8 posts, 1 page, 3,570 views
peruutettukiksutus, 31.1.2008 23:54:
Hellou folks!!!
DJ TONZA plays progressive and uplifting sounds @ NIGHTCLUB ANSA 10.00-11.00 PM, be there or be squared .There will be also PLAYERS -show, so enjoy the dazzling night
kiksutus, 1.2.2008 18:15:
kiksutus, 31.1.2008 23:54:
Hellou folks!!!
DJ TONZA plays progressive and uplifting sounds @ NIGHTCLUB ANSA 10.00-11.00 PM, be there or be squared .There will be also PLAYERS -show, so enjoy the dazzling night
kiksutus, 19.2.2008 00:37:
Tänä lauantaina maakunnasta bileporukkaa jammaamaan Laihian Ansaan, proge/trance matskua tiedossa ainakin tunnin verran (23.00-00.00)
Reno, 9.3.2008 12:47:
must have