A U R O R A 2 0 3 0 @ Taiteiden Yö 5.8.04 Vaasa

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Ville Vähäsaari

Posts: 689

#1 • • Ville Vähäsaari
A U R O R A 2 0 3 0
Electronic Open Air Disco

Night of the Arts: 5.8.2004
Hovioikeudenpuistikko 16
Free Entry, No Agelimit
18.00 - 24.00

Astronauts: Båssanova, Sipitron, Kenth, Crash
Detroit Techno Electro Space Mania!

\”Before humans can leave their boot prints on the dusty surface of Mars, many questions have to be answered and many problems solved. One of the most fundamental questions – one that has intrigued humankind for centuries – is whether life has ever existed on Mars, the most Earthlike of all the planets.\”
Ville Vähäsaari

Posts: 689

#2 • • Ville Vähäsaari
tarkennusta vielä paikkaan... eli diskoilu tapahtuu anttilan ja hesburgerin välisellä puistoalueella.