Underground Clinic with Tom Neville (UK) @ Rose Garden 16.5.2008

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Posts: 838

#1 • • Edited -Clinic-
Underground Clinic @ Rose Garden

Friday 16.5.2008 // 22:00-04:00 // Age 20


Rose Garden
Iso Roobertinkatu 10
00100 Helsinki

Operating room:

Tom Neville (Love Minus Zero, UK)
Easy Coma (resident)
Peak (Age Of Love)

Observation room:

Paul Easy

Time table:

Operation room:

22:00 Easy Coma
00:00 Tom Neville
02:00 Peak

Observation room:

00:00 Peak
02:00 Paul Easy

Clinic visits booked in advance: 8€.
(from www.tiketti.fi & Street Beat)
Charge at the Clinic reception: 10€

Clinic information:
Every patient gets a free sample of Contact Energy Gum when exiting the Clinic premises
Enter Clinic before 23.00 and get a free drink!
X-rays: Marx




Tom Neville Biography

With 2007 looming around the corner, electro DJ, remixer and producer Tom Neville is set for the biggest year of his career to date.
With the momentous success of underground smash 'Just Fuck' back in 2004 already tucked under his belt, a track that received support from the likes of Zane Lowe, Mary Ann Hobbs, Annie Mac and Pete Tong, Tom is moving into a new stage of his career.

As well as turning his magic hands to remixing and production, Tom has launched his own imprint Love Minus Zero, a launch pad for future stars of the electronic age. Singles 'Dark Disco Place' under his own moniker Xavier Laceour and the 'Invisible EP' by Tommy Four Seven have been wooing the UK music press, from Mixmag to DJ, i-DJ, One Week To Live, Future Music, AXM, Bent and the Gay Times. DJ support comes in the form of Tiga, Pete Tong, M.A.N.D.Y, Ewan Pearson, Trevor Jackson and Laurent Garnier and many more.

In celebration of the success of the new label, LMZ are throwing regular parties to coincide with its releases, at the palatial Great Eastern Hotel on Liverpool Street, London. The parties have thus far welcomed into the fold DJs such as Serge Santiago, Gower Ramsey, King Roc and Tommy Four Seven as well as live acts, the Tom Neville produced Chilinski, pop-grime hot stuff Man Like Me and punk-funksters Spektrum. The next party will be held in the Masonic Temple on February 16th for a LMZ Valentines special, with Chaim from Tel Aviv, the next artist to release on the label.

Tom is also no stranger to impressive remix action. Already known for his remixes of 'Milshake' by Kelis and 'Destroy Rock & Roll' by Mylo, Tom has more recently lent his magic remix touch to hot new fodder 'Don't Be Shy' by new pals Spektrum, as well as new mixes for the huge breakthrough band, The Feeling and cult sensation Mika.

Tom DJs worldwide and this year alone has completed tours of South America, South Africa, Australia, France, Eastern Europe as well as Russia. Forthcoming dates include a tour of Australia and China in the New Year.

And if that isn't enough - look out for his new Love Minus Zero Podcast which will be available from your nearest iTunes store from 2007.

// www.tomneville.co.uk // www.loveminuszero.co.uk



Clinic on uusi klubibrändi, jonka tarkoituksena on tarjota mielenkiintoisia ja tuoreita klubielämyksiä eri tyylisuuntien saralla. Clinicin eri alahaarojen tarjoamat tapahtumat yhdistää kliininen tarkkuus laadussa.

Lääkäriksi ei valmistuta hetkessä ja niinpä Clinicin taustalla ovatkin pitkään konemusiikkipiireissä vaikuttaneet ihmiset. Klubin resident-dj:t ovat aloillaan uranuurtajia; psytrancen saralla pitkän työn tehnyt Poliisi tulee luotsaamaan Clinicin psykedeelisen trancen parissa toimivaa klubia, teknomman ja housemman suunnan klubien isäntinä taas nähdään ensikuulemalta ehkä hieman tuntemattomampi dj-/tuottajaduo Easy Coma, jonka takaa löytyy kuitenkin aiemmin Poliisinakin tunnetun Paul Easyn lisäksi toinen pitkän linjan dj, monissa eri yhteyksissä Suomen parhaaksi proge-dj:ksi tituleerattu Coma aka Tero Civill.

Kun tällaisella porukalla ryhdytään luomaan uutta klubikonseptia, lienee selvää että tarkoituksena ei ole tähdätä satunnaiseksi keskitason klubi-illaksi, vaan Suomen klubikulttuurin kiintotähdeksi, brändiksi jonka tarjoamaan laatuun ja elämyksiin voi aina luottaa.

Tulevat tapahtumamme löydät kätevästi Klubituksen kalenterista sekä tietysti myös nettisivuiltamme


// www.clinic.fi // www.myspace.com/easycoma

Clinic is a new club brand which will offer fresh and exciting clubbing experiences within different genres. The unifying feature of these events is the clinical quality of them all. The people behind Clinic have been working in the electronic music scene for a long time - It takes years to become a doctor.

Our residents, alongside their guests, will guarantee you an interesting clubbing experience each time. These residents are Poliisi, a one man psychedelic freak show; Paul Easy, the split personality of him and Coma aka Tero Civill, who has been often titled as the best progressive dance music dj in Finland. Together these two last mentioned form a producer/dj duo called Easy Coma, which is known for their unique productions and mindblowing dj sets.

Our future events can easily be found from Calendar of Klubitus and of course from our website as well

Posts: 838

#3 • • -Clinic-
Ennakot nyt myynnissä Street Beatissa ja Tiketissä.

Posts: 838

#4 • • -Clinic-
Kotimaisen vieraamme Peakin miksauksen voit ladata alla olevasta linkistä!

Peak - First Aid

Posts: 555

#5 • • iBOU marX escobar
Nevillen ja Peakin mixaukset kyllä lupaavat hyvää soundia tälle illalle *slurps*

Posts: 838

#6 • • -Clinic-
Time table:

Operation room:

22:00 Easy Coma
00:00 Tom Neville
02:00 Peak

Observation room:

00:00 Peak
02:00 Paul Easy

Posts: 117

#7 • • Peak
Nämähän jo ihan lähellä! Itseltä luvassa ainakin teknoa ja muuta mukavaa*jiihaa*

Posts: 3,137

#8 • • serotonot Paul Easy
Easy Comalta luvassa teemaan sopivaa aloittelusaundia omalaatuisella otteella. Tai näin ainakin kuvittelisin :D

Posts: 1,146

#9 • • z
vai tanssiaisia pukkaa.. pitääpä tulla kummastelemaan.

Posts: 838

#10 • • -Clinic-
Myös tämän tapahtuman radiomainos löytyy kotisivuiltamme osoitteesta www.clinic.fi ja sieltä Audio Therapy.

Posts: 1,146

#12 • • z
tää oli kyl muuten aika top one. peakilta kans armoton viimeistely :D