Trip To Goa presents: OTT LIVE 29.1.2016 @ Helsinki

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#1 • • goafinland

Legendaarinen Trip To Goa palaa vuosien tauon jälkeen Helsinkiin. Ott on yksi psykedeelisen chillout musiikin kovimmista nimistä ja meillä on suuri kunnia hostata hänen viimeisimmän Fairchildren albumin julkaisukeikka Suomessa. Bileissä vietetään myös Goa klubin 8-vuotissynttäreitä.

Tämä on myös harvoja tilaisuuksia kuunnella ambient musiikkia isolla äänentoistolla. Ambienttia edustaa live-setillään syntikkaguru Sarana, joka on edustanut Suomea mm. Boom festareilla ja nyt myös kansainvälisillä auringonpimennysfestareilla Indonesiassa. Luvassa on myös muuta chillout musiikkia - ja Goa klubin tyylin mukaan loppuillasta goa ja psyketrancea.

Ott on erittäin suosittu artisti maailmalla ja häntä on päivä päivältä vaikeampi saada Suomeen. Tätä ei siis todellakaan kannata jättää väliin!


Ott Live (UK, Ottsonic), Fairchildren album release set
Sarana Live (Ambient)
Nebula Meltdown (Suntrip)
Aegonox (Goa, Entropy)
Paul Eye (Aura)
Dreaml4nd (Dreamland)

Decorations: Psychedelic Caravan

Price (unconfirmed):

20eur presale (Cybershop Asematunneli), 22eur+bf (Tiketti),
from door 25eur (if any tickets left).

EARLY BIRD presale tickets 17eur (limited amount!)

Lippujen myynti alkaa näillä näkymin MA 28.12. klo 16:00.

Place: Kaivohuone
Address: Iso Puistotie 1, Helsinki

More info TBA

Artistien musiikkia voi kuunnella alta:



Nebula Meltdown:



Paul Eye:


Ott was doomed to be a teenager in the cultural wasteland that was the mid-1980′s provincial England. After a brief period wandering aimlessly through the hairsprayed deserts of New Romanticism and poodle-rock he found refuge in the warm, inviting sounds of Scientist, King Tubby, LKJ, and Prince Far-I and the effortless grace of European experimentalists Neu! and Kraftwerk.

The end of the 1980′s brought with it a cultural and musical revolution and Ott headed to London to immerse himself in the new energy. Initially unimpressed by the frantic, unmusical clatterings of acid house and “rave” he discovered a new wave of artists who apparently shared his love of organic dub and pristine electronics. Artists such as The Orb, Dub Syndicate, FSOL and African Head Charge. These were people who were unafraid to combine bass-heavy rhythm, abstract soundscape and timeless melody into a huge, ever-shifting sonic universe which reflected perfectly the spirit of hope and positivity which prevailed.

It was at this point that Ott found his first work as an engineer in several studios around North London. Working obsessively, 18 hours a day, seven days a week for the next ten years, Ott developed his engineer skills working with artists such as Brian Eno, The Orb, Youth, African Head Charge, Steve Hillage, and On-U-Sound.

After mastering his studio skills, Ott celebrated the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st by giving it all up and moving to a remote cottage in South West England to be alone with his cats and his studio. Here he embarked on a series of sonic experiments, drawing heavily on the classic dub sounds from Jamaica and hypnotic electronic pulse from Germany which had provided such a refuge during the 1980′s. A period of intense creativity followed, during which a great many tracks were created and then stashed away on tapes.

In the meantime, Ott hatched a plan to remix half a dozen or so classic Hallucinogen trance tracks and release them as dub mixes – slower, fatter and more chillout friendly. In 2002 the album “Hallucinogen in Dub” was released via Twisted Records to universal acclaim. Buoyed by the success of “Hallucinogen in Dub”, the following years to come would see Ott gather together and release his sonic experiments on Twisted Record as the albums “Blumenkraft” and “Skylon”, as well as a whirl of gigs around the world, remixes for Shpongle, Entheogenic, Tripswitch, and collaborative projects like Umberloid (with Chris Barker) and Gargoyles (with Simon Posford). During this time, Ott travelled the word, got married, welcomed his daughter Daisy to the world and recorded his fourth album, which he self released in 2011, entitled ‘Mir’.

In addition to hundreds and hundreds of headline club dates, Ott has performed worldwide at acclaimed festivals such as Wakarusa, Camp Bisco, Rainbow Serpent, Glade, Sonic Bloom, Symbiosis, Lightning in a Bottle, Tree of Life Festival, Big Up Festival, and many many more.

Posts: 394

#2 • • goafinland
Muutama tärkeä päivitys tapahtumaan liittyen:

- bileisiin tulee Precision Audio Premium äänentoistojärjestelmä. Tiimimme kävi koekuuntelemassa sen muutama viikko sitten ja se on yksi parhaista äänentoistojärjestelmistä, joita on PK-seudun tapahtumissa pyörinyt :)

- Crystal Crew tanssiryhmä tulee esiintymään bileissä
- tapahtuman alkamiskellonaikaa aikaistetaan: bileitten ovet avataan jo klo 20:30. Heti alusta lähtien kuullaan harvinainen Saranan ambient live-setti. Kannattaa valmistautua tulemaan aikaisin paikan päälle.

Posts: 394

#3 • • goafinland
Moi. Trip To Goa bileisiin on enää muutama päivä ja ennakkolippujen myynti käy todella kuumana. Kannattaakin hakea omasi pois nopeasti. Ja myös tulla mahdollisimman ajoissa paikan päälle, sillä Ottin suunniteltu esiintymisaika on klo 23-01 ;)