...The Dance Empire...
10 years Anniversary
The first Pluto parties ever were held in Teatro
back in 1995 and 1996. After that we moved to a new venue,
Vanha Ylioppilastalo, and it has been a huge success ever since.
In summer 2004 we had a co-operation with Devotion & Millennium in
club CTRL and the party was sold out.
...This year we have a new venue and new ideas
Come and enjoy the music and feeling that has
been up for 10 years. The Venue, La Tour, will be
filled with massive lights and decorations...
22.00-23.15 Cosmo & Flaikku
23.15-00.30 D.N.A & Efo
00.30-01.30 Dr Bone
01.30-02.30 Sasha F
02.30-03.30 Neon
22.00-00.45 Kaiu & Sakura
00.45-03.30 Ana & Nuance
Ennakkolipulla k-18, ovelta k-20
La Tour, Helsinki
Mannerheimintie 5
Klo 22-04 / k-20 / 7 ennakko: street beat
Pluton lisäksi vietämme myös toisia synttäreitä. Rakas Mariamme (UnityF*sydän*) täyttää 25 vuotta! Joten vietämme tupla synttäreitä pienen kakun ja purtavan kera*hihu*
lisätiedot & vip-lista: [email protected]