Slightly fucked up 31.12.2013 @ Turku

3 posts, 1 page, 2,550 views


Posts: 190

#1 • • Gerbera Åbojungle
Dj's Gerbera, Dejaru, Firewire
- Free -

...blurry memories, who was she?

Flashing lights and low rumbling noises kept pouring on us.
...the taste of blood and shit in my mouth developed a cause for concern.

“What was that in your pocket?” she asked.

I thought I was going to break. Why did I have turntable needle in my vein?

“Would you like to get shit-faced?”
Did not want to say yes because we were in some bad company.

But after was about survival after this conflict.
...we had to drink the liquid from the floor...
...I’m afraid we were Slightly Fucked Up.

The jungle is massive


Posts: 190

#2 • • Gerbera Åbojungle
Nyt on hyvät pohjat uudeksi vuodeksi. Vielä jaksaa.

The jungle is massive


Posts: 190

#3 • • Gerbera Åbojungle
Hyvää uutta vuotta Klubitus! Tänään tanssitaan - jossei sammuta.

The jungle is massive