From until   Tickets 20€   Age limit: 18  
gloria, Helsinki

Organ Donors, Nomic, Proteus, Neon, Friik, Triton, Dj RX, Drumhead, Swoosh, Sergei Shkuroff



ORGAN DONORS Dex & Efx (Mainline Music, UK)

The Organ Donors, brothers, Matt & Scott Harris, have over the past 10
years unquestionably established themselves as one of the leading forces
in hard dance music. Their pioneering Dex&Fx stage shows have led them to
become one of the most sort after big room acts in the business, gaining
residencies at the worlds biggest stages, from Dance Valley, Frantic,
Slinky, GodsKitchen, Goodgreef, Transaction, Dance Academy, Polysexual,
Heat to name a few. Internationally they play Australia, South Africa,
America, Canada, europe, China, Japan, Malaysia and the boys continue to
fly their flag of excellence to sell out tours.

Their ground breaking productions on Nukleuz and Tidy Trax over the years
have earned them unparalleled respect and notoriety within the industry,
winning record of the year at the 2005 Hard Dance Awards with their smash
hit "Turntablism", a truly groundbreaking production that turned the style
of hard dance upside down and shook it into the 21st century. Their
incredible Michael Jackson meets techno track "4 Tribes" made history in
2004 when it became the first ever vinyl only release to make the national
top 40, and as one of the biggest selling and played records of the year
the boys were on their way to Hard Dance Stardom.

Other history in the making was headlining the first ever rave event to be
held in China, held at the Guang Zhou Olympic Stadium on NYE 2005 history
was made as communist china opened its doors for the first time, and
introduced 30,000 new Chinese ravers to the sounds of Western Hard Dance.

The Organ Donors artist Album "Plastic Surgeons" cemented the boys
reputation as leading producers of their time, and contained some of the
most groundbreaking hard dance records this side of the millennium,
including the monsters 99.9, In Power, What's Up, looking for drugs,
locked tight and Rhythms Divine, The album out sold every other on Nukleuz
and has become a true piece of Hard Dance Music History.

The Organ Donors both in the studio and on the world stage, continue to
pioneer both the sound of Hard Dance and the way in which its performed.

NOMIC Live P.A. (Terrorcraft, FINRG)

SÄDE & FINRG Ultimate backtoback tagteam - 4,5 hours, 8 DJs



21.00-01.15 Ultimate back to back
01.15-2.45 Organ Donors
02.45-END Nomic -Live

12.01.2008 klo 21-04
Gloria. Pieni Roobertinkatu 12
From door: 20
Advance: 15 +bf. Street Beat, Tiketti
Lights By Haba & Gloria
Sound By Haba & Gloria
Screeen by VJ Move
Official event photography by Sessions2

Favorites 220

-dh-, -Haltija-, Camomilli, Lincra, lustrous, NextAce, pallooo, scold, yuhasan, zweig and 210 others ▾
*minttu*, *PartyStar*, *sarah*, -Arsku, -miquel-, -RaVeBoY, -Satu-, -tony-, -V-, =LoveMachine=, a, AcidR, ambivalence, Amdi, anis, anqqa, Ant`ti, Anunu, Artsa, AuBer, audioihme, Aune-mummo, Avangion, BB_turone, biachari, Bilehippi, Blue_Wabbit, bubbelgum, CAH, cat-x, Chare, checki, Chrisdyan, Christina_Death, Cobrian, Combo, coolcat82, C_lex, Danni, DarkWaari, Disease, Diverse System, Dj Design, Djane J7, djavol, donut, Dot, eewol, Fafy, Farmaca, fosforic, girlie, Gjenganger, Gloria <3 Speedcore, Goala, Goldery, Green Fairy, grelbar, harhainen, Hattis, heechee, Heli, Hilu, HISTEC, illusion, ilmarosvo, inch, IonMan, Iro, j3ss3, Jaanuska, JambaB, JaUHomAto, JayVee, jerome1, Jinkso, Jka, johnnytys, Jone, Juh4, Jusna666, k-0ne, Kaiski, Kalinka, keri, kesä_elli, Kiem, Kiera, KiimanenKurre, killabunny, killer_cat, kinderi, Kizunen, kuunlapsi, Kybertatti, L4T3, larpap, Lenna, Leo Laker, Lestinheittäjä, Liina, Liqued, llauraa`, lovenjointlocks, Luninthara, Lyra, Macio, maikkiainen, manaatti, Manaburn, Max Bass, merqus, Michael Strongstream, Mikcore, mimbiz, minspa, Mori, mrhotcakes, murrinalle, mza, München, NaSu*, Nasutin, Nemez, NeoDragon, Neryana, niijna, nnexus, noemi, nomic, nu, odecca, Oimo, ooDee_, Pegar, peikkolapsi, Peltsi, Penppe, pete.p, Petteri, Piiuzki, pikku my, Pinkie, plateau, pocahontazz, Potaatti, Priest, Psykobitchfromhell, Päällikkö, QatWoman, RantaPalleroinen, RedAnt, reTrieVer, Robyn, salski, Sand3, Sankari, sarih, SASHA F, SmILE, soturi, Spanks, stilos, Stonewoman, Styge_, subu, sunbeam, susq, Swaeng, Swoosh, Syntse, T-mu, t1p1, TemeZ, THIMBE, tiiplis, Tini-, Tintsi, tomts, TrendiPelle, Trinaz, Tritium, Tukaanl, Turbulenc, Tya, Tyranoid, UKrep, vapauden halveksija, Velttov, Vexe, Viiru-, vinsku, voxel, WeeTa, whisperi, wiwi, Worin, xl8r, yaya, Yediah, Yoji, Zeni-, Zeppis, zeuzz, zorri, [N4NN4], ^EeLu^, ^fOOga^, ^trinity^, _RixU_