


June 2008

Love is... by Paulo Coelho

By sapeli, Wednesday 4.6.2008

Paulo Coelhon kirjassa The Witch of Portobello sanottiin aivan lopuksi yksi havahduttavimmista kommenteista rakkaudesta mitä olen tähän mennessä elämässäni lukenut. Tämä tosin osittain spoilaa kirjan lopun, joten suosittelen koko kirjan lukemista niille joita Paulo Coelhon tuotanto muutenkin kiinnostaa - muille tässä spoileri.

I remember when I kissed her for the first time, in a bar near Victoria Station. She was working for a bank at the time, and I was a detective at Scotland Yard. After we'd been out together a few times, she invited me to go and dance at her landlord's apartment, but I never did - it's not really my style.

And instead of getting annoyed, she said that she respected my decision. When I re-read the statements made by her friends, I feel really proud, because Athena doesn't seem to have respected anyone else's decisions.

Months later, before she set off to Dubai, I told her that I loved her. She said that she felt the same way, but added that we must be prepared to spend long periods apart. Each of us would work in a different country, but true love could withstand such separation.

That was the only time I dared to ask her: "Why do you love me?"

She replied: "I don't know and I don't care."

Jotenkin tuo havahdutti minut tajuamaan että rakkaus ei tarvitse syitä tai perusteluja, mutta ihmisen on vaikea luottaa johonkin jota ei pysty järkeilemään. Ehkä rakkaus juuri siksi onkin niin hauras - ja juuri siksi niin arvokas; ihmisellä on tapana unohtaa arvostaa asioita joita pitää itsestäänselvyyksinä.