INSOMNIACS with EDU IMBERNON (ES) 7.2.2015 @ Helsinki

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Insomniacs palaa kuvioihin helmikuussa tuomalla tuottajavelho Edu Imbernon suoraan Espanjan lämmöstä Club Venuelle. Vuosien 2008 ja 2009 taitteessa läpimurtonsa tehnyt Imbernon otti elektronisen musiikin piirin haltuunsa jo 21 vuoden iässä. Mies järisytti klubimaailmaa ystävänsä Coyun kanssa ”El Baile Alemán”-hitillään, eikä menestykselle tunnu näkyvän loppua.

Imbernonin tuotanto on sittemmin kääntynyt aavistuksen verran melodisempaan suuntaan, mutta kädenjälki on pysynyt omintakeisena ja niittänyt vuosien mittaan herralle palkintoja ja arvostusta. Mies pyörittää levyjen lisäksi omaa Eklektisch-levy-yhtiötään ja hänet on tunnettu muun muassa maailmankuulun Space Ibiza -klubin resident-deejiinä.

Venuen lämmitys- ja lopetusseteistä vastaavat Insomniacs-residentit Illschnitzell ja Jekaterina, kun taas Playgroundin puolella kotimaista osastoa edustavat veteraani-dj Unik ja teknotaituri Jay Fish yhdessä tuoreemman Quema & Venæ -dj-kaksikon kanssa.



Saturday 7.2.2015
Age 18

Venue & Playground
Pohjoinen Rautatiekatu 21
00100 Helsinki


VENUE: (22:00-04:00)

EDU IMBERNON (Fayer, Culprit, ES)

Illschnitzell (Insomniacs)

Jekaterina (Insomniacs, Venue)

PLAYGROUND: (23:00-04:00)

Unik (Playground)

Jay Fish (Playground, Tesno, Cosmikal, X-Rust)

Quema & Venae (ORC)



Cláudio Damião (CDphoto lab., PT)


Precision Audio Premium double


Insomniacs page:




From Lippupalvelu:
10€ (+ service fee starting from 1,5€, minimum total price 11,5€)

VIP tickets (only 100 ticket for sale)
20€ + service fee starting from 2,5€, minimum total price 22,5€)

-VIP entrance with free queue passing at the venue
-Special gift @ Venue (ask from ticket seller)

SUPER VIP ticket only from email: [email protected]

450€ SUPER VIP for 10 people (1 table only)

SUPER VIP ticket includes:

-VIP entrance with free queue passing at the venue and escorting to the table
-Table reserved for all night next to the stage
-1 bottle of Vodka + mixers, 2 bottles of sparkling wine


Edu Imbernon bio:

Sprouting from city of “valour” –Valencia– songwriter, producer, remixer, DJ and label owner, the multifaceted artist Edu Imbernon is turning into a truly global electronic music proposition.

Edu’s blend of electronica, house and indie has seen him release original music on institutions such as Bedrock and Get Physical, as well as newer pretenders Culprit and Suara over 2012 and 2013.

It was during the years 2008 and 2009 though, when Edu exploded onto the international electronic music landscape. Firstly, “El Baile Alemán” on Liebe Detail, produced with his friend Coyu was appointed “Best Underground Track of the Year” by Beatport. Secondly, his label Elektisch was born. Over the past 5 years, Edu has curated original music and remixes from the likes of Pleasurekraft, Blond:ish, Hot Since 82, Solomun and David August for the imprint, as well as close friends and newer talents Los Suruba, Sivesgaard and Dosem.

As a remixer, Edu comes into this own. His anthemic remix of The XX”s “Crystalised”, from their stratospheric “xx” album, proved to be Young Turks best selling remix to date. Follow up remixes of Maya Jane Coles’ “You” for Hypercolour and X-­‐Press 2′s monster “Lazy” cemented him as a top tier remixer and sustained DJ support from the likes of John Digweed, Jamie Jones, Sasha, further cements his ascendancy towards the upper echelons.

From the lounge bars of Lebanon, forests of Brazil and the magic of Goa, all the way to the Miami bayfront for Ultra Music Festival, the open air madness of the Kings Day street party, Amsterdam, and the hallowed terrace of Space Ibiza, as resident; Edu’s truly global touring schedule continues to broaden.

The tastemaker clubs of Watergate, Berlin, Warung Beach Club & D-­‐Edge, Brazil and fabric, London, have all laid host to Edu’s DJ talents, while his “Fayer” brand has taken root in his home town of Valencia and is set for sustained international exposure in 2014.

What does the future hold? Not content with having played 5 continents of the world in 2013, touring will take Edu from Montevideo, Lima and Sao Paulo, to Sydney, Bali and Cape Town, via his European strongholds of Berlin, London and Amsterdam. A debut artist album, live show and touring club brand are just some of things on the 2014 checklist for one of the most talented, hard working and gregarious artists in today’s electronic music scene.