Vuonna 2000 Kotkan Meripäivillä järjestettiin kadunvaltaus ja mielenosoitus teemana se, että kaupunki ei ollut järjestänyt mitään tapahtumia nuorille kyseisillä festivaaleilla. Hetkeksi Kotkan poliisin tiloja ihmettelemään päätyi tuolloin myös eräs suomalainen dj-legenda. Vuodet kuluivat eikä asiaan oikein tullut muutosta. Eastwayn ilmaiskonsertteja Tik Takin ja Yön tähdittäminä toki pidettiin sunnuntaisin, mutta mitään massiivista monta päivää jatkunutta tapahtumien sarjaa, lavasta tai toimitilasta puhumattakaan, ei ollut.
Nyt 10 vuotta myöhemmin samassa paikassa Kotkan kantasatamassa soi neljän päivän ajan elektroninen tanssimusiikki ja monet muut tyylit Kotkan kaupungin, paikallisten musiikkiyhdistysten, sekä lukemattomien artistien voimin. Teknosta tanssiin, rokista teatteriin.
Spacehouse yhteistyökumppaneineen haluaa tarjota teille kahdeksan tunnin klubitapahtuman Kotkan Meripäivien sykkeessä Kantasatamassa lauantaina 31.7.2010. Ja mikä parasta, bileet ovat teille täysin ilmaiset, eli alueelle ei ole pääsymaksua ja nyt myös kaikki alle 18vuotiaat ovat tervetulleita tanssimaan. Bileitten lomassa "aikuiset" voivat virvoittaa itseään rajatulla anniskelualueella ja pilttien nestetasapainosta pitää huolta kioskiyrittäjät.
Musiikillisesti ilta kulkee kesäisestä housesta ja tribalista psykeprogeen, psytrancesta anthem tranceen ja voimakiksuun. Lopuksi viimeiset mehut tanssijoista tulee piiskaamaan kaksi energistä b2b-settiä.
Summary in english coming up!

Jussi Soro is currently one of Finlands most in demand DJs. Jussi has played for renowned international clubbing brands such as Gatecrasher, Godskitchen, Sundissential and Ministry Of Sound not to mention the biggest Finnish clubs Hallmark, Millennium and Illusions. 28 year old Jussi Soro comes from the Finnish city Turku. On home soil he has been awarded numerous accolades at the Finnish Club Awards, maintained residencies at Choon! and Essence and produces under the names 'Jussi Soro' and 'Miikka & Jussi'.
Jussi grew up with classical music and started playing the piano and violin when he was just five years old and continued his abilities for over ten years. At the same time he was also studying musical theory in music school. During his mid-teens he was involved in playing within a couple of rock bands as a guitarist. At the same time he achieved his first contacts for electronic music. Since his first rave party in 1994 he wanted to be a part of the electronic music scene, buying his first set of decks in 1998. Since then he's been an integral part of the Finnish scene, organizing clubs and events and, of course, DJ'ing almost everywhere.
Jussis musical style revolves around uplifting trance influenced by progressive house, psytrance, techno and electro. His first release on Five AM was a collaboration with Miikka Leinonen and it made record of the month in Mixmag. Since then Jussi has built a solid ground on producing, and is busy remixing and working with such names as Jan Johnston and Matt Darey to name a few. Hes currently signed to Enhanced, Alter Ego and Five AM.
Jussi still considers himself as 90% DJ and 10% producer. His passion for DJing is what keeps him going and he has received great recognition for his mixing skills and the flow of his sets. He enjoys gradually building his sets to the peak with more obscure tunes and twisted sounds, and then tearing the roof off with some of the biggest tunes of the moment.
Swoosh // FINRG
Swoosh a.k.a. Tero Viento attended the first Finnish warehouse parties of the early 90s and has been obsessed with techno culture ever since. Many of the early genres of electronic dance music such as acid, rave, hardcore and drumnbass have influenced his current selection of tunes. Especially the harder, harsher side of dance music appealed to him, and albums from numerous different genres piled up in his collection over the years. During the late 90s he also began to develop a gradually growing interest in spinning records.
The final spark for DJ work sprang from meeting E-NRG, (a.k.a. Ari Virtanen) and a group called Carbon Based. Some years later, in the early 2000s, he started considering a more serious DJ career.
Swoosh has played numerous gigs in various underground events, but has also performed at clubs and large events such as Endless Summer Party, SÄDE, FURY and FINRG Tour.
He has been closely following and acting as a background support in the operation of his friends label FINRG Records, and today he plays as a FINRG DJ.
Besides just deejaying DJ Swoosh is also managing FINRG Agency with Sergei Shkuroff and furthermore he is a part of the infamous STUTTGART KICKERS crew which has become widely known for throwing some of the most outrageous underground parties in Finland.
Sam One // FINRG Hybridize

Sami Heikkilä has been interested in electronic music almost his whole life.
He started to produce own music in the year 2004 with his one friend. About a year later he tried software called FL-Studio. Sami was hooked on that software and he is still using FL-Studio.
Step by step the quality of his songs started to get better and better and all the time he entered deeper in to the fascinating world of music production. In the year 2007 he changed his alias into his current artist name "Sam One".
He started to meet friends who had the same hobby as he had. Through that interesting in music got more intence and he bought his first dj-equipment for playing records.
His first gig was in autumn 2007 in the underground party hosted by Koneradio. There he played 1 h 30 min b2b-set with Substanced. In Labour Day 2008 he played his first club gig in the Club SÄDE Labour Day-event.
Sam`s first cd-releases were on UK-label Electronica Exposed. Tracks were "Mechanical" and "Parasonic". Releases have became plenty of more and now he is in the group which is setting up the new FINRG sublabel HYBRIDIZE.
Beach X // Finity Recordings / Nemesis
Beach X is a new trance trio from Kotka, Finland. These three fellows, Pekko Haimi, DJ Radiac and DJ Holle, have been DJing and producing individually on their own for several years. In spring 2008 their paths were finally joined and they started to make music together.
Their musical taste varies from house and progressive house to trance. Beach X's sound is full of influences from the good old years, but with modern twist.
This producing trio are also DJing together, bringing you sets combining "the usual" and progressive sides of house and trance. At Meripäivät festival Beach X has promised to deliver their anthemic trance tunes and tasty bits from their forthcoming EP, but 100% live.
Releases :
Beach X - Sweetest Thing [Finity]
Jace & Tempo Giusto - Voyager (Beach X Rmx) [Finity]
Beach X - Routa [Finity]
Chantola - Last train to Mexico (Beach X Rmx) [Nemesis]
Ivan Litus - Fraction of a second (Beach X Rmx) [Finity]
Support from Orion, Jussi Soro, Darude, Matt Darey, Robbie Nelson (Angelli & Nelson), Suzy Solar to name a few.
For over a decade Finnish dance music scene has enjoyed VJ Move's visuals. This domestic visual pioneer is known of extremely energetic and dynamic style without forgetting his personalized style in graphics.
The story VJ Move began in year 2000 in event called Loop in Tampere, when coincidence drove man to be a VJ at the event. Soon active working spawned new gigs from other events and joining forces with VJ SimStim, the duo became quickly one of the most famous VJ's in Finland. After resignation of SimStim, Move worked few years with VJ Aca, who is nowdays usually seen visualizing the larger trance events.
In addition that VJ Move represents several harddance clubs and organizations like Säde, Fury, FINRG, Supercharged and Harder.fi nowdays, he have been seen visualizing music from house to industrial metal.
+Dj Yediah , Dj Street, Baty, E-524, Individual, Dj Chenny (Spacehouse)
23:00-00:00 Dj Street vs. Sam One -dj/live
21:45-23:00 Dj Yediah vs. Swoosh
20:45-21:45 Jussi Soro
19:45-20:45 Baty
19:00-19:45 Beach X -live
18:00-19:00 E-524
17:00-18:00 Chenny
16:00-17:00 Individual
+ Klo 16:00-00:00 VJ Move
Jussi Soro
Dj Swoosh
Sam One
VJ Move
Beach X
Dj Street
Dj Yediah
Suomen keikkamatkat
Club Såint
Kotkan Meripäivät
Place: Kotkan Kantasatama
Date: Saturday 31.7.2010
Time: 16-00
Tickets: Free entry!
Age-limit: Event is allowed to everyone, though there is no entry to bar facilities if you´re under-aged. You can buy soda etc from the stand. :)
Sound and lights: Audiokymi
Deco: Spacehouse decorations
Co-operation: Kotkan kaupunki, Audiokymi, KYAMK, Club Såint, Pixtime, Suomen keikkamatkat
Gekkonen (KYAMK)