DJ ORKIDEA - 6 HOUR SET 6.8.2010 @ Turku

48 posts, 3 pages, 14,737 views


Posts: 322

#3 • • Armadance Booth Bitch - HC Forum Spammer
Parasta kesässä *plur*
Jokke L

Posts: 1,203

#4 • • Jokke L [GoodMusic]
tänne taas. :)

Are you an angel? Never heard of angels before. They are the most beautiful creatures in the universe. You must be one, maybe you just don`t know it.


Posts: 5,560

#5 • • m1kk3 no-life
Joo, voishan tää olla taas kesän kohokohta. Täytyy vaan toivoa ettei ois tuona perjantaina duunia...

Kabinetti on niinkuin konemusa potenssiin kaksi.

(c) Sir Henri Risti


Posts: 110

#6 • • Leonides
Tänne varmaan juhlimaan synttäreitä.. *jiihaa*

Posts: 2,102

#7 • • Homegrove Further
EMO-TAPSA! *lmao*

Forward thinking house music


Posts: 305

#8 • • YourSelf
Tulisin itsekin mielelläni "juhlimaan" synttäreitäni tänne mut taitaapi olla Afrikassa tuolloin..*jiihaa*

Posts: 898

#9 • • eugina YleX tt-i *sydän*
taitaapi olla mul kesän kohokohta...näin klubimerkeissä.. *hihu*

*nuotti* I can see the light of hope in your eyes *nuotti*


Posts: 577

#10 • • juu-zo *KoneHuone*
Ehdottomasti täällä jos vain armeijasta lomille pääsee.

Respect is not given, it is taken


Posts: 2,729

#11 • • akiapina apinaki
Jaahas, täällä tuleekin sit juhlistettua viimeistä (kesä)työpäivää :)

Posts: 377

#12 • • Seb
What would be Turku clubbing summer without a traditional six hour set from Orkidea at packed and sold out Klubi? For most part of 21st century we've experienced a long journey through Orkidea's vision of quality electronic music - from deep, summery or progressive house sounds to full on big room trance spiced with techno or psychedelic sounds. This time Orkidea will be joined by visual artists LJ's Tea & Severi, better known from Unity parties.

We welcome the summer, music, vibes, people, sunshine and YOU for another sweaty fiesta at
Klubi on August 6th.

Pre-party will be held at Donna (riverboat) where dj's Seb, Jussi Soro & nenna plays atmospheric music.
#13 • • Sunshine^82 Guest
Tulossa ollaan ja parhaassa seurassa! *plur* *hihu* Piiitkästä aikaa Turkuun. :)
Jokke L

Posts: 1,203

#15 • • Jokke L [GoodMusic]
Liput haettu. Hotellikin on (lähes) hoidossa. Nyt vaan odotellaan.. *hihu*

Are you an angel? Never heard of angels before. They are the most beautiful creatures in the universe. You must be one, maybe you just don`t know it.


Posts: 162

#19 • • kaleido *KoneHuone*
3 yötä enää! *jiihaa* it's gonna be masshiive!

...I am ready to go, are you ready to go...I am ready to go, are you ready to go...I am ready to go, are you ready to go?