The House Special -Season opening and first anniversary party- with dj Proteus and WCDJ.ORG 11.9.201

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The House Special

Posts: 35

#1 • • Edited The House Special
The House Special -Season opening- and first anniversary party.

Yes, we are back. On september 11th we are celebrating our first anniversary, and boy it's going to be huge.
This fall is going to be special. And what better way is there to open the season than a very special house set by none other than dj Proteus. There is also a new food menu, some exiting new foods for you to taste and enjoy on early evening. The whole menu is open and everything is on discount for the party people. We are also upgrading our visual image and you are going to see the results through the fall, winter and spring.

But hey there`s more.

Dj`s for the night

While we eat: Byproduct (Scenesat)

Getting it going on: Noste (Resident)

Smashing them pumpkins: Proteus (Säde)

Double or nothing: Prime Number (Resident)

Special bonus:

Pumping them toilet beats: WCDJ.ORG

Tickets 8e
Restaurant Alexandria (ex Grecia)
Katajanokanlaituri 5

The House Special is served for the last time on 9th of october at Restaurant Aleksandria, Katajanokanlaituri 5.

Dj WerneX

Posts: 394

#2 • • Dj WerneX
Tännehän tullaan :) just sopivasti täyttänyt 20-vuotta kun on 6.9 syndet niin sitten pääseepi bailaa tänne =) mukana ollaan =)
The House Special

Posts: 35

#3 • • The House Special
4 months left...

The House Special is served for the last time on 9th of october at Restaurant Aleksandria, Katajanokanlaituri 5.

The House Special

Posts: 35

#5 • • The House Special
3 months left...

The House Special is served for the last time on 9th of october at Restaurant Aleksandria, Katajanokanlaituri 5.

The House Special

Posts: 35

#6 • • The House Special
One month left

The House Special -Season opening- and first anniversary party.

Yes, we are back. On september 11th we are celebrating our first anniversary, and boy it's going to be huge.
This fall is going to be special. And what better way is there to open the season than a very special house set by none other than dj Proteus. There is also a new food menu, some exiting new foods for you to taste and enjoy on early evening. The whole menu is open and everything is on discount for the party people. We are also upgrading our visual image and you are going to see the results through the fall, winter and spring.

But hey there`s more.

The House Special is served for the last time on 9th of october at Restaurant Aleksandria, Katajanokanlaituri 5.

The House Special

Posts: 35

#7 • • The House Special

The House Special is served for the last time on 9th of october at Restaurant Aleksandria, Katajanokanlaituri 5.


Posts: 5,021

#8 • • Nitta Sateenkaaren päässä
*ttu miten näpsäkkä flaijeri *plur*

ps. on muuten deejiitkin kohdallaan. Kaikki allekirjoittaneen makuun *sydän*

Posts: 8,775

#9 • • Freja Sihteeri
Pysyyks ruokalista samana vaikkei Grecia ookaan enää Grecia?

Let´s see colours that have never been seen
Let´s go to places no one else has been


Posts: 90

#13 • • Edited WCDJ.ORG Inspired by Volumen vessa appreciation thread.
After all the 'FAIL' attempts to make a comeback...

We are finally back...

All 2010 style...

Fresh and renewed...

The best of the worst...

The one and only...


Meet us at the toilet parade!

PS. Don't forget your kalëidoscope!

Posts: 463

#15 • • murrinalle Transfixion Recordings, STOMP ,Vatican UG
Täällä tietysti! Mulla on samana viikonloppuna käymässä vieraita englannista asti ( joten ne tulossa kanssa.

Odotan kovasti Proteuksen settiä! *jiihaa*

P.S. Pahoittelut pikkumainoksesta. *hihu*

Posts: 8,060

#16 • • ezzy Droid-pappa
Kyllähän tää nyt aika pakolliselta näyttää, on kaikki kohdallaan <3

ja vitun hieno flaba! mad props!

Posts: 2,154

#17 • • mariq
Jei *jiihaa* Tänne ehdottomasti!
Niin mainioita kinkereitä ollu viime talven kaudella niin tietysti syksyn starttiin mukaan *joo* (varsinkin Proteuksen house-settiä kuulemaan *vink* *hih*

Whoever invented boredom must´ve been mad at life for being so Amazing.


Posts: 108

#18 • • Azar
Messissä! Hoidan vaan oman keikan ensin alta pois!
Dj WerneX

Posts: 394

#19 • • Dj WerneX
tänne oon kyllä tulossa ! aivan varmasti, vaikka rahaa ei olis niin pappa betalar :P

Posts: 3,224

#20 • • Jammailija d a n c e m a c h i n e s
No tänne tietty! Ruoka on ollut aivan hemmetin hyvää ja biitti on natsannut mukavasti tehden tunnelmasta oikein viihtyisän ja rennon!*aplodit*

Näkemys yksilöstä oli se, että tällä ei ole pysyvää minää ja se kaipaa jonkinlaista pysyvää onnea, turvaa ja vakautta ja on alituisesti tarkoituksettoman toimelias...