HOUSENATION 2007 @ Kaapelitehdas Helsinki 3.3.2007 Blank & Jones, Kevin Energy...

277 posts, 14 pages, 52,644 views


Posts: 326

#121 • • Maago
ja lippu ostettu *pepsodent*
#122 • • Fuzzy Guest
Jjejejejejeeee...!!! Huomen teen yhelle sekopäälle tukkaa nii shaan mashii nii tuun tänne ekskjuusmii ja sit lauantain meen kyl eka ostaan ennakkolipun ko ovelt se maksaa nii paljo ja sit vois jotain etkoiluiki harkita jos lössi ois vaik messis ko ei niist ikin tiiä ja venaan ihan kybäl noit carboneit ja sit kans tota Kevinii ku en tosiaan oo viälä nähny sitä koskaan ja aijon pitää hyvää aikaa. *pepsodent*

Posts: 296

Yleisön toiveiden mukaisesti soittoaikoja hieman muokattu hard arenalla :)

Hard arena

20:00 Femi
21:45 Genki
22:45 K Complex
00:15 Kevin Energy
02:00 Rx
02:45 Carbon Based

Posts: 1,147

#124 • • Snaggo ;__;

...Mitkäs hallit näis bileis muuten on käytössä?



Posts: 2,361

#125 • • UzU [33100]

Snaggo, 1.3.2007 22:48:

...Mitkäs hallit näis bileis muuten on käytössä?

oisko se toi merikaapelihalli.

Posts: 1,147

#126 • • Snaggo ;__;

UzU, 1.3.2007 23:01:

oisko se toi merikaapelihalli.

Koskaan ei voi olla täysin varma *justjoo* *plur*



Posts: 4,117

#127 • • Unik
No tuskin ne ainakaan puristamo tai valssaamo on. *hymy*

Posts: 1,293

#128 • • Edited Nacu Nacu on the outside, tasty on the inside
Hain liput ja myyjä tuntui olevan hieman pihalla koko asiasta. Monta kertaa tarkistin, että kyseessä todellakin on liput Housenation 2007-tapahtumaan Kaapelitehtaalle La 3.3.2007... jotain outoa lipuissa kuitenkin oli...

... esiintyjinä Blank & Jones, Kevin Enevergy, K Complex *tirsk*

No ei kai väärä nimi miestä pahenna? *vink*

yes i am alone
but then again i always was
as far back as i can tell i think maybe its because
because you were never really real to begin with
i just made you up to hurt myself


Posts: 2,361

#129 • • UzU [33100]

Nacu, 2.3.2007 00:16:
Hain liput ja myyjä tuntui olevan hieman pihalla koko asiasta. Monta kertaa tarkistin, että kyseessä todellakin on liput Housenation 2007-tapahtumaan Kaapelitehtaalle La 3.3.2007... jotain outoa lipuissa kuitenkin oli...

... esiintyjinä Blank & Jones, Kevin Enevergy, K Complex *tirsk*

No ei kai väärä nimi miestä pahenna? *vink*

Haiks Epesistä?
Luultavasti arpoivat vain HN2007 ja Paradise tapahtuman välillä, kun senkin lipuissa muisteekseni lukee että "housenation presents" ..

Mut on kyllä semi yleistä toi että noissa lipuissa on väärin kirjoitettu jotain. Tiedä sitten johtuuko tiketistä (vai kukas noi printtaa) vaiko sitten tapahtuman järjestäjästä.

Posts: 296

#130 • • Edited HOUSENATION
K Complexin vastaukset haastatteluumme.

- Could you tell with few words about your history.
How did you got involved in electronic music and
clubbing culture, did you or do you still go out in
your free time for example? And how things got evolved
to this point from where it (you) started?

I got involved in the scene through going out to raves and
always wanted to make music myself, it wasn't until a few years
later that i started to mess around with some sounds on
my computer...and yes i still go out clubbing when I'm not working,
i still love to go and listen to the music and soak up the vibe!

- In your own words, for clubbers in Helsinki, how
would you describe the music and style you play?

Hard, uplifting energetic beats!

- Who do you feel has had the biggest influence in
your sound? Do you have any particular music styles or
artists that you want to turn up?

For me definately old skool trance from around 1995-98,
it's the music that got me into clubbing in the first place
and i've adopyed elements from it into my own music.

- Looking back at your career what have been most
memorable moments so far?

Definately playing huge venues like Brixton Academy in London
with our NU Energy Collective Live PA- it's thebest buzz you can get!

- So are there any embarrassing ones, the sets you’d
prefer to forget? When it all went wrong for one
reason or another?

A few years ago I was playing at the SEOne complex in London- I'd been really
nervous before but the set had gone really well...until Mark EG came to play
the next set- as he stepped up I pressed stop on the wrong CDJ and everything
ground to a halt! how embarassing!

- Which are your main ambitions for this year?

To make more music, and to be less lazy!

- I supposed answer for this is “both”, but do you
prefer DJing or producing and which one came first to

Producing came first for me and I love it, but DJ'ing
allows you to see the finished product do the job
that it was designed to do on the dancefloor!

- What do you think about the digital revolution. Do
you have a preference playing either CDs or vinyls or
maybe mp3s?

Personally I prefer vinyl but more often than not the music I play is not pressed to vinyl yet.
MP3s and CD’s make it easier to produce a tune and then go test it out on the dance floors that weekend.
If any tweaks are needed you can go back into the studio and do these easily at a minimal cost rather than having the expense of cutting dub plates.
It’s also more cost effective to get your exclusive unreleased tracks out there to other DJs with MP3s and CDs.
However there is a downside to this and that’s to do with illegal sharing and piracy.
If I had to choose I would still prefer to have just vinyl!

- How about your releasing schedule, what have you been up to in the studio

I've been working on a few Hard Dance tracks for Kevin & Phil
York's upcoming Elevate compilation CD, as well as some brand new
hardcore material of my own- as well as a hardcore few bootlegs
of classic trance tunes!!

- From all the tracks you've produced, what is your
favorite one?

For me I think it's got to be Adagio, I was surprised
that no one had made a hardcore/freeform version
before - it had been a project that i'd wanted to do
for a long time and when i finally got around to it..well
it kicked ass!

- Where can we expect to see you DJ over the coming
months? Busy schedule as always?

I'm playing up and down the country in the next few months but
the gig i'm most looking forward to is Alexandra Palace in london next
month- it's a huge venue and always a great night!

- What is the one track that you make sure is in your
record bag in every gig at the moment?

Lost Soul "Zombie with a chainsaw" - love it!

- And for all the ladies, they certainly need to know,
what do you enjoy to do when you're not
DJing/producing, if that doesn’t take all your time?

Cooking, drinking, more music and my cat Jasmine.

- Finnish people always love to hear what people know
about our tiny small country. Do you know anything,
more that Mikä Häkkinen and Formula one?

haha i'm a huge formula one fan, but this is my first trip
out to finalnd so i'm looking forward to learning more!

- Do you have any particular to say to the finnish
crowds? What will be expected from your long-awaited
set here in Helsinki?

Only that i'm really excited to have the opportunity
to come out and play- can't wait to rock the place with
some brand new sounds!

- Classic questions, answered an 1000 and more times,
can you name your at least almost 5 favorite
electronic or club tracks of all time?

Ok! In no particular order:
Orbital "Belfast"
Golden Girls "Kinetic"
DJ Misjah & DJ Tim "Access"
Olmec Heads "Alpha Five" (Jon "00" Flemming Rmx)
Legend B "Lost In Love"

Posts: 1,293

#131 • • Nacu Nacu on the outside, tasty on the inside

UzU, 2.3.2007 09:29:
Nacu, 2.3.2007 00:16:
Hain liput ja myyjä tuntui olevan hieman pihalla koko asiasta. Monta kertaa tarkistin, että kyseessä todellakin on liput Housenation 2007-tapahtumaan Kaapelitehtaalle La 3.3.2007... jotain outoa lipuissa kuitenkin oli...

... esiintyjinä Blank & Jones, Kevin Enevergy, K Complex *tirsk*

No ei kai väärä nimi miestä pahenna? *vink*


Haiks Epesistä?
Luultavasti arpoivat vain HN2007 ja Paradise tapahtuman välillä, kun senkin lipuissa muisteekseni lukee että "housenation presents" ..

Epesin tyttö ei tiennyt kyllä mistään mitään. Paradisen lippuja se ensin tarjosi, mutta kieltäydyin, sillä enhän nyt toisia tarvinnut. Takahuoneen miekkonen sitten osasi osoittaa lipukoiden oikean paikan kun tyttö jo epäili, että onko ne myyty loppuun.

Onneksi ei ollu ja pääsen kuuntelemaan Kevin Enevergyä *tirsk*

yes i am alone
but then again i always was
as far back as i can tell i think maybe its because
because you were never really real to begin with
i just made you up to hurt myself


Posts: 506

#132 • • Josssu
Lippu hommattu *hymy*
Meinaa iskeä flunssa, mutta päätin juuri että se paranee vielä tänään.
Huomista odotellen *slurps*

Posts: 15

#133 • • RedAnt
Lippu hallussa *jiihaa* ja ei muuta kun huomenna polkkaamaan

siis mitä...? *whaat*

Kaaottisen mukava

Posts: 94

#134 • • Kaaottisen mukava aka kamu
euh... tietty blank&jones ja kevin energy on samaan aikaan soittamassa. Empä halunnut sitten kuulla niitten molempien settejä. *justjoo* Jos jotain positiivista täytyy hakee niin ainakaan ei voi tehdä perinteisiä ja unohtua johonkin "väärään" saliin siksi aikaa kun se hyyppä soittaa, jota erityisesti oli tullu kattoo.

Yön saalistajalla on aina hauskempaa!


Posts: 2,553

#135 • • tumpsi rekisteröitymätön

Nacu, 2.3.2007 14:37:

Epesin tyttö ei tiennyt kyllä mistään mitään.

se on jo melkein sympaattinen kaikessa blondiudessaan.
aina iha vitun mettäs joka asias :)

Posts: 3,206

#139 • • Claquesous viidettä kolonnaa

Aune-mummo, 3.3.2007 00:48:
joten päätimme alottaakkin etkot jo nyt et willcommen bein us *jiihaa**jiihaa*

Pimeintä vantaata! Ei voi tulla sillä pääkallonmetsästäjät vievät päämme ja kutistavat ne.

32. of December


Posts: 543

#140 • • Aune-mummo Hitsaa homo kinttaaseen

Claquesous, 3.3.2007 00:51:
Aune-mummo, 3.3.2007 00:48:
joten päätimme alottaakkin etkot jo nyt et willcommen bein us *jiihaa**jiihaa*


Pimeintä vantaata! Ei voi tulla sillä pääkallonmetsästäjät vievät päämme ja kutistavat ne.

*lol* tässä jurrissa saa vähän jo kutistellakkin, MUTTA EIPÄHÄN TUNNU MISSÄÄN *jiihaa**jiihaa*ANTAKAA MEILLE LISSÄÄ*plur**plur**plur**plur*