MADWAVE NYE 2008 31.12.2007 @ Tampere

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#1 • • Edited shkuroff This is Spartaaaaaaaaaa!

Monday 31.12.2007

Klubi // Tullikamarinaukio 2, Tampere

21:00 - 04:00

K18 ( ID required )

10 euro ( from door only )

DJ's :

JOHN WRIGHT ( Bonzai - UK )

Young trance wizard from Great Britain, John Wright is now back for his second gig in Finland! Last Christmas he has completely rocked Choon in Turku with his euphoric and uplifting UK trance sounds, and this time it is time for Tampere to experience this extrelmely talented dj abilities. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Madwave NYE main guest , John Wright from Bonzai fame!


Madwave resident rascal will please you with one of his trademark sets - full of tech basslines, dirty rhytms, electro flavoured trance madness and naturally some classic anthems from the past years.

ANTON SONIN ( High Contrast - FIN )

Finland's trance prodigy, High Contrast fresh artist, Tiesto and Armin favourite Anton Sonin will play his only NYE 2008 gig in Tampere, so be prepared for some upfront choons, beautiful melodies and driving groove, as this young man definately will deliver some serious damage!

KISEL & FISHBOX ( Madwave on Air - LV )

Latvia's most promising trance act, Banzai club infamous residents Kisel & Fishbox will amuse you with quality selection of upfront smashers and hands in the air remixes. This will be first ever gig in Finland for this young Baltic progressive trance duo!

SASHA F ( Mayhem - FIN )

Finland's best hardstyle DJ will squeeze all your juices off with his traditional closing set, full of hard beats and twisted groove. Frequent guest of Holland's largest festivals such as Audioshokk, this master of all things fast and hard will leave you begging for more, that's for sure.

NEMES ( El Balearium - FIN )

Balearium main resident Nemes will kick off our NYE event with a special set full of electro house, summer grooves and Ibiza feeling. Arrive early, this one is not to be missed!

LJ AKI VALO ( Tampere - FIN )

One of Finland's finest LJs, Housenation frequent guest Aki Valo is your eye pleaser for this unforgettable night. Expect top class light experience!


Famous FINRG resident VJ , almighty Move will blow your mind away once again with his twisted visuals. Don't watch these too much, you can become addicted !


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#2 • • nenna • dbxx / Camari / rubiX / choon! / Club Fantasy •
..katos katos John Wright, hyvä veto..on meinaan loistokaveri..ja showmiehii..vuos sitte choon!:ssa otti kyl yleisönsä! *aplodit*

Posts: 1,722

#3 • • SASHA F
Näist tulee kowat kemut*pahis**tanssittel*

Posts: 933

#5 • • unoha Lti-/UG Collective
Pitänee laittaa mietintämyssyn alle*justjoo* Lahen FURY NYE pippaloita kun ei välttämättä pidetä*poks*

Never Quit !


Posts: 583

#6 • • shkuroff This is Spartaaaaaaaaaa!

DeeJay-Ego, 11.12.2007 22:54:
Pitänee laittaa mietintämyssyn alle*justjoo* Lahen FURY NYE pippaloita kun ei välttämättä pidetä*poks*

Tervetuloa vaan ! :)

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#7 • • unoha Lti-/UG Collective
Shkuroff:iakaan en oo nähny&kuullu deckien takana sitten FURY - Grande Electronica 24.2.2007 eventin jälkeen*igor* Nyt pääsis sit taas jammailee*stomp* jannun+ muiden asiansa osaavien soittajien soundin tahtiin*nauru*

Never Quit !


Posts: 583

#8 • • shkuroff This is Spartaaaaaaaaaa!
Ensimmäinen viesti päivitetty. ;)

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#9 • • Ozma Eurobeat maniac! IKE IKE!
Tänne kattomaan Akin Valoja ja Moven muuvvsseja! *hihu*

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#10 • • shkuroff This is Spartaaaaaaaaaa!
All DJ sets from Madwave NYE event will be broadcasted on ETN.FM on the special show, hosted by our main guest JOHN WRIGHT (UK). There will be also a strictly limited amount of giveaway DJ mix-CDs by our headliner, so arrive early to get your copy!

Kaikki setit Uuden Vuoden bileistämme nauhoitetaan ja soitetaan sitten John Wrightin ohjelmaspeciaalissa ETN.FM:lla. John myös jakaa bileissä pienen määrän omia miksaus-CD:tä, joten tulkaa aikaisin! ;)

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Dancing Shiva

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#11 • • Dancing Shiva FIREWATER
Onko etkoja misään? oon tulossa, mutta yksin.. *nyyh* Oon vasta pari kuukautta täällä treella asunu joten en vielä oikeen tunne porukkaa.. Mutta jos ei etkoja niin bile seuraki käy :)

Posts: 25

#12 • • Liisulin
Siis saako niitä lippuja vaan ovelta? pitääks siellä olla ihan sairaanaikasin välttääkseen jonotuksen?

Posts: 21

#13 • • creepybunny
Kaitpa sitä pitää tänne lähtee. *vink*

tekotaiteelliset pellet jokka ei diggaa mun iskulinjaa voi jäädä himaan irkkaan.


Posts: 583

#14 • • shkuroff This is Spartaaaaaaaaaa!

Liisulin, 20.12.2007 22:12:
Siis saako niitä lippuja vaan ovelta? pitääks siellä olla ihan sairaanaikasin välttääkseen jonotuksen?

Madwave NYE - tapahtuman liput myydään siis tällä kertaa ainoastaan ovelta hintaan 10 euroa ( hinta sisältää narikkamaksun ). Jonotuksen välttämiseksi ja sisäänpääsyn varmistamiseksi ( edellinen tapahtumamme myytiin loppuun ), suosittelemme saapumaan jo klo 21 maissa. ;) Soittajamme kyllä pitävät huolen siitä, ettei ilta käy pitkäksi.

T: Sergei / Madwave

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#15 • • shkuroff This is Spartaaaaaaaaaa!
Pääesiintyjän elämänkerta :


The story of John’s journey to the present starts in 1998 when he was aged 18 and working for Tandy in Merseyside near where he grew up. In the closing down sale, the stores electrical goods were being sold off and among the TV’s and stereo’s was a £10 mixer which John bought to mix between a tape deck and a portable CD player. With the legendary nightclub ‘Cream’ on his doorstep and with the golden age of trance in full swing, John decided to study at Liverpool John Moores University and subsequent student loans were well spent funding clubbing trips up and down the country. With trance music fast becoming a bigger and bigger part of his life, John had bought his first vinyl even before he had bought his first decks.

John’s big break came in 2002 through a competition ran by Midlands super club ‘Passion’ and M8 Magazine. Over a thousand CD’s were submitted and the eight finalists were further reduced to two, who battled it out in the final behind Passion’s decks; John Wright and the then unknown Jon O’Bir. Following his high profile debut sets at Passion, John was contacted by promoters across the Midlands and 2003 firmly established his reputation. He gained a monthly residency on BPM Radio in Birmingham and guested at ‘Motion’ in Nottingham, ‘Rubik’ in Derby and ‘Fixation’ in Nottingham which also lead to later residencies for all three. John also took in ‘Reckless’ and ‘Fluffy’ in Birmingham, ‘Fusion’ in Leamington, ‘Nu Energie’ in Northampton, ‘Generate’ and ‘Movement’ in Liverpool at the fantastic Masque theatre; and ‘Escape’ and ‘Nocturnals’ in Leicester. In 2003, John was then offered the residency at Fixation and he moved to Nottingham to take advantage of the many new opportunities presenting themselves. Numerous sets also followed through the year at ‘The Engine’, Passion’s famous pre-bar and 2003 was capped off in style by two New Years Eve sets for packed houses at Motion and at Fixation.

During 2004, John was offered a residency on Rise FM following a guest mix to start his own radio show ‘Euphoric Horizons’. The show ran on Rise FM for a year before switching to ETN FM where it has run every Saturday afternoon since then and John now holds a station residency along side some of the biggest trance radio shows in the world including shows from Aly & Fila, Ernesto & Bastian, Gabriel & Dresden, Kyau & Albert, Matt Darey, Menno de Jong, Ronald van Gelderen and Solarstone.

John also made his debut for the legendary ‘Hotdog’ in the Midlands with Lisa Lashes; he played at the ‘Inspiration’ charity event alongside Adam Sheridan and John Askew, and also for ‘Shushh’ along side The Thrillseekers and John O’Callaghan. As well as making return visits to many of his previous venues. John made a proud return to Passion in November along with Will Holland and resident Andy Bagguley to play again where it all began, and New Years Eve saw John headlining at Fixation welcoming in 2005 with the prestigious midnight set. The same year he completed his debut studio production ‘Combustion’ with Timefactor and Paul Mendez and also played in London for ‘Toxik’ at the massive Rocket complex.

In 2005, John made his debut for one of the UK's biggest clubbing brands ‘Wildchild’ where he warmed up the main arena in Milton Keynes for Judge Jules, Matt Hardwick, Eddie Halliwell, Scott Bond and JFK. At this point, John picked up his next residency, at ‘Kish’ in Derby every Tuesday night, and throughout the year and in addition to his own shows, John made various guest radio appearances including on Digitally Imported FM with Kuffdam (Vandit / J00F) and also on Galaxy 105 with Nick Riley & Andi Durrant.

Into 2006 a new solo production was completed as Elixir ‘Last Light’ which was released on Inov8 Recordings (UK) and Red Zebra Music (US)with remixes from Jussi Soro and Arctic Breeze and support from DJ’s Marc West (Passion), Lange, Gavyn Mytchel (Ministry Of Sound Radio / The Gallery), Jon O’Bir (Godskitchen), Michael Woods, Greg Downey, Mr Sam, Graham Gold, Kuffdam, Nick Riley (Riley & Durrant / Galaxy 105 FM), Mike Koglin, Michael Splint and Les Hemstock plus many more. John appeared again for Passion in June along with Agnelli & Nelson, Adam Sheridan, Giuseppe Ottaviani (Nu NRG), Menno de Jong and Adam Sheridan, plus he played for ‘Regenerate’ in Nottingham, ‘Essence’ in Coventry and ‘Live & Loud’ with JFK and Genix.

John has recently picked up a second residency for Euphoric Horizons on Club IOM Radio every Saturday night at and he also finished a remix of the 2001 vocal trance classic ‘Ghosts’ by Tenth Planet which picked up massive support from Big Al from ‘Escape’ and on Kiss 101 FM, DJ Choose, Simon Brighty on ETN FM, John Askew even requested an exclusive dub version of the remix and AJ Gibson took it to ‘Crasher classics in Taiwan.


A fantastic years of 2006 and 2007 were capped off John’s first trip to play abroad in Finland for Choon! at the Klubi alongside Jussi Soro and Aki A in December 2006. There was just time to squeeze in a main room set at Passion on an all-star line up including Dogzilla (Live), John Askew, Sean Tyas, Simon Paterson, Mike Koglin, Riley & Durrant and Tylor Leigh. John also secured future performances in the Far East and Asia by joining 88 Music Management, agents to the legendary John ‘00’ Fleming, ‘Crasher’s Scott Bond and Armada’s Niklas Harding.


As well as a new year guest mix for Progressive Transmissions on Party 107 FM, John will soon be starting a monthly show on John started this year developing a driving trance sound with more remixes and some more new original tracks, plus his remix of Krivi ‘Sunrise In Boka’. After picking up support from Michael Splint and Manuel le Saux, his new track ‘Helix’ has been signed to Bonzai Music sub-label Total Digital for a release later this year complete with an earth-shattering remix from one of Belgium’s premier musical exports Icone, and will also feature on the labels ‘Total Essentials’ mix album.
John’s future promises to be just as exciting with more bookings to complete some fantastic line ups and some new collaborations to explore new sounds in the studio. Seeing John play is something else. His long experience of playing early, middle and late sets to crowds of all sizes has helped him develop a sense for how to really build an atmosphere, delivering animated and passionate performances, punctuated by seamless mixing each and every time he plays. John is equally at home playing to a bar of 20, or a main arena of 2000; constantly interacting with the crowd and lifting the audience into a frenzied crescendo. The journey continues with bigger and bolder steps, and praise and recognition coming from clubbers, DJ's and promoters alike. But regardless of what the future holds, John's aspirations ultimately remain just as they were when he made his first mix tape with that £10 mixer, portable CD player and cassette deck when he was 16 years old; to bring the best music in the world to the people who love to dance.

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#16 • • shkuroff This is Spartaaaaaaaaaa!
Juuri saimme tietää, että Alexey Sonar ei pääse terveydellisistä syistä esiintymään MADWAVE NYE - bileissä. Häntä paikkaamaan onnistuimme saamaan kovan latvialaisen trancekaksikon : KISEL & FISHBOX. Pahoittelemme sekaannusta :(

KISEL & FISHBOX ( Madwave on Air - Latvia )

During summer 2004, young Latvian DJ Kisel and his soulmate and his partner Fishbox made a small cottage party for limited amount of friends. There their set was accidentally recorded, and ended up online, receiving astonishing reactions of Latvian club scene. This very same set also was given to the promoter of Latvia's biggest night club Banzai, and promoter liked it so much that he offered Kisel and Fishbox a monthly residency. It was the beginning of completely new era - era of Global Vision concept and metheoric rise of Kisel and Fishbox straight into the top of Latvian trance DJs. First Global Vision was held in September 2006, and since then the main arena of Banzai have seen the cream of Latvian trance, always supported by this resident duo : Kisel & Fishbox. Events suddenly became extremely popular, with clubbers travelling from all over the country in order to be a part of that much rumoured GV vibe. Always seeking for some new and fresh way to please the Global Vision's evergrowing fan tribe, Kisel & Fishbox started to bring over international headliners.
Combining uprfont choons and essential classics and being always a crowd pleasers, Kisel and Fishbox managed themselves a solid place in the Latvian scene as a DJs for the DJs, state, desired by many but not achieved by everyone. So expect full on melodic trance heaven from these future heroes and remember to put your hands down from the air once in a while, since its pretty sure you gonna be rocked totally!

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#17 • • shkuroff This is Spartaaaaaaaaaa!
Timetable :

21.00 - 22.15 - Nemes

22.15 - 23.15 - Kisel & Fishbox

23.15 - 00.15 - Anton Sonin

00.15 - 01.30 - John Wright

01.30 - 02.30 - Sergei Shkuroff

02.30 - 03.30 - Sasha F

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#18 • • evvk
10 euro ( from door only ) <-- tarkoittaako tämä, että ennakkolippuja ei ole? Mitenkäs näin? Meinaan kun on kyse UV-bileistä niin voisi kuvitella että on mahdollista että sinne tulee sellainen ryntäys että n. kello 24:00 paikka on jo täynnä. Kuitenkin jonakin uudenvuodenaattoina, mm. klubi on ollut täynnä mutta myös monina UVeina ei ole ollut sen paremmin jengiä kun normaalistikkaan.

Posts: 583

#19 • • shkuroff This is Spartaaaaaaaaaa!

mark hamilton, 29.12.2007 11:32:
10 euro ( from door only ) <-- tarkoittaako tämä, että ennakkolippuja ei ole? Mitenkäs näin? Meinaan kun on kyse UV-bileistä niin voisi kuvitella että on mahdollista että sinne tulee sellainen ryntäys että n. kello 24:00 paikka on jo täynnä. Kuitenkin jonakin uudenvuodenaattoina, mm. klubi on ollut täynnä mutta myös monina UVeina ei ole ollut sen paremmin jengiä kun normaalistikkaan.

Tällä kertaa ennakkomyynti oli tarkoituksellisesti jätetty pois siksi, että pyritään motivoimaan porukkaa saapumaan jo alkuillasta. Tämä käytäntö on osoittautunut kannattavaksi viime vuoden NYE bileissämme, joten ajattelimme jatkaa samaan malliin :). Viime vuonna porukkaa saapui paikalle reilusti yli 300, joten hyvin lähellä loppuunmyymistä oltiin, mutta kaikki halukkaat kyllä sisään mahtuivat. :)
Toivottavasti tänäkin vuonna ollaan täynnä, joten tervetuloa vaan jo alkuillasta paikan päälle! :)

P.S - Jos jollekin ennakkomyynnin puute aiheuttaa epämukavuuksia, pahoittelemme asiaa. Mielipiteenne ennakkomyynnin tarpeellisuudesta voi esittää minulle vaikka privana.

T: Sergei / Madwave

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#20 • • Morloc Onko mun koti täällä?
Haluisinkohan lähtee tänne..? *ding* Helsinkiin asti ei jaksa bileisiin ja sopivasti olis yks kämppä treella tyhjillään. Normi baari-ilta ei oikein UV:na innosta, mut ei yksinkää oikein huvittais lähtee...paha paha *hmph*