


December 2008

I forgive myself

By sapeli, Wednesday 31.12.2008

(Ei ole omaa tekstiä, mutta tämä oli laitettava muistiin jonnekin. Hiukan muokattu, osa jutuista oli moneen kertaan.)

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be obsessed, possessed, hypnotized and mesmerized by the one-dimensional picture presentation of myself I see as the reflection of my mind’s projected ego I see in the mirror every day – which I have accepted and allowed to define myself as ‘who I am’

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to always want, need and desire validation, conformation and agreement from others – I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that only the mind’s ego wants, needs and desires validation, confirmation and agreement from others because of it’s own inferiority, uncertainty and ‘less than’ status – that others' ‘boost’ when they nurture my ego in agreeing with me and standing ‘by’ me

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to always want, need and desire to be right.

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to believe that I need the ego of the mind to be strong

I forgive myself that I have allowed myself to actually think and believe that by coming the ego of the mind, presenting the deception to others of me being superior will actually protect me in defense

I forgive myself that I haven’t allowed myself to realise that the ego of the mind enjoys conflict, fighting and arguments and thus will always attempt/try to get involved within such situations – to step forth and say: Here I am, this is the ego – come try and fuck with me and I’ll show you who I am.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that my ego is who I am and no-one and nothing will change me as the ego of the mind – I will bring out my army of justifications, excuses and reasons for not wanting to or daring to give up the ego of the mind I have accepted and allowed myself to become – because I fear that if I were to give up my precious ego – I will die, no longer being who I am now

I forgive myself that I have allowed and accepted myself to be so mesmerized and hypnotized by my own mind’s ego as what I have accepted and allowed myself to become – that I do not see or hear the world as humanity crying in agony, pain and sorrow of the destruction of the world and existence as me – because I believe and perceive this world and humanity is apparently evolving - I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to see, realise and understand that this world is evolving into the true nature of man stepping forth – the nature of man as the destruction of self

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to harbour this self hatred, self anger, self regret, self abuse, self destructive nature within me for accepting and allowing myself to be and become what I have as the mind – in this anger, hatred, regret, sorrow, sadness, remorse – I blame life – and thus – I destroy life because life made me what I am and thus I will teach and show the generations to come to be just like me – just like mom and dad – so we can destroy life together

I forgive myself that I haven’t accepted and allowed myself to realise – that life as who I am is innocent – and thus – I am individually responsible for me as for all that I have accepted and allowed to exist within me and have become as the mind – and thus that I must stand up for me as life as all as one as equal as who I am as one and equal as all – to STOP and discontinue what I as each have accepted and allowed to manifest within this world as the experience of humanity within and as the unified consciousness field – to discontinue the suffering of innocent children, the animal kingdom and nature: Till here no further

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I don’t have the courage and will within me as me to stand up and say: Till here no further – and instead I accepted and allowed myself to conform, shape and condition myself according to the necessity to survive in this world, to be accepted in this world as the unified consciousness field – and thus allowed and accepted myself to ‘fall’ – fall in the love of the design as the unified consciousness field – the design of marriage and the design of family and the design of relationship – in order to be ‘noticed’ and ‘accepted’ within the system

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am not ‘powerful’ enough, that I am not ‘strong’ enough to stand up and say: Till here no further to stop what I have accepted and allowed – and thus remained hidden, secluded and locked within myself in becoming the ego of the mind to just live out this life, get it over and done with and survive while I’m here – living the statement: Ah, well, I’m here so – I’ll make do with what I have until I die.


Hyvä muistaa

By sapeli, Friday 19.12.2008

Watch your thoughts; they become words.

Watch your words; they become actions.

Watch your actions; they become habits.

Watch your habits; they become character.

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.

-- Frank Outlaw

Vanha oivallus, uusi oivallus

By sapeli, Wednesday 3.12.2008

Etsiskelin ihan eri juttua ja törmäsin vanhaan postaukseeni:;hae=rahaton;pid=541304#541304

Tajusin - ehkä viimeaikaisten buddhalaisuuteen liittyvien pohdintojen ansiosta - että tuo linssi on ego.

Jännää. *hymy*