Job advice needed

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Posts: 61

#1 • • Opulent
Ok folks I know this has zero to do with djing, but your help is really needed.

Five years ago I came to finland, spent three years in ft language school, and earnt an ammatti as a sähköasentaja from TuAKK. However, since finishing my course I've had no luck with finding a job as an apulainen. I check weekly on and have sent my c.v to every electrical company in the yellow pages. Unffortunately literally every asentaja job requires experience that I don't have. Also agencies are of little help, again wanting people with experience.

SO does anyone know of a company looking for people in Turku, or tips for finding work? How do newly qualified students get a job, especially if theres never an advertised vacancy for them?

thx for any advice peeps*yingyang*

Posts: 1,151

#3 • • Saarre
finland is being overrun by Temp-agencies such as Adecco zomg incoomiiinnggg

*tähti* Full hearts cant lose


Posts: 1,574

#4 • • Apo Asiallisen Profeetallinen Oppinut

Opulent, 10.4.2008 18:49:
SO does anyone know of a company looking for people in Turku, or tips for finding work? How do newly qualified students get a job, especially if theres never an advertised vacancy for them?

Just call firms in that industry and sell yourself to (one of) them. Yellow pages (Keltaiset sivut), internet. You should also look a little further than Turku. Also try to check out other industries, bigger companies might have their own teams working in your line of work. At least some of the bigger telecom companies have their own electricians.

Also, try to use your language skills as an advantage.

Posts: 1,170

#5 • • Zeratul Captain miserable
I would strongly recommend you to try getting into practical training.
For some unknown reason, the info about financial aid and grants is very limited, or not at all available in the english version of, so heres a link to the finnish page
If you can´t read finnish, it´s probably better to just go to your local emplyment office to get the info in english. *joo*

Practical training is basically a good deal for the employer, since you´re paid by KELA instead of the employer, and for you too, since you get the experience needed for further employment.

~ Somos feos apestamos y pero reinamos ~


Posts: 1,381

#6 • • Chäz Namutäti
You could also try
I only found 1 job searching for sähköasentaja in Turku (pls see )
according to the ad you only need to have studied the subject. Unfortunately the link is in Finnish so if you're not able to read it then you could just call the contact number they've given (Raine Harju phone number: 0205 44 5335 or visit their web page

Hopefully this was to some use. Good luck with your job search!

Yhden hulluus tuottaa paljon hulluja..

You are who you pretend to be, so you better pretend to be someone you can live with


Posts: 61

#7 • • Opulent
thx everyone for the speedy replies. My understanding of written finnish is decent so I can read most text fairly well. Unfortunately because I've been a kotiisä since finishing my course my oral skills are pretty poor =( Ironically most firms want their workers to have english skills, but intermediate finnish doesn't cut it.

Chäz: the sentence 'muutaman vuoden kokemusta koneiden kunnossapidosta' in the advert puts me out of the picture I'm afraid, thx for looking though.

Posts: 1,381

#8 • • Edited Chäz Namutäti


Chäz: the sentence 'muutaman vuoden kokemusta koneiden kunnossapidosta' in the advert puts me out of the picture I'm afraid, thx for looking though.

sorry, my fault - i put the wrong link *blush* try this one instead:

ps. note that you have to apply before the 20th of April if you're interested.

Yhden hulluus tuottaa paljon hulluja..

You are who you pretend to be, so you better pretend to be someone you can live with