Underground Clinic @ Rose Garden
Saturday 23.8.2008 // 22:30-04:00 // Age 20
Rose Garden
Iso Roobertinkatu 10
00100 Helsinki
Operation room:
Gusgus (President Bongo) (IS)
Easy Coma (resident)
Time table:
22:30 Halla
00:30 Easy Coma
01:30 President Bongo
Observation room:
-Staff on holiday-
Clinic visits booked in advance: 8 incl. bf.
(from www.tiketti.fi & Street Beat)
Charge at the Clinic reception: 10
Clinic information:
Enter Clinic before 23.00 and get a free drink!
X-rays: marX
group at Facebook: http://www.new.facebook.com/group.php?gid=7893507181
Club Cruise by Rose Garden & Clinic
@ M/S Emma 23.8.2008
Rose Garden ja Clinic tarjoavat vuoden klubiristeilyn lauantaina
23.8.2008. Luvassa on viisituntinen retki Helsingin lähisaaristossa.
Älä missaa tätä mahdollisuutta nauttia raikkaasta meri-ilmasta,
Paul Easyn, Coman ja kumppaneiden tarjoamasta hyvästä musiikista, mahtavien
ihmisten seurasta ja upeasta fiiliksestä m/s Emmalla. Laivalla on
sekä ulko- että sisäkansi, joten edes sade ei pääse pilaamaan
risteilyn tunnelmaa.
Risteilyliput maksavat 25 euroa ja sisältävät risteilyn lisäksi
ilmaisen ruuan Rose Gardenissa risteilyn jälkeen, sekä ilmaisen
sisäänpääsyn illan Underground Clinic -tapahtumaan, jonka
päätähtenä on islantilaisen Gusgusin DJ, President Bongo.
Lippuja myydään vain 150 ja niitä saa ainoastaan Beatrootista ja
Clinicin Markolta ja Antilta, joten osta omasi ajoissa!
Risteily lähtee Kauppatorilta klo 17.00 ja palaa sinne 22.00, jonka
jälkeen siis luvassa ilmainen ruoka Rose Gardenissa.
Rose Garden & Clinic proudly present the club cruise of the year on
Saturday 23.8.2008, a 5 hour trip in the beautiful archipelago of
Helsinki seaside. Don't miss this possibility to enjoy fresh sea
air, good music by Paul Easy, Coma & guests, great people, and wonderful
atmosphere at m/s Emma. The boat has both inner and outer decks, so
rain can't do any harm.
Tickets for this cruise cost 25 euros and include: the cruise, free
food in Rose Garden after the cruise, and a free entrance to the
Underground Clinic event with Gusgus DJ President Bongo in Rose Garden.
Tickets can be bought only from Beatroot and Clinic guys Marko &
Antti. There's only 150 tickets, so get your own quickly!
Cruise starts off from Kauppatori at 17.00 and returns at 22.00 and
after that, free food is served at Rose Garden.
GUSGUS Dj President Bongo bio
"Avec Bongo c'est plus sure"
If house is a nation... you know who's the President!
Prepare yourself ment-ally, physic-ally and joy-ally! Measure out your dancing space, tape up your feet tie down your jockstrap! The President hits where it hurts! And it hurts twice as bad as it should. The producer/dj from electronic soul band gusgus from Reykjavik has been there, and is about to come here. With an amazing roster of the coolest, the hottest, the dirtiest clubs all around the world the President is sure to direct everyone to the dancefloor with his compacted fusion of techno, house and whatever comes into that rotting mind when connected to his native Gaybon superpowers. The president is never to busy to make love, and his love is music. Soft leather gloves and blackened matt hand-grenades, do you like fisting? He does. A fist full of records. Number one records.
Saturday 23.8.2008 // 22:30-04:00 // Age 20
Rose Garden
Iso Roobertinkatu 10
00100 Helsinki
Operation room:
Gusgus (President Bongo) (IS)
Easy Coma (resident)
Time table:
22:30 Halla
00:30 Easy Coma
01:30 President Bongo
Observation room:
-Staff on holiday-
Clinic visits booked in advance: 8 incl. bf.
(from www.tiketti.fi & Street Beat)
Charge at the Clinic reception: 10
Clinic information:
Enter Clinic before 23.00 and get a free drink!
X-rays: marX
group at Facebook: http://www.new.facebook.com/group.php?gid=7893507181
Club Cruise by Rose Garden & Clinic
@ M/S Emma 23.8.2008
Rose Garden ja Clinic tarjoavat vuoden klubiristeilyn lauantaina
23.8.2008. Luvassa on viisituntinen retki Helsingin lähisaaristossa.
Älä missaa tätä mahdollisuutta nauttia raikkaasta meri-ilmasta,
Paul Easyn, Coman ja kumppaneiden tarjoamasta hyvästä musiikista, mahtavien
ihmisten seurasta ja upeasta fiiliksestä m/s Emmalla. Laivalla on
sekä ulko- että sisäkansi, joten edes sade ei pääse pilaamaan
risteilyn tunnelmaa.
Risteilyliput maksavat 25 euroa ja sisältävät risteilyn lisäksi
ilmaisen ruuan Rose Gardenissa risteilyn jälkeen, sekä ilmaisen
sisäänpääsyn illan Underground Clinic -tapahtumaan, jonka
päätähtenä on islantilaisen Gusgusin DJ, President Bongo.
Lippuja myydään vain 150 ja niitä saa ainoastaan Beatrootista ja
Clinicin Markolta ja Antilta, joten osta omasi ajoissa!
Risteily lähtee Kauppatorilta klo 17.00 ja palaa sinne 22.00, jonka
jälkeen siis luvassa ilmainen ruoka Rose Gardenissa.
Rose Garden & Clinic proudly present the club cruise of the year on
Saturday 23.8.2008, a 5 hour trip in the beautiful archipelago of
Helsinki seaside. Don't miss this possibility to enjoy fresh sea
air, good music by Paul Easy, Coma & guests, great people, and wonderful
atmosphere at m/s Emma. The boat has both inner and outer decks, so
rain can't do any harm.
Tickets for this cruise cost 25 euros and include: the cruise, free
food in Rose Garden after the cruise, and a free entrance to the
Underground Clinic event with Gusgus DJ President Bongo in Rose Garden.
Tickets can be bought only from Beatroot and Clinic guys Marko &
Antti. There's only 150 tickets, so get your own quickly!
Cruise starts off from Kauppatori at 17.00 and returns at 22.00 and
after that, free food is served at Rose Garden.
GUSGUS Dj President Bongo bio
"Avec Bongo c'est plus sure"
If house is a nation... you know who's the President!
Prepare yourself ment-ally, physic-ally and joy-ally! Measure out your dancing space, tape up your feet tie down your jockstrap! The President hits where it hurts! And it hurts twice as bad as it should. The producer/dj from electronic soul band gusgus from Reykjavik has been there, and is about to come here. With an amazing roster of the coolest, the hottest, the dirtiest clubs all around the world the President is sure to direct everyone to the dancefloor with his compacted fusion of techno, house and whatever comes into that rotting mind when connected to his native Gaybon superpowers. The president is never to busy to make love, and his love is music. Soft leather gloves and blackened matt hand-grenades, do you like fisting? He does. A fist full of records. Number one records.