus.b.Held.

In 1984 another band was formed called Fresh with Brandon Beal and Muff O'Donnel. In 1985 they recorded the Bobby's boys "Bobby can't dance". A first electro and this single was involving Robert De Niro and Martin Scorsese..

In 1989 Stef made a band with Ben Watkins, Electrotete a 100% electronic music project and recorded singles for various labels including Raveage records, Warner Brothers and R&S. This music was really dedicated to make party music. Sending the tracks to Goa through the French DJ Yayo TBE and Fred KNK.

In 1992 Ben and Stef created the collective Juno Reactor and released an album "Transmission" with Nova Mute. They also involved themselves in the art world and recorded a live experimental ambient soundtrack to accompany the sculptural installation of Norma Fletcher. The track was later released on an album "Luciana by Alex Patersons's Inter Modo label. They also remixed for a few artists like Siouxie and the Banshees, Fatima mansions, Killing Joke Laibach as well as a tracks for Traci Lords debut album.

Stef also participated on albums 'Beyond the Infinite', 'Bible of Dream', and 'Shango', but their work collaboration stopped in 2002 after recording the Matrix reloaded soundtracks in Los Angeles.

It was in 1992 that to escape the intensity of working with Juno, Stef linked up with Serge Souque in Paris in a TBE party on the famous Delo barfe. They wrote two tracks and recorded them in Youth's Butterfly studios under the name Total Eclipse. Soon after Loic Vanpoucke joined the band. From there they build their own studio in Serge's hometown Bordeaux. The following two years saw the imposition of Total Eclipse sound on European party dance floors with the release of vinyl singles through Dragonfly and TIP. 'Delta Aquarids' the first album was out in 1995 with the new label Blueroom. It was followed by a double album Violent Relaxation in 1996. 1999 Blueroom released the third album of Total Eclipse "Access Denied".

The band launched their own label "Totally Eclipsed Recording" the first compilation "Melatonic Music" included artists such as Toires, Pyxis and Electroslide. They remixed for Jungle High, Killing Joke, Sven Vath, Ann Clark, Gong, Prana & Shpongle. The group is also recording under other names such as Typhoon, Antidote and a collaboration with members of The Infinity Project and Hallucinogen called "The Mystery Of The Yeti".

In the beginning of 2000 Serge quit the band to form his own project The Antidote while Loic and Stef kept on touring with Total Eclipse. In Japan they asked Michio Baba to play live gigs with Total Eclipse and wrote a few Total tracks together. "Update files" was then released illegaly in Japan during the winter 2003 by Arcadia music. But the collaboration in between Michio and Stef was also taking another turn as they built together the foundations of the collective Digital Mystery Tour. Michio's studio being in Tokyo and Ste's in Bordeaux, Michio found the way to link everybody through the web. The composition of the first album "Digital Mystery Tour" was as exiting than frusturating as the technologies often failed. In 2004 the new Digital Mystery Tour album "DMT Express" was recorded. Instead of only relying on the internet the main idea was to record as many live performances as possible (guitar, saxes, flutes, vocals...). It got picked up by Iboga records and released on their new sub label Sofa Beats in 2005.

Beside his new trance act 'Terraformers' (with French DJ David Shanty and Fabien Mournetas) Stef is currently working on the long awaited new Total Eclipse album! Mesmerising sound journeys composed by one of the living legends in trance history.

Posts: 236

#3 • • NaSu* psyKepossu
...uskallankohan mä ny?!? etten taas tee jotain sopimatonta ;) hehh!

BILEEEEEEEEET!!!!!*tanssittel**possu**sydän**tanssittel* jesh!!

....Vuosaaren metsässä mä lämmitän rumpua
mättääni ympärillä kulttuuri kumpuaa....

Tää odotteLis jo KeSäää !!! ;)


Posts: 236

#6 • • NaSu* psyKepossu
en todellakaan turhaan hehkuttanu tätä jo niin aikasin!! JuMaLsessöN!!! ääää.... en jaKsa oDoTTaa!!!!!!!!!*jiihaa**possu**sydän*

kiiTos clinicin väki *sydän*
täst tulee upeeta!!

....Vuosaaren metsässä mä lämmitän rumpua
mättääni ympärillä kulttuuri kumpuaa....

Tää odotteLis jo KeSäää !!! ;)


Posts: 356

#7 • • Aeslie
Ystävän päivälle on aika monta eventtiä mut musta tuntuu et mä tuun tänne ^^ *tanssittel*

Posts: 838

#8 • • -Clinic-
Liput myynnissä tänään klo 18 Cyber Shopeissa sekä Tiketissä & Street Beatissa.

Posts: 1,174

#9 • • subu Suski
No huh, aika bileet luvassa ystävänpäiväks! *plur*

Posts: 593

#11 • • Rivakka T2xikerien
Tänne todellakin! Minkäslainen paikka toi BBN on?

Posts: 1,395

#12 • • Edited golem Golem

Rivakka, 2.2.2009 19:44:
Tänne todellakin! Minkäslainen paikka toi BBN on?

Sieltä saa viidellä eurolla vaimon loppuelämäksi.

No ei kai =D

En oo siis ite käyny koskaan, mutta mitä nyt oon lukenut kuvauksia paikasta, niin vaikuttaa ihan lupaavalta paikalta. Tänne siis varmaan tulisin jos oisin Suomessa.

Oli kai tuonut Thaimaasta asti jotain paikan sisustuselementtejä.

Posts: 555

#13 • • iBOU marX escobar
Tänne sitten *iloinen*. Jotenkin olen onnistunut aina missaamaan Texas Faggotit, no nyt korjaantuu sekin!

Posts: 838

#14 • • -Clinic-

Psychedelic Room:

22:30 Idi
00:00 Texas Faggot
01:00 Poliisi
02:10 Total Eclipse

Chill out room:

21:00 Inkeri Tähti
23:00 Kirsu
00:30 Dreadlock Tales
02:00 TBO

Posts: 1,180

#16 • • peikkolapsi miisa the maskotti
ihan tällee alustavasti;
oveltakin saa siis lippuja?

kuumottais lähtee tänne *justjoo*
kuumottais kyllä moneen muuhunkin paikkaan lähtö *tirsk*
joo. väsy.

mut hei, n'hrään nniinku, tanssitaan koloissa
taI sit mennää pikahissilla prahaan'
se on tanssilattialla


Posts: 838

#17 • • -Clinic-
Lippuja löytyy myös ovelta, joten ei hätää sen suhteen :)

Posts: 383

#18 • • Lucky-13th
Disco trance tonight!

I´ve made up my mind, don´t confuse me with the facts!


Posts: 3,594

#19 • • tomii kallion herttua
Olipas yllättävän jees kemut, ei ollut mitään odotuksia, kun tuli menty aika ex-tempore näihin. Aluksi aika tylsää saundia, mut sit kun Fägärit hyppäs puikkoihin, niin siitä eteenpäin olikin hyvät reivisaundit taas kehissä. Total Eclipseltä ihan kingii saundia ja äijä oli selkeesti aika liekeissä itekin. Poliisilta myös hiton hyvä setti. Mesta yllätti tosi positiivisesti. Tais toi 22e ovelta karsia kaikki keskustan normiörveltäjät, koska tuolla oli helvetin hyvä fiilis. Jengi hymyili ja reivas ihan täysillä ja savua puskettiin kans kunnolla, niiku reiveis pitääkin ja basso jytis siihen malliin, että meinas (ihan oikeesti) putoo stobet pöydältä! :DDD Reivauksen henki oli läsnä :D Oli rahan väärtiä menoa. *piis*

reivaan kunnes kuolen


Posts: 236

#20 • • NaSu* psyKepossu
mitä tähä voi sanoo?!? possu oli liekeis ja nauTTi, taNssi ja tyKKäs *possu**sydän* Poliisi ja Total Eclipse *sydän* IHANAAA niinku toTaaLiPLuR!

....Vuosaaren metsässä mä lämmitän rumpua
mättääni ympärillä kulttuuri kumpuaa....

Tää odotteLis jo KeSäää !!! ;)