FLUX 1.12.2006 @ Tampere

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#1 • • Edited Meke GT Digital, BCN Records
FLUX @ Mixei, Tre
21-04 :: 8 euroa :: K18

Lähes vuosi kulunut edellisistä Flux bileistä...Jälleen monipuolista musiikkia tulossa kahdessa eri kerroksessa.

Main room:
Kim & Uke [MIAU!, Slave rec. UK]
Orion [Misc Management]
Sergei Shkuroff [Madwave, MLNM. Five AM records - UK]
Meke [DI.fm, RAD]

Breaks & Drum'n'bass room:
Tenechtica [Coffeebreakz]
Femi [Future Floorfiller]
elysion [Spinni]

flux2zx3.jpg fluxtakajz3.jpg


Ruboy Records, GT Digital, BCN Records, Burning Chrome Records, Sinthetic Digital, Electronica Exposed, Finrg Recordings, Audio Reanimation, Freeformaniacs, Ruffbeatz


Posts: 162

#2 • • Forcer Separi
Tänne näin *joo*

Posts: 2,846

#4 • • villelope Lope of Lope & Kantola
Orionin tampereclassics-setti Spinni10v:ssä kyl osu ja uppos meikäläiseen. Josko täällä olis sitten tuoreempaa soundia isommassa suhteessa?

Helvetin hyvää musaa on ainakin defaulttina tulossa *joo*

Eikä kyl kissalan poikienkaan soittelua ole liian usein päässyt kuuntelemaan. Tänne siis!

PS. Elysion: älä anna tyttöjen kyykyttää sua siellä junkkastagella *pepsodent*

Posts: 651

#5 • • Femi
Hyvät bileet tiedossa! ;D

Posts: 651

#8 • • Femi

Posts: 2,083

#10 • • Meke GT Digital, BCN Records
Julisteen kuva lisätty...Flaijereita odotellessa.

Ruboy Records, GT Digital, BCN Records, Burning Chrome Records, Sinthetic Digital, Electronica Exposed, Finrg Recordings, Audio Reanimation, Freeformaniacs, Ruffbeatz


Posts: 2,361

#11 • • UzU [33100]
U&K ja tyttöjunkkaa \\\\o/
Olis kyl passeli setti mut joutuu missaan duunin takia. :/

Posts: 2,083

#12 • • Meke GT Digital, BCN Records
Tässä parit biot:

Tenechtica has been playing since 2002 when she started to play with cd's first and that was kind of an accident too. She got her first cd's from her friend and decided to have a go one day and from that moment she has been playing drum'n'bass for her own amusement. Nowadays she prefers vinyls.
Her first favorite tune was Titan by Ram Trilogy and that gave the direction to what she's still playing; from ruff to neurofunk and tracks including oriental themes.
She has got few underground gigs but she still regards herself mainly as a bedroom dj even though she will hardly say no to a gig offer.

Before settling down to the capital of Finland, Helsinki, in autumn 2006, Orion has already been involved in electronic music culture for far over a decade. Starting in the early nineties in the industrial city of Tampere, where rave culture was at its peak, the spirit of illegal raves and warehouse parties formed the ground on which he still stands.

While living over five years in Rovaniemi, just a stone's throw from the Arctic Circle, Orion has influenced strongly the electronic music culture of the north. As one of the key figures of the northern club scene he has hosted, promoted and produced countless club nights, events and DJ-based concerts all over Northern Finland and tirelessly pushed forward the culture and the music as a DJ and a promoter.

At the moment Orion works in the staff of Misc Management which is the first truly professional dance music oriented DJ booking agency in Finland.
During his DJ-career, Orion has made his way to perform in many of the biggest domestic parties with countless number of Finnish and foreign artists, live-acts and DJs. He has been performing at Koneisto, the biggest electronic music festival in Northern Europe, Hallmark, the biggest regular club in Skandinavia and Time Tunnel, one of the oldest and most respected annual events in Finland - to mention a few.

Orion has also been the musical representative of PR-events for several corporations like Mini Cooper and Philip Morris and headlined clubs outside Finland for example in Kostamus (Russia) and Augsburg and Kempten (Germany). Today Orion is still one of the busiest DJs/promoters in Finland.
As a DJ Orion loves to blend styles and genres - to build the set up with house & trance vibes and vitalize it with breakbeat and techno. On the era of digital music, he doesn't just rely on the easiness of latest MP3-releases:

"I love to use my music collection on a wide scale, not just the records I've bought in the past two months. Forgotten classics, old vinyl gems, they are all there - combining that old sound with the fresh releases has really proved its power on the dancefloor. That's what electronic music is at its best - timeless."

Residencies at various club nights have progressed Orion's style towards technique perfection - although he always gives more value to DJ's ability to interact with the audience and to build the set correctly to fulfill their expectations.
Alongside DJing Orion has worked on some different fields of electronic music as well. He has produced music for multimedia productions, events and theater plays and written the first university degree research in Finland about flyers in electronic music and youth culture. Furthermore Orion produces and promotes regularly club nights and events all over Finland. During the years spent in the north he has worked for several domestic club tours and introduced countless artists for the first time to northern clubbers. Many clubs and companies have employed him as an Event Manager for their needs.
Orion is also one of the creators of the Nordic Techno Forums - the event calendar and discussion forum of club culture in Northern Finland, which has grown to be the no.1 information channel for everyone willing to know about the upcoming events in the arctic.

"I've been lucky enough to have people around me who haven't been there for money and fame but for the love to music. I guess none of us ever believed how big the thing would get far in the Finnish outback and I can't give enough credit to all those who have been co-producing, supporting and helping with all the countless productions."

Ruboy Records, GT Digital, BCN Records, Burning Chrome Records, Sinthetic Digital, Electronica Exposed, Finrg Recordings, Audio Reanimation, Freeformaniacs, Ruffbeatz


Posts: 2,083

#13 • • Meke GT Digital, BCN Records
Flaijerit lisätty

Ruboy Records, GT Digital, BCN Records, Burning Chrome Records, Sinthetic Digital, Electronica Exposed, Finrg Recordings, Audio Reanimation, Freeformaniacs, Ruffbeatz


Posts: 262

#14 • • JOILI!!! ihkussa paistettu sydänmarmelaadi plur-kastikkeel
oho, missannu tän kokonaan

nasta juttu *vink*

Posts: 904

#15 • • peepe
Kolmen viikon loma Tampereella <3 Sitähän vois tulla juhlistamaan tänne :)

Posts: 651

#16 • • Femi
melkein..kohta. ei ihan, mut melkein! tulee techsun kaa hikiset paikat *hikoil*

Posts: 262

#17 • • JOILI!!! ihkussa paistettu sydänmarmelaadi plur-kastikkeel
hikiset paikat mixeissä, been there *enkeli*

Posts: 651

#18 • • Femi
eipä oo enää pitkä aika *plur*

Posts: 162

#19 • • Edited Forcer Separi
"kohta" pääsee kuuleen taas junkkaa (elysionia odotellessa)


Posts: 1,036

#20 • • elysion `laaserkiiski, järviemme teknokampela!`

Femi, 26.11.2006 21:54:
eipä oo enää pitkä aika *plur*

Ei tod. Rupee kuumottelee jo kovasti. Toivottavasti vielä eilen tilatut levyt kerkee tulemaan perille ennen perjantaita. Nyt kun sitten keksis että mitä kaikkea sitä soittelis.